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To Ban or Not to Ban?

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I come to you all, a simple, haggard soul. I bow before you all and ask, nay, beg for your sympathy and understanding.

My life has been one of difficulty and treachery at every turn. Even now, my once proclaimed and beloved brotha from anotha motha has stricken against me, reaching out for support of my banningness! And I, I cannot bear to live removed from this community that once took me in, sheltered me, forgave me of my tresspasses past. I cannot bear to be an Outca.... uh.... wait a sec.

Outcast, huh?

Can I be the Viktoria's henchmen? I hear they make out.

bow chica bow wow.

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How dare you bring such a question to the forum!!! I say No! (although I may have thought it time to time...) He is a good man, a hard working, testing man. Who else can pimp an entire gaming group to increase feedback data at such a high rate? He questions and challenges you Alpha Wyrdo's and sends you back to the drawing board and you condem him for it.

If it wasn't him now, it would be some loser at a tourny with a highlighted rulebook, exploiting the hell outta everyone's good time...

So this one's for you Nerdelemental, :vb_cheers you shamless testing, debating Malifaux monkey you. May you post with your chin held high my friend. ah... F it, Ban his ass...

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I was thinking that I could possibly change my mind. His plea started out as being heartfelt. i was going to suggest maybe just placing him on probation... Then I read his last line.


I couldn't help it... I had to vote "YES"!!!!! ;)

I come to you all, a simple, haggard soul. I bow before you all and ask, nay, beg for your sympathy and understanding.

My life has been one of difficulty and treachery at every turn. Even now, my once proclaimed and beloved brotha from anotha motha has stricken against me, reaching out for support of my banningness! And I, I cannot bear to live removed from this community that once took me in, sheltered me, forgave me of my tresspasses past. I cannot bear to be an Outca.... uh.... wait a sec.

Outcast, huh?

Can I be the Viktoria's henchmen? I hear they make out.

bow chica bow wow.

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Can I be the Viktoria's henchmen? I hear they make out.

bow chica bow wow.

I just want to clear this rumor up. In the upcoming rulebook, Miss Viktoria and her Doppelganger DO NOT make out.

If you want to read about Viktoria exploring her curiosity in clonecest, you'll need to read the Malifaux expansion "On a Wendigo Skin Rug" which will include advanced rules so that you can include such things as feather boas, scented candles, and massage oil in your games of Malifaux.

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I just want to clear this rumor up. In the upcoming rulebook, Miss Viktoria and her Doppelganger DO NOT make out.

If you want to read about Viktoria exploring her curiosity in clonecest, you'll need to read the Malifaux expansion "On a Wendigo Skin Rug" which will include advanced rules so that you can include such things as feather boas, scented candles, and massage oil in your games of Malifaux.


Okay. Just kidding. That sounds hot. "Viktoria exploring her curiosity in clonecest". Hot.

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you'll need to read the Malifaux expansion "On a Wendigo Skin Rug" which will include advanced rules so that you can include such things as feather boas, scented candles, and massage oil in your games of Malifaux.

We need an expansion for that? Matt and I have been using those for months now without any sort of rules... Just a safeword!

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I just want to clear this rumor up. In the upcoming rulebook, Miss Viktoria and her Doppelganger DO NOT make out.

If you want to read about Viktoria exploring her curiosity in clonecest, you'll need to read the Malifaux expansion "On a Wendigo Skin Rug" which will include advanced rules so that you can include such things as feather boas, scented candles, and massage oil in your games of Malifaux.

I DEMAND a copy of this book!!

...and it better have glossy high quality photos in it too!

...I already got the Exxxalted book in this theme so it will go just fine and have company on my bookself...:vb_cheers

great title too by the way ;)

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Can I vote for both? I'm always going to defend the Champion of the L.C.D., but if there's an official poll, well, that's just too good to pass up.

Nerd, you know the Viktorias roll solo. Well, as solo as you can when there are two of you.

I'm sure TBk will think of some way for Ramos to put you to use if you see the business end of the ban-hammer, though.

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Redeemed! In your face, BugKing! In your face.

My plans to slowly take over the world from within the Wyrd forums has begun! Soon the world shall be mine! And I'll make them give me....A million dollars! Bwahahahahahaha!

That attitude does not show us that you are humble, in our eyes, or that you show any remorse. If I could vote to ban you again, i would, over and over... ;)

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