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New Reaper Greens

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I'll actually say that I was impressed enough with the forest guy in person to offer to buy him at GenCon from Weibe but Reaper already had a claim to it.

That being said, if I was willing to put it into the Wyrd line, and not sound like a conceited ass (I am, but I try not to sound like it naturally!), I think it would have gone over well with this crowd. Only thing is, Reaper, being a multi-dollar company might want to invest in learning how to take a decent picture. Picture kills it, and doesn't show any details at all.

Nothing to say about the rest of them.

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Yeah I remember seeing the treeman while judging at GenCon and thinking he was damned cool. However that picture just makes him look like a blob. I actually rather like number four. a kinda cool feel on the armor there. Nothing particularly inspiring about the rest of them, but they'll make good characters for rpgs given that they are well sculpted archetypical pieces.

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Ah, I didn't put together the tree figure with the one at Gen Con, but now I see it. Partly bad memory, and partly the photo not doing it justice. A pretty solid figure IIRC, so I guess he'll have a bit of a price tag. I had fun with the last treeman I painted though, so I'll probably give in to temptation.

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