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I dunno, dude... Teddy plus a couple Sorrows and Candy utterly destroyed a Mature Neph and ran down 3 Tots after Baby Kade pulled "Where's Teddy" on the Neph, and used Martyr to stand up to two rounds of combat with the Mature (thank goodness for Kid's Got a Knife!). I only ended up losing a single Sorrow to Martyr, and that was IT!!!

EDIT: Come to think of it, one of the run-down Tots did manage to pull off Grow, but a Sorrow promptly made it Wp check to death... :)


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  • 2 months later...
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  • 3 weeks later...

I have had a similar problem after buying the Viktorias pack. I bought the box set, but the gun wielding Viktoria was missing. I contacted Wyrd on the 19th and got a response the next day asking for a picture of the box and it's contents. I sent that back on the 21st of July and despite sending a follow up email on the 11th of August, I haven't heard anything back from the Wyrd guys.

I know that they are busy with the new releases and they had Gen-con in the middle of this period, but I really want to get into this game.

I have played one game where I proxied both Vikkys and I loved it. Malifaux is an amazing game system and I really want to recommend it to my friends.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Similarly, this has not occurred to myself, but should this occur, whom is the first point of contact in Australia?

If purchased from an online Indy/LFGS?

This is due to the stockists/henchmen being located in major cities and myself and my gaming crew being locates many thousands of kilometers north.

Please reply in PM.

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  • 3 months later...

This just happened to me too and in fairness I had a really quick response, I'm in the u.k. and just used the contact us section to start it up so I'd guess it's the same for everyone no matter where they are in the world.

The photo thing by the way is pure genius, my previous experiences with other companies *cough* Games Workshop *cough* have left me wanting to bang my head against the wall really hard as the "troll" on the other end of the phone couldn't tell their left from their right (LONG story) i'm glad to see customer service here is operated by humans with a brain bigger than a cadbury's creme egg!

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