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My first Malifaux Models =)


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Hey all, I just got into Malifaux, haven't played a game yet but I'm really looking forward to it. I painted up my starter boxes of Ortega's and Gremlins really well (for me at least). While I have been painting mini's for around 15 years I've only been painting few character models like these for skirmish games for the last year, and it is so much better and more fun than massed armies of similar models.

Anyways, I just thought I'd share these images with you all and I hope you like them.



As you can see I was heavily inspired by the studio bases for the Gremlins. It was the first time I've ever done anything special for bases beyond pre-built resin bases (like the Back2Base IX the Ortega's are on). I had so much fun working on them, My favoutires are the Jetty and the Pig's base.

The Cactus behind Perdita is made out of Greenstuff rolled around a wire armature and was my first ever attempt at sculpting, overall I'm quite happy with how it turned out.

I hope you enjoy them, I can't wait till I get some more to work on!

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Thank you all for the support, makes me really want to get started on some more.

I am really surprised how much love there is for the signs, they were actually just a random tought that came into my head while waintin for paint to dry. I had some match sticks and balsa wood left on my desk from making the jetty and just thought 'Wonder how this would look?' For Francisco's it was just goin to be a crossroads sign to two locations in the world, but I just noticed how one was pointing up and the other down and Death and Glory just clicked.

For the cattails I just followed pceretii's advice here in this thread. Any time I have paint drying I just pop onto some forums (this one, Brushthralls WargamerAU, CMON) to see what other people have done and work my own ideas from that. I have ordered some brass etched reeds from hasslefree mini's and when they arrive I'll see how they go, I may replace some of these ones. I am awaiting more Malifaux and will try it on some of those bases (piglets, mozzy's, and more gremlins).

Mind if I 'borrow' some of your gremlinbaseideas?
Go for it Nick, I borrowed them all off others anyway :)

Thanks again for the praise and support, it has been a real motivator to get some more painting and modelling done.

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