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GenCon - More Pics: Contest Entries


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Here's the pictures I took of some of the painting contest entries. Please excuse the really horrible quailty, especially of some that got really blurry. The lighting was horrible and I was trying to take the pictures through a glass case as well. I didn't get as many pictures as I would like to have, there were plenty of more excellent entries, but here's a sampling:

GenCon Painting Contest Slideshow


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Cool; thanks for sharing those. I had hoped to get more pictures of entries as well, but I guess I spent more time just looking at them. I'm work right now, but when I get home I'll take a look at which photos I haven't uploaded yet and see if I have any that you didn't post.

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It was me FF!!! Yep, I did those!

(I can't back that up really,especially as I wasn't even in the country let alone the convention, but you can't blame a bloke for trying!)

Thanks for those Michelle, Some great photo's there and nice to see some 'fairytale' fantasy there as opposed to wargame fantasy too (hope you know what I mean by that!)

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I suspect Jeremie Bonament Teboul brought and entered the Alkemy figures. He brought a whole bunch of them to give out one to each attendee in the classes he gave. (I took every Jeremie class I could, so I got four, yay!) He also brought some... I think it was Enigma figs to sell to people at cost minus shipping and taxes that usually adds like $8 buying them stateside.

I took some pictures, haven't managed to get them up anywhere. Which is true of the past five years of GenCon. I'll see if I can buck the trend this year though.

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I didn't have time to do more than one major entry, but I really wanted to do something with a dragon theme in honour of the 40th anniversary, so when I got this idea I pushed to get it done. I even painted in the hotel room (having learned from my IP3 hotel painting experience, I packed my good though ridiculously heavy lamp) to get it done, which is partly why the base is a little bleah. That and the thing where I suck at bases and really need to work on that...

The spacemen measured about 10mm without bases. No clue what they are or who made them, though. Looked like it said 1992 on the base but that's all I could tell. I inherited them from a local guy doing a massive purge of his excess stuff. I've never painted something that scale before, and while it was challenging in some respects it was also pretty fun! I'm glad you liked it, I didn't expect it to win a prize, but I was hoping it would give someone a chuckle.

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Breaking the habit of a lifetime, I have actually posted my photos online this year. Like everyone else's, they're through the glass and have some other challenges, but I did take the time to do some colour and levels correction to show the minis to best advantage. My apologies to people whose minis I missed, some I had photos of but were just too blurry to post, others I missed or had already been removed from the case. The woman who won 6-7 prizes had reclaimed her minis before I took pictures so there are all kinds of holes in the winner coverage. Also I somehow spaced on getting photos of the Single winners, and I think there are some Hatchling entries mixed in with the Single entries I have.


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Breaking the habit of a lifetime, I have actually posted my photos online this year. Like everyone else's, they're through the glass and have some other challenges, but I did take the time to do some colour and levels correction to show the minis to best advantage. My apologies to people whose minis I missed, some I had photos of but were just too blurry to post, others I missed or had already been removed from the case. The woman who won 6-7 prizes had reclaimed her minis before I took pictures so there are all kinds of holes in the winner coverage. Also I somehow spaced on getting photos of the Single winners, and I think there are some Hatchling entries mixed in with the Single entries I have.


I found all 3 of my entries in your pictures (HF Mary and Ashlee, DS Lowland Hunting Dragon). Thanks for posting (I still haven't shot any yet). I brought my camera and didn't shoot a single picture at GenCon.

Great job on your DarkSword entry.

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Thanks for the kind words! I didn't realize the Ashlee was yours, she looks good too!

I'm happy I managed to get what I did - I had bad luck getting a combo of space in front of the case and having the camera to hand. Gen Con's about the only con I ever do remember to take pictures at. I think this year tops my weird things seen at a con - a woman (not in costume even) leading a miniature horse through the halls. I think security was having a word with her about it.

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