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I cant tell you how many times I've seen the quote "Silurid are awesome!" and I admit, I just dont get it.

Their damage (I usually take the minimum damage to be the baseline, since that seems to get dealt the most) and Cb are sub-par. Unstable Evolution concerns me. Leap isnt reliable to get off from the flip (7+) in my opinion.

Why do you like the Silurid over, say, Terror Tots or Young Nephilim? Their cost is a good slot (5) but I see so many better options.

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Oh... I dunno...

(0)Leap + (2)Charge (19 - 20" threat range) + (0) Survival Instinct is pretty dang awesome.

And if they're "packed" all the better.

They're very much Neverborn 'Hit & Run' models. As opposed to other models that get tied up in combat.

I look at them as thier own 'ranged attack' in a way.


Edited by WEiRD sKeTCH
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I'm with Weird. the huge threat range they have is amazing. That and pack is a ridiculously powerful ability.

And honestly all around their stats are average to good. cb's a little low but it's payment for the massive mobility and swarming ability they have as well as good defense v shooting (Cameleon is great) and ability to escape combat (Do remember that when they escape combat they can move in any direction. This allows setup for some nasty charges.)

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Having played against them the time you took them, Kealios, I have to say the leap thing is really quite nice. Their damage isn't amazing, but what impresses me is attack/leap/self-preservation but not in the order most people think. I say the nasty combo is to Charge in, then use Self-Preservation to push away, then use Leap to make sure your out of charge range. Essentially you get to make hit & run attacks and I get no attacks back.

Even the Leap-Charge-Self Preservation trick is nice because in the best case scenario I have to burn some APs to get into base with you.

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I finally got around to using Zoraida for the first time this evening against Sonnia and her Crew. The Silurids definately seem weak at first glance/use, but I think their potential is great.

Sonnia cast a Fire wall up and managed to take out 2 of the Silurids with it, but the 3rd leapt over it, charged Sonnia and did a whopping 1 Damage to her.:(

Next round it managed to a couple more points before dying. It was fun though.

I'm looking forward to trying them out again.

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Like Knightdrake said, they are game winners in the right scenario (Treasure Hunt being the biggie)

Since forces are decided after mission objectives are determined, nothing beats a pair of slurids for a snatch and grab mission. Just remember you need at least 2, lest one basically withers away.

Hold them on a flank for any of the board control missions and with a 19" threat they can easily get into quarters as long as you hold a few 7's in your hand.

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I haven't gotten to play yet, but I think I agree that three would be better. With two, I believe that they will be a high priority target for ranged attacks since you only have to kill one and the other will die on its own. A pack of three offers better redundancy.

Now, if there is a suitable water feature on the table then you can disregard all that and run as few as you like :)

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Just a small correction, I had early noted a threat range of 19", this is incorrect. The max possible threat range of a single slurid is 40"

The setup: Zoraida directly behind a Slurid.

Zor casts Repulsive - which pushes all models away 6" if they fail a WP duel, which your own models can do willingly.

Zor then casts Obey on the Slurid (again another WP duel which it can willingly fail) to make it charge 9" more, preferably into an enemy. Which it then attacks.

Then the Slurid Activates and does the following in any sequence.

If the Slurid is next to an enemy thanks to the charge action above. It does Self Preservation for 6" then does the following 3 actions in any sequence that makes sense.

Casts Leap for 9" more

Walk for 5"

Walk for 5" more

Total move 6+9+6+9+5+5= 40"

So depending on board size you can enter the enemies deployment zone in a single turn with an attack, if properly setup.

Ahh the joys of Slurids.

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  • 5 months later...

I had a game against Pandora with a couple of Silurid. They are very good with their extra movement they can gain. I do have a query around the 'pack' ability and taking a treasure counter.

Two silurid were within 6" of each other at the start of the turn. The first siluird activated and took off ending up probably 20" away from the other silurid. The second silurid then used the pack ability to activate as well. It leaped to contact the treasure token and unfortunately as one of my figures was in melee range of it was able to push 6" away using the 'self preservation' action then walked twice to take the treasure out of my grasp.

Was the second silurid able to use 'pack' even though the first silurid was now more than 6" away and was it's taking of the treasure counter all by the rules?

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