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december acolyte ?


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The acolyte is deep strike operative, you deploy him early in the game and if he doesn't move or anything he can't be targeted (makes your opponent have to walk up and strike him, while allowing him to be placed anywhere on the table at least 12" from an objective. He is super helpful when you are using the Sabotage Scheme, as he allows you to capture the objective in two turns usually.

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just a quick question on the acolytes deep strike rule,

it now says he must be placed up to 12 inches from "AN" objective.

does that mean just friendly or enemy as well?

Yes, it means enemy objectives as well.

Of course, it doesn't include the objectives of any unannounced schemes of your opponent (Stake a Claim, Sabotage, etc) since their status of objective is not known to you at the time of deployment.

Fopr an example, the rule prevents you from placing the Acolyte on your opponent's Treasure counter and running away with it on the first turn.


EDIT: Fixed the wording there. Seems I really should proofread these posts a little better.

Edited by Ropetus
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Yes, it means enemy objectives as well.

Of course, it doesn't include the objectives of any unannounced schemes (Stake a Claim, Sabotage, etc) since their status of objective is not public at the time of deployment.

Fopr an example, the rule prevents you from placing the Acolyte on your opponent's Treasure counter and running away with it on the first turn.


that would be incorrect, it doesn't specify anything about whether they are announced or unannounced, it is all known schemes (and just because you didn't announce it doesn't mean you can do the instant I win, you still have to place him 12" away from ALL of your objectives.

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Oops! Seems I forgot to type in the words "of your opponent". Of course it includes all your own objectives, even if they haven't been announced.

Kinda makes you wonder how you measure that without revealing the scheme to your opponent though.


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okay cool, thanks for the explanation.

in the case of measuring to your unanounced objectives, i would just err on the side of not needing to measure, or measure to something known, like your stratagey, and use that to guage how close your are to your scheme that you don't want to reveal.

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The first time few times I ran an Acolyte I only ran one. I liked the theme, but was otherwise underwhelmed. So I bought another. In pairs, they're significantly better/more fun. I know there's some leeriness towards the (2) shot, but giving Slow and loss of 1 Control card is fairly mean.

Also, don't forget he can short shot if need be. Where the Acolyte has been particularly good for me is killing Witchling Stalkers, which are otherwise a pain in the rear for Tina. If thery're in melee, their burst when dead is ineffective (Bearskin Armor) and they heal the Acolyte when they die.

Drag should not be discounted, either. It requires a :rams which kinda sucks, but it seriously messes with spellcasters and shooters. Bottom line, take them in pairs.

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