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Rotten Harvest 2 prize package


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Well I wouldn't mind sharing the wealth is it wasn't for sendingcosts. There are some among them i'm not likley to paint, but there are figs I really am gonna keep myself too ;)

What I got:

* The plinths

* A now complete set of wyrd zombies (Nathan send me one before)... love the one with the scynth the most

* Wyrd's Misaki (I had one but I'm pretty sure i will paint up both in time... she's gorgeous),

* a wolfen from assasin (he's fun)

* 2 fenryll whymsical pumpkins (well can't go wrong with whimsical for me),

* 5 mutants and madmen from Black hat. Generally not really my kind of miniatures though the fat guy is great.

* a LE Mage knight (Ral Partha) Grave robber

* 2 warchest (Lance and laser) figs: undead spectre and an undead vampiress... classical looking figs

* a wizard with a gasmask kinda thing, sci-fied up, from warzone

* The ice troll from Impact miniatures (fantasy football, he looks pretty cool... nice touch is that they provide a tiny bit of greenstuff more then efficent to put together the miniature and fill gaps with the figure. The fit is pretty ok though... so the greenstuff should not be taken as... fill the huge holes... more a nice service. Fist time ever i came across it.)

* The knight and the pawn from revelation miniatures (I got the king last time... maybe if I win enough wyrd comps I might be able to collect the whole chess set ;) )

* The mad hatter from Black scorpion from the desolation row line (didn't have that one yet either... Pretty good on my way to getting the whole desolation row line compleet... 3 missing from the 11 so far now)

So yes... Eric, the box was heavy :D

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Yup, all packages are out and I expect should be accounted for this week. Sent out two today as I was waiting on addresses but since they are in the states I expect that'll make it in plenty of time.

Now, in the past, package HAVE gone missing - only four or five out of about five hundred or so that I've sent in the last year so not a bad track record, but, if it doesn't show after a bit of time, let me know. Had one fella finally let me know almost four months after the fact as he didn't want to be a bother. Be honest with me and I'll be happy to make good (not like the one bugger that tried to tell me he never got a package yet seemed to not see the 'delivery confirmation' bit on the side of the package .. pffft).

Anyhoo, hope everyone is happy with their stuff. Honestly, haven't a clue what any of you got as mostly my kids do the picking and choosing of stuff and package the boxes with me (these ten boxes get miniatures from 'that pile' and bases from 'that pile' and let them have at it)

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Thanks for the compliment Cindy - At Impact, we try to make sure that if the mini is multi-part, there's a bit of greenstuff and wire in the package too! I know Fantasy Football is not everybodys favourite genre but since we started making minis, we've been glad to help out with a prize pack or two for Nathan. Long may it continue!



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Anyhoo, hope everyone is happy with their stuff. Honestly, haven't a clue what any of you got as mostly my kids do the picking and choosing of stuff and package the boxes with me (these ten boxes get miniatures from 'that pile' and bases from 'that pile' and let them have at it)

Child labour!?!?! :hmmmm: :laugh:

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Hah! Couldn't afford to do this any other way ..

Besides, you would believe how interested they get going through all the miniatures and bases and going 'can I have this' and me saying 'no, those are to give away, they aren't mine' so they usually end up raiding my stash of goodness or I take them down to the hobby store and let them pick out something. I'll have to take a picture of some of their examples of painting - not very 'clean' but cute all the same. There is a bright orange Killjoy with green eyes roaming around somewhere in my sons room where he uses it to battle Power Rangers or some such I think.

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Just got my package of goodies. Wow! I didn't expect to get this much.

I know it's random and all, but I got a miniature that's a cheerleader. Heroes is one of my favorite shows and the cheerleader one of my favorite characters; coincidence? Can anyone guess what colors I'm going to paint her in? ;)

Thanks, Nathan!

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Received my package 1st thing I step into my office this morning. The package almost didn't get to me. One of my staff signed for it yesterday and left it outside my workplace. Then last night while my dad was leaving he saw this package addressed to me but thought it was empty and almost threw it away. He took a second look and noticed it wasn't opened yet so he brought it up and left in on my desk. Phew!

Thanks Nathan and the sponsors and my dad of course hehe.

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