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Gaming in Wisconsin


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For any of those intersted, there should be a pretty solid group of pistol packers on the west side of the city of milwaukee.

The Drinking Saloon : Adventures in Gaming. Located on 92nd and Oklahoma. Its in the horse parking area of the local walgreens. Where you go fill your perscriptions from the local sawbones!

The dates: Theres sure to be some Outlaws, Lawdogs, and even worse on Tuesday evenings past 5pm, and Saturdays HIGH NOON!!!!

The scoundrels: Should be atleast a good group of 5-6 each of those listed days. Come on in, im there both days. Id be happy to introduce you to these mangy "players" . Teeth optional, pants a must tho!!!!

See ya there, if ya got the guts!

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There is going to be a large interest in Malifaux at AiG. Fool, Mr. Ruffles, and I brought our crews last night and we played a game or two. Fool pretty much showed us how the game worked and there was few people watching as we played. I had a great time and thought the card mechanic was awesome. I'll be there playing Malifaux every Saturday when I can.

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There is going to be a large interest in Malifaux at AiG. Fool, Mr. Ruffles, and I brought our crews last night and we played a game or two. Fool pretty much showed us how the game worked and there was few people watching as we played. I had a great time and thought the card mechanic was awesome. I'll be there playing Malifaux every Saturday when I can.

fool came down for just a random game night? wow. did hell freeze over?

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Cavalry Games and Hobbies in Whitefish Bay is also carrying the game. They are also working on getting a game nght together. He brought in a bunch of product after Gen Con and has pretty much sold out of everything. So there is some interest in the game. Im ususally there on Tuesday nights.

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That's what I was thinking--if it ain't a tourney, I've never seen that git fool throw down...

Hey, I can get up to AIG on Tuesday, but not until later (like after eight-thirty). Those of us with an unhealthy appetite for the undead like to come out at night. Any of you bullet-throwers, beast lovers or ice queens want trip through an intro game with me? If so, bring yer deck and yer crew and lemme know.

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That's what I was thinking--if it ain't a tourney, I've never seen that git fool throw down...

Hey, I can get up to AIG on Tuesday, but not until later (like after eight-thirty). Those of us with an unhealthy appetite for the undead like to come out at night. Any of you bullet-throwers, beast lovers or ice queens want trip through an intro game with me? If so, bring yer deck and yer crew and lemme know.

I just ordered my rulebook and hope to get a crew soon, once I take a look-see thru the stuff & pick one.

After 8pm is always good for me, so maybe I'll try and shoot you a PM when I get everything needed to play!

I'll try and come by for the occassional Saturday, too, if I can get some free time on a weekend.

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Schuwa! How you doing man?

Good to see you in the game as well.


Hey buddy! How are things? I'll shoot you a PM, but saw this game at Gen Con in Indy, and just fell in love with the minis and loved the diceless system. Couldn't resist buying the rulebook. Wish I would've bought in at Gen Con and saved the pain of waiting until it arrives, but delayed gratifiaction only makes me stronger!

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I just ordered my rulebook and hope to get a crew soon, once I take a look-see thru the stuff & pick one.

After 8pm is always good for me, so maybe I'll try and shoot you a PM when I get everything needed to play!

I'll try and come by for the occassional Saturday, too, if I can get some free time on a weekend.

A couple of us have some extra crews if you don't feel like waiting...

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I may actually take you up on this. You said Tuesdays after 8pm or Saturdays, right? I'll probably PM before showing up, as my schedule is somewhat erratic.

Actually, the Tuesday evening game night starts right after work (around 5 or 6pm). I know at least one guy who will be there, with extra crews. I am not going until 8:30 tonight only because I have my last salsa lesson with the woman. That's right--Salsa--the forbidden dance!

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Actually, the Tuesday evening game night starts right after work (around 5 or 6pm). I know at least one guy who will be there, with extra crews. I am not going until 8:30 tonight only because I have my last salsa lesson with the woman. That's right--Salsa--the forbidden dance!

Sounsd like fun, actually.

This next Tuesday coming I already have plans for the evening (unless they cancel or finish early), but I may try & make a late appearance in one of the following weeks. It's hard for me to come straight from work, only because I gotta get the kid fed, and then "hand-off" to my wife, so it's usually closer to/after bed-time (7:30-8pm). But if people are willing to play late, I'll certainly try and make it.


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Laugh away! Four salsa lessons=unfettered Tueday night gaming for the foreseen future. Gotta pay the piper, man (and I must admit--it was alot of fun--two shots of tequila and my feet get all happy).

@ Schuwa (Josh)--I will be out of town for ten days, but when I get back, we will have to get some games in. I also have a gaming room with lots of terrain and extra crews, so my place (which is down the street from you) is always good, no matter what time or day. Planning on the fly may work better for you.

I'll PM you my info in a bit.

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Laugh away! Four salsa lessons=unfettered Tueday night gaming for the foreseen future. Gotta pay the piper, man (and I must admit--it was alot of fun--two shots of tequila and my feet get all happy).

@ Schuwa (Josh)--I will be out of town for ten days, but when I get back, we will have to get some games in. I also have a gaming room with lots of terrain and extra crews, so my place (which is down the street from you) is always good, no matter what time or day. Planning on the fly may work better for you.

I'll PM you my info in a bit.

PM sent. A little planning ahead is usually all I need. Hopefully, I'll make regular game nights here & there, but it is convienent that you are down the road.

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Played a couple of games Sat night. Only Mr. Ruffles and I brought our crews. I was in teach mode, showing Mr. Ruffles and Trazor how to play the game. Just played till last man standing, no strategies or schemes. First game ended in a tie, as Rasputina killed my last Death Marshal, but his Slow to Die got her in the end. Second game ended similar, but I had an additional DM skulking around so I won that scrap. Overall a fun night. Looking forward to playing more people in the upcoming months.

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Played a couple of games Sat night. Only Mr. Ruffles and I brought our crews. I was in teach mode, showing Mr. Ruffles and Trazor how to play the game. Just played till last man standing, no strategies or schemes. First game ended in a tie, as Rasputina killed my last Death Marshal, but his Slow to Die got her in the end. Second game ended similar, but I had an additional DM skulking around so I won that scrap. Overall a fun night. Looking forward to playing more people in the upcoming months.

LOL, I should of came. Trazor told me it looked like all WM last night.

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