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I am a little surprised that no one has started a thread about this movie yet. I usually do not go out to movies that often, but there was no way I was going to miss this one on the big screen. While it was not the best movie I have seen it was very enjoyable, and there was only a few scenes where I thought they could have done without. Sadly I missed the part after the credits and from what I was told it sounded like it was a funny outtake. Overall as a zombie movie fan I have to give this one a 4 out of 5. I really wish there was more of the penguin zombie.

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I caught this the other day and loved it. I think they did a great job with it. I was cracking up a lot. Woody played his character perfectly and I was super excited about the suprise cameo. I knew within 5 minutes of the movie that it would be awesome! When I saw the zombie puking excess amounts of blood for no real reason, I was sold.

Highly reccomend this one.

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Saw Zombieland this Friday evening & thought it was a brilliant flick! Lots of requisite gore/violence/cursing, but also a lot of subtlety and tenderness that might get looked over/missed. I can't compare it to Shaun of the Dead - I didn't see much of a similarity other than the zombie part (also loved SOTD btw - I'm not hating!).

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Saw it last week with a bud. To me, it was a perfectly executed movie. Just enough action, just enough drama, just enough gore, just enough spooks, and just enough character developement that you get a feel for who and why these folks are, but that you're not so bogged down in the details.

It's definitely up there on my list of 'must see' movies. We're talking about going back to see it again.

Favorite part: How the Rules kept popping up in reference to things happening in the movie.

"Somebody's hair is in danger of getting brushed behind her ear..."

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