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Thoughts on a Malifaux Roleplaying game


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I am sure a lot of us have thought how awesome this game would be for Roleplaying sessions. I was just wondering if Wyrd was even thinking about an RPG book to partner the skirmish game. Or if anyone else is thinking along the same lines as me.

I am going to try and set some basics around the already BRILLIANT game mechanics as it would be Soooo easy to just add some more skills etc for character creation and I thinks its almost there.

The fact is its already got a FANTASTIC back story, some of the best minis out there and current rules and card based check system IMO would just lend itself so sweetly to an RPG.

Anyways just thought I would ask if anyone felt that same, I am going to give it a go with my local group and see how it pans out.

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Would love to do an roleplaying game as that is where my roots in the hobby started and I know there are quite a number of folks around here in the same boat, even a couple that have been big in the development of the rules for Malifaux.

Nothing official one way or another yet, but it has certainly been bandied about and may be something that time and resources are pointed towards in the future.

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My biggest advice would be to try and keep the rules for combat almost exactly like the current game, just find ways to add in the other types of roleplaying within the basic framework.

It seems like when people want to make an rpg from an existing combat game they want to step it away from the system the game uses altogether and put it into something similar to other existing rpgs. One of the things Wyrd did great was make a system that felt new and different for skirmish games. Why not use that same basic system, only make minor adjustments to it to modify for rpgs? Gameplay is one of the best features of Malifaux, don't take it out of its element.

I'm also very interested in a Malifaux RPG, but I'm thinking more of an adventure/action rpg....something that revolves around lots of fighting like the current game, only with more of a scripted set of events for a great story. It wouldn't be ALL fighting, but that would certainly be a big portion of it. I definitely would want a great story to unfold while all this went on.

I'm thinking more storyline and events than a typical gaming campaign, but lots less "talking roleplay" than traditional rpgs.

Edited by thetang22
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My biggest advice would be to try and keep the rules for combat almost exactly like the current game, just find ways to add in the other types of roleplaying within the basic framework.

It seems like when people want to make an rpg from an existing combat game they want to step it away from the system the game uses altogether and put it into something similar to other existing rpgs. One of the things Wyrd did great was make a system that felt new and different for skirmish games. Why not use that same basic system, only make minor adjustments to it to modify for rpgs? Gameplay is one of the best features of Malifaux, don't take it out of its element.

I'm also very interested in a Malifaux RPG, but I'm thinking more of an adventure/action rpg....something that revolves around lots of fighting like the current game, only with more of a scripted set of events for a great story. It wouldn't be ALL fighting, but that would certainly be a big portion of it. I definitely would want a great story to unfold while all this went on.

I'm thinking more storyline and events than a typical gaming campaign, but lots less "talking roleplay" than traditional rpgs.

I couldn't agree more, the current game mechanics are BRILLIANT and as you say all it needs is to make addittions for skills based flips etc. Maybe a list of available magic and other staff for Character building and it would be almost there:-)

It is sure gonna be fun and I will be trying to add some linked nattitive to me skirmish games right away

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My problem with deadlands is the system. The setting is great, but the system leaves something to be desired.

The miniatures/art work is what first brought me to this site, but the system of this game is what is making me want to invest SIGNIFICANT time in money in this game, and getting off the ground at my FLGS.

I would be very disappointed if there was a Malifaux setting book for the deadlands system. however if there were a card system very similar to the Malifaux system for the RPG, it would be very difficult to get me to play anything else.

There is another interesting system for western role-playing called Aces and Eights, that was around for what seemed like a few seconds last year. The brilliant thing about Aces and eights was their gun combat resolution system. you place a clear plastic sheet with a circular grid on it over a silhouette that represents your target, then the success of your roll combined with the draw of a playing card determines where on the grid the bullet actually goes and what location is therefore hit.

there are some shortcomings of this system as well, but the gun combat resolution is very unique and deserves a look.

One of the things I love about Wyrd's card system is that it neatly sidesteps the "gambler's fallacy" which is the (mistaken) belif that random events will even out over a relatively short amount of time. However when you are flipping and drawing cards from the same deck, you will eventually draw every card in that deck, and so therefore the numbers MUST even out over the course of the deck (this is of course discounting negative flips, but if you have a significant amount of negative flips over the entire deck, you are most likely doing something wrong and probably deserve to fail at that point).

As someone who has played RPG's and Miniature combat games for over 15 years, I well know the frustration of having "cold" dice for the extent of a game and am very appreciative for a system like Malifaux. This is not to say that is it impossible for a turn of flips and control cards to be bad, but if you think about it... if you play conservatively for that round, the NEXT round will necessarily be much better, due to a lack of low cards in the remainder of your deck. Likewise, if you end up with an AWESOME control hand and flips for a round, you MUST play more aggressively that round, as it becomes much more likely to have low cards later in the game.

This has become a must longer post that I originally intended, so in a nutshell, a Malifaux RPG would be great!

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It was playing Deadlands that made me perk my head up when I heard about Malifaux. I haven't played the recent "Savage Worlds" engine for Deadlands, but everything I hear about it makes me think it would be a good foundation to build off of.

For playing now, it would be easy enough to exchange "fate chips" for "soul stones" and run a campaign based off of the original engine for Deadlands.

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I think Savage Worlds is a great fit for a lot of games, Malifaux included. I love classic Deadlands but even for Deadlands now I prefer Savage Worlds. Its just a nicer, quicker system. But it still maintains a lot of the flavor of the setting.

But honestly I think Wyrd would be best coming up with there own system when they get around to doing an RPG. Till then if I wanted to run something I would probably us SW.

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I think Savage Worlds is a great fit for a lot of games, Malifaux included. I love classic Deadlands but even for Deadlands now I prefer Savage Worlds. Its just a nicer, quicker system. But it still maintains a lot of the flavor of the setting.

See, I'm not a "one size fits all" kind of player. Personally I believe that the system contributes ENORMOUSLY to the flavor of the game. Even a good system may not be good for both a heroic game and a gritty game. or a steamwesternhorrorpunk game.

GURPS has done this, as well as HERO system, and many of my friends are fans of both. but I prefer having a specific system for each specific game, rather than lumping them all into one generic system.

just my personal opinion.

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I think Wyrd should make their own RPG. Keep the unique flavour they have with Malifaux.

Now would the characters be Master or Minion level? Could you be a young Ortega just joining the Family business or as a Guild Guard fresh from Earthside? I think it would be easier to be a minion and keep the Masters as major characters.

Hmmm... think i'll be a Hoarcat Pride! :D

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As far as using an established engine versus doing your own, while the thought of a totally unique system is nice, if there's an engine that plays well, can handle the fluff and mechanics that make Malifaux it's own game, and doesn't eat into the company's development time as much, why not use it. Just think of every other Savage World's campaign system as a beta test for this one.

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Look at what Rackham did with their Confrontation miniatures game by creating the RPG Cadwallon. The RPG is what got me interested in the miniatures game, and I think you will find the combat system for both is very similar, but Cadwallon gives you more opportunity to explore the histories and stories behind the different races and factions.


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I personally would like the power scale of a "young Ortega", etc. the most along with an easy system, as long as it does fit the setting well. There are many examples of games, that got a D20 conversion, just because it was hip and that were far better with their own system (Fading Suns comes to mind ...) . I personally would also like the flip engine be used as the basis for the system, but I could very well live with Savage worlds or something like the Storyteller System.

Besides: The Unisystem by Eden Studios introduced a hand of playing cards that you could use instead of rolling and When Darkness Comes (a boardgame) gives you a degree of success based on the combination of you rolled dice (highest roll, pair, flush, etc. Like poker but without suits, obviously)

Just my two cents

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Its great to see all the interest and th great ideas that have been posted on this thread. I am going to try and tackle a homebrew character creation format as a start for me trying this at my local club. My thoughts so far are:-

1- Players would play a minion

2- they would 1st choose a faction.

3- then choose a kind of "class" but I havn't worked this out in my head yet :-)

4- I am thinking of some form of "points cost" based system for stats allocation

5- Spells etc available would be linked to the faction chosen

I think that enough to be going on with, Please let me know If I am overstepping the mark here I would hate to be stepping on anyones toes ay wyrd :-)

Oh and just a thought, if and when wyrd do get around to writing an rpg how about a beta test aka Pathfinder from Paizo, I think that worked great...

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why would you want to play a minion?

No class, instead choose a preferred suit.

stats allocation should absolutely be points based, with other points going towards skills, Spells, abilities, and adding a suit to a skill or stat.

No need to choose a faction, though buying an allegiance to a faction with points would have a definite mechanical benefit.

Edited by Sushicaddy
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This is just me talking, but how would folks feel about an investigation type game where the players explore Malifaux or the Outlands and discover terrifying eldritch creatures, maddened megalomaniacs, or bizarre conspiracies?

Features would be:

1) A simple, quick combat system to get you back into the story.

2) Encourage storytellers to explore the strange mysteries of Malifaux and the complicated skein of back-alley deals that rule it.

C) Encourage players to work together.

4) Rules for fear, insanity, investigation, invention, and political maneuvering.

5) Awesome background fiction about the strange mysteries of Malifaux and the complicated skein of back-alley deals that rule it.

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