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Dominatrix Libby


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Painted this one up for a comp over at WaMP where the theme was "comic book heroes/villains". Since I had just gotten Dominatrix Libby, I decided to paint her up as a "new catwoman".

First time I tried painting marble (on the base). For some reason, a few parts look really chalky and I needed to push the highlights a bit more.


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As far as critique goes...

I think the flesh tones are pretty darn good. Maybe a smidge more contrast at the top of the curviest bits.

The boots and the costume would really benefit from that treatment. You can actually even use your photo as a guide. The 'lightest' bits...the top of the breasts, the protrudance of the belly, the crown of the head....if you'd bring those up in tone, one or even two more shades, it would really 'pop' that look.

But, all in all, I like it.

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Yeah, maybe a bit of highlights like Vike said at the "high" points (and maybe lighter lacings in the boots to make em pop a little more), but otherwise this is a very clean nice treatment to her. Great job on this hottie. Oh- good looking marble too - you could even go a little bit darker on some of the veins.

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I'll agree with what the others said about the highlighting. Also a little fine black-lining around the top of the boots and edges of her outfit I think would look good too. The marble base looks good, another pic taken from overhead would be nice to be able to see it better. Her pose really asks for a diorama though, like a nice kneeling submissive male figure. Yep. :D

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You know what I look at this and think ....hmmm ....I really like it....

There are a few things that would make it turn from.. good to wow.....

The contrast you have on the cleavage is great and I'm guessing your a breast man ,..:P: but the buttocks deserve the same treatment .. just a dark area under the bottom will make a big difference.

Another thing I have always thought with your painting .. (and I may be wrong) but it seems likeyou use a lot of white or nearly white as a highlight colour.. Or lighten things up with white.. this can often seem chalky on pic but not IRL.. maybe something like really thin ink glazes will help recapture a little richness that white pushes away...

All in all I have seen your painting for quite and have always enjoyed seeing everything you do.

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This is well done. I think that everyone has already made the comments that I would have made, for the most part.

How was this photographed? Was the light diffuse or direct? I'm trying to determine how much highlighting is painted and how much is from the light. I think that you might get the most improvement from increasing the highlights as a first step.

I like it. :)

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Thanks for the comments and critiques, everyone. Definitely some helpful stuff here.

Her pose really asks for a diorama though, like a nice kneeling submissive male figure. Yep. :D

I definitely thought about it - even considered locating a certain superhero - but this had a deadline so I had to pass on the idea.

The contrast you have on the cleavage is great and I'm guessing your a breast man ,..:P: but the buttocks deserve the same treatment .. just a dark area under the bottom will make a big difference.

Yes I am. And backsides. And legs; definitely like legs. Nice, smooth legs that just go on and on....

I'll be in my bunk.


Another thing I have always thought with your painting .. (and I may be wrong) but it seems like you use a lot of white or nearly white as a highlight colour.. Or lighten things up with white.. this can often seem chalky on pic but not IRL.. maybe something like really thin ink glazes will help recapture a little richness that white pushes away...

You're right; I still use white to lighten the highlight colors. Still haven't quite figured out how to really push highlights way up without using it. Thinking about it, this may be why I don't push highlights as far as I should: it will turn out even chalkier. Next time, I'll try using ink glazes and see what happens.

How was this photographed? Was the light diffuse or direct? I'm trying to determine how much highlighting is painted and how much is from the light.

I use a light tent with two daylight lamps positioned to the sides, so the light is diffused. I would say that some highlights are from the lights; some are painted.

Again, thank you all!

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As a suggestion, you might want to try something like RMS Linen White to lighten colors, and save pure white for only extreme highlights. Chalkiness is a problem for me too. Seems to happen with some paints, more than others, and when the change in color jumps too quickly.

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She's purple!!! You should have done that a few weeks earlier... I like her a lot.

About the white as highlighting color, I use it often as well and like DH said you can glaze it down a bit afterwards. You can use the base color for glazing, but sometimes a new color can make things more interesting. Like some dark blue or red in case of purple. It create just a little more depth and it really isn't difficult. All you need is patience, since you have to use very thin layers so you don't ruin the blends.

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Very nice stuff, Hinton! I'm a bit late to the party, but I think everyone has mentioned any critiques I had with Libby. The marbling effect looks good, but I think a 3rd color (perhaps a gray-blue or ochre tone) might add to the illusion. As far as the cat hairs go, what else would Catwoman have on her base?

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