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What music do you listen to while playing Malifaux?


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Emelie Autumn seems to be pretty decent at putting me into the Malifaux mindset. She's a bit of an acquired taste, and most of her music has a classical feel to it, but she's got a lot of Victorian flare to her.



"I know where you sleep" tends to get me into a Malifaux mindset:


Thanks for that, I'd never heard of her and I really liked that song. Makes me think of a more industrial Rasputina almost.

As for what I listen to while playing, I haven't listened to anything while playing yet. I have been listening to a lot of Electric President/Radical Face lately. I go through phases of listening to different genres a lot. Right now it's what is apparently dubbed "indietronica."

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Desolation Row by Bob Dylan is always a Leveticus favorite. Abney Park are an interesting steampunk bank, and the Coffinshakers have a certain Malifaux vibe.





Just my two cents.

Edit: +1 on that Emilie character, she's got quite the sound.

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  • 1 month later...

Well I like Einstürzende Neubauten's armenia for painting up Resurectionist Crews. Makes me think of McMorning working new material before it's not quite dead. But be warned it is definitely not work safe. People will think you're torturing someone in your office. But it is rather nice creepy industrial music. At worst it goes back in the playlist for Halloween to scare the trick or treaters.


I like some of their other stuff as well but you really have to be picky with them. Thanks for the other suggestions. Now I just have to find the budget to add them to my playlist.

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I have been putting together a few different soundtracks of sorts for various settings/match ups. I like works that can sit in the background and not be too domineering, I also gravitate towards music that fits with the setting and theme, I find too much contemporary electronic sounds/guitar and vocals ruins some of the immersion.

Recent listening includes :

Sunn 0)) - various albums ( drone/doom, long droning tracks , intense love frequency bass tones that conjour some really great imagery of the hypnotic effects of the world of malifaux.

Moon OST (atmospheric, sometimes a little against the immersion but lots of tension)

Earth - Hibernaculum/The bees made honey in the Lions skull ( doom/drone rock, lots of swampy repetitive guitar work, very atmospheric and mood evoking while still sticking with the theme well)

The Drones - various albums ( not actually a drone band, local Australian act that echoes a lot of birthday party/neil young. Jangly murder ballards that fit well with the wild west imagery.

Once upon a time in the West - ( most morricone releases are suitable but this definitely has been getting lots of play recently on my player. The harmonica theme is very haunting and gives a tremendous shoot out set up.

Wolf Eyes - various albums ( a little more intrusive, experimental noise artists that make an awful lot of noise , lots of horrific sounds, decay and mechanical mess)

Dead Man - OST by Neil Young ( brilliant guitar work, lots of interesting textures and rhythms, if you have seen the film it also pulls you into the theme and story which has lots of cross overs with Malifaux.

A sliver Mt Zion Orchestra - various albums ( more structured and considered works, "post rock", lots of building strings and guitars , can be a little too intrusive and suffers from very quiet quiet bits and very loud loud segments. Most works by this band and also sister bands such as Godspeed you Black Emperor make for some great listening regardless.

Twin Peaks OST - Angelo Badelementi ( a bit of an odd one, I quite like the creepiness that come with many of the tracks, some are a little unsuitable but songs like "the bookhouse boys" are great and have a nice "guild" type feel.

Carnivale OST - Excellent series that shared a lot of its concepts with the world of Malifaux, some great tracks that are very suitable.

Edited by dyh
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  • 3 months later...
Emelie Autumn seems to be pretty decent at putting me into the Malifaux mindset. She's a bit of an acquired taste, and most of her music has a classical feel to it, but she's got a lot of Victorian flare to her.



"I know where you sleep" tends to get me into a Malifaux mindset:


The song reminds me of Lilith and her brood.

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Nothing more steampunk than Beats Antique. Think techno music, but all the sounds are old instruments, lots of cool beats and clanks, and no lyrics to confuse talking. There's even some songs we use as "theme music" for when a particular master is doing well.

"Dope Crunk" is played when some'er teeth or Zoraida is winning.

"Roustabout" For pandora. Seriously, the percussion for this song is an old jack in the box being wound up. it's perfect.

"Milieu" for Leveticus.

"Mission" for Ramos. [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEhVRy4HF8E[/ame].

"Nostrovo" for Rasputina.

We have a few different more western twangy guitar songs for Perdita and Justice's crews, but the overwhelming majority of our chosen background music is beats antique.

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I don't like music playing while I play games unless it's instrumental and is very quiet in the background. When we play boardgames like last night on earth or arkham asylum or any other horror game we use the last night on earth CD. During serenity/Deadlands when I GM I will play western music in the background with certain playlists for that are appropriate. During the BDH triumphs I will play the theme from the magnificent seven or something like that. When I paint I listen to te usual stuff which is everything from dirty blues and hawaian music to skinny puppy and Bolt Thrower.

With wargames though I find music highly distracting as my goal is to have fun with the game not listen to music. It's just nit for me. Especially with the glom of themes that is Malifaux. If my opponet wants music I have no problem with it as long ad there is no K rap or techno junk.

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My current fave band for listening in game is Mono.

Won't post a youtube clip as most of them are filmed at their shows and they are also not as quick and visceral - when I want that it can always be Mad Capsule Markets. ;-)

If you have 5 minutes head over to youtube, you won't be disappointed - i hope.

NB, the Japanese post rock band, there are a couple of other bands with the same name but an altogether different type of music.

Edited by Chucklemonkey
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