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Lillith's Munsters all pretty in PINK


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Well as a Hello to everyone i figured i would start out my debut on the forums with a little show and tell. First the tell, starting with a little about myself. Ive been a miniature painter for about 16 years now and i love it more than i love seeing jessica alba naked.... wait.... ok thats iffy, but back to the point. While helping out some very good freinds of mine at Dark Age games during Gen Con this year a freind and I came across Malifaux in our Journeys around the Dungeon of Doom that is the exhibit hall. We had heard great things about the game and are both big fans of the Wyrd miniatures line altogether. Beautiful sculpts now encompassed in a game? Too good to be true.. well my freind says to me "Tell you what man, ill buy us both a box set if you paint up both the boxes." Of course i couldnt pass up the oportunity to have full reign over painting his models for him. Ive done commisions for him in the past but never got to chose the color scheme for him, nor have the joy of getting to pick out his box set for him was just icing on the cake. So in my haste chose the Lady Justice box for him and Lillith for myself. At the same time i keep hearing this little voice in my head "He is really gonna kick your ass when you paint his box set of zombie cowboys in HOT PINK!" but i had my sights set on it....until i got home and walked through my front door. Hanging on the wall of my living room is a 1st printing of Dark Tower comic #1 signed by Jae Lee from Comic Con 08 when i met him. As soon as i saw that it was all over for the pink cowboys. I set about painting his box to look like the gunslingers from the story right away. (pictures of his box set will be showing soon as i dont have the minis in front of me to snap photos right now) But after having my sights set on pink i decided that the brood could use a little pink and fluffy.. somehow i dont think Lillith realy sleeps in pink undies with hearts on them but hell...you never really know do you?

So with no more further blabbering i give you my Pretty in Pink Brood

Lillith with her pretty pink painties...



The Tater Tots......







and Nodd



and the Vunderfull Fabio and his babies mama Princess






feel free for criticisms and comment i like all the help i can get lol....

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Hey Pensfan how you been!! Yeah been working on minis and got caught up in WOW for too damned long. Back at it full swing now though. Keep an eye out for more minis to be posted soon as i put out quite a few now days. Been popping allot of commisions since GenCon. Glad to see ya man, and thanks for all the comments guys. I should have pics done of the Lady justice box i did for my freind by the end of the weekend.

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