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New Reaper Master Series Release

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I had high hopes for this one, being in the Army and all. Paintjob aside (which is all wrong if you're looking for realism, not sure who did this one) this has several discrepancies. I'm not normally one to pick a model apart for accuracy, but this one strikes close to home. Parts of the model suggest the newer ACU uniform while others suggest the BDU or DCU uniforms, which we don't wear anymore. The top of the body armor suggests the IBA protective vest while the bottom suggests the older flak jacket, which while still in the inventory isn't used in combat zones anymore in preference to the IBA. The face from this angle just doesn't look right, maybe it's just a bad angle. The top part of the boots are too large unless this guy has massive calves, but the legs just seem disproportionate in general. The bootlaces...ugh...no soldier, I say again, no soldier ever wears their bootlaces hanging out like that. It's in the regulation that bootlaces be tucked into the boot. It's a safety thing so they don't get caught on things. The M4 seems to be sculpted well enough. I like pretty much most of Reaper's sculpts but this one leaves me disappointed.

Regarding the scale and this line, the Master Series line are intended as display pieces not as gaming pieces. This makes this sculpt that much more disappointing. I think that most of the sculptors they have traditionally used aren't quite used to 54mm.

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I can accept it when someone says the "The face from this angle just doesn't look right, maybe it's just a bad angle" UNLESS the angle in question is straight on forward, like in that photo, in which case there is no excuse. The face is a botched job pure and simple, can't clearly tell if it's due to sculpt or paint, or both (my suspicion).

I very much dislike this model, I think it would be poor at 28mm, but it's flat out amaturish for a 54mm. I expect much more from an established company with a good reputation like Reaper. Also when have they done modern historicals?! it seems a bit of a leap from their norm, and the genre fits them poorly.

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