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Possible Malifaux Tournament at Adepticon 2011?


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Reading through a thread on Malifaux tournaments located here:


It made me realize that there could be a demand for some type of Malifaux event at Adepticon next year. Might this truly be the case?

I've only recently gotten into the game, but I'm completely hooked so far. I'm already planning on building game boards for both Malifaux and Privateer Press games. Not only that, but I've had the bug to run an event at Adepticon the past two years, and I'm thinking this might be the time.

I guess my question is, would there be enough interest to fill such an event? Possibly some style of tournament, or a linked scenario style event with an over laying storyline for the whole event. I believe I read in another thread that there is a decent sized Chicago-area Malifaux presence. Might this group make the trip for such an event?

I've been a volunteer at Adepticon for the past 4 years, and understand whats involved with an event, and who to talk to about getting one set up. Obviously, I would be more than happy to take any advice/help offered by other members of the community, but also understand that the vast majority of the work would rest on my shoulders. Right now, this is more putting out feelers to the community and seeing if there is enough interest to do a 15-20 person event of some type.

Feel free to throw out any thoughts and suggestions. Or just toss a few dead hookers my way, as we all know that's the solution to any problem.

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What about something that was going on all weekend in which you show up with a Crew, play a few games, leave, come back play a few games, all to build up to a big prize for your faction at the end of the con?

Like a Bring and Battle?

That sounds fun and I would totally play in that.....Of course I have a feeling I am going to be stuck helping to run it :)

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That sounds fun and I would totally play in that.....Of course I have a feeling I am going to be stuck helping to run it :)

I'm willing to step up and take the bullet for you on that one :)

I've been helping run the Gladiator in previous years on Friday, but I'm looking to do something new next year. I can easily see myself being persuaded to help out with some sort of Malifaux event on Friday.

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