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hirst arts snowy ruins


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Here is the first terrain project I've finished using Hirst Arts block molds. The base was carved from foam board, and the snow is just hobby snow. I'm happy with the results overall, but there are a few annoyances. The biggest one is where you can see the separation of the 2 pieces of foam board on the base....but it was too late in the game to fix it when it happened and I couldn't come up with a good enough solution. Anyway, I hope you enjoy them! (first pic is a little blurry)




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VERY COOL PIECE! Now that it's too late...I'd recommend Woodland Scenics Foam Putty for most fill or mask jobs. It has the same properties as the foam, so it blends right in. To be honest I didn't notice the seam until you mentioned it, AND even then I had to search for it. One of the things with terrain, is that the little flaws will go unnoticed by everyone except you, the Guy who made it. VERY WELL DONE! :fing02:

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Thanks for all the suggestions and compliments. Unfortunately, I didn't have any of the mentioned resources available to me while I was working on it. It had been sitting in my house unpainted for quite some time, and just yesterday I figured I'd actually paint it before I left for the weekend, so once I got started there was no going back.

I'll keep these filler suggestions for the next projects I do. My next one will be their big cathedral plans. It will be some time before that happens though. It takes a lot of time just casting all the molds to build it, then quite a bit of time for the building as well.

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Hey Tang,

Definitely use filler. Any will do. Even several applications of wood glue can get the job done. Some of the thralls use paper mache to do their filler. Be sure to make it in a blender though (Not the strip method) and you can make the material out of stuff you almost always have at home. It's just flower, white glue and water. (Plus finely chopped paper of course)

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