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commenting on the Femme Fatale entries, I mean.

Nathan, this is a great turnout : 142 entries is a tremendous success !

Also, the quality of the entries is very high and it will be very difficult to vote.

At the same time, I can't help feeling a bit sad because some of them are not from amateurs but probably from "pros" (by that I mean people who do it for a living or work on commission or simply have a very high rating on Cmon) and gives us amateurs only a minimal chance to reach a place on the podium....

btw did you notice that the initials (FF) of this contest are the same as those of the organizer ?

Cheers !

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I've got about 60 of fantasy left to go before I'm finished and I haven't even tried to narrow down my votes yet.

@ Art

There is quite a bit of talent out there I'll grant that, but I think you'll be surprised at some of the people that have been submitting to the contest, not as many 'pros' out there than you would think, but more along the lines of people who have really jumped up their game in the paint department recently and are producing some lovely jobs.

That being said, there is some new blood in the contest that I'm not familiar with and I am eagerly looking forward to seeing more from these individuals on the forums and in the coming contests (which, believe it or not, I'm already planning out now .. oy!)

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A high cmon rating makes someone a pro? lol hmmm, I can agree that someone selling minis or charging for commissions does, but I enjoy my amateur status for now! :)

Nathan, I agree this contest is a great success, I imagine that the momentum will keep building on these both quality and quantity. Someday I'll get one done for one too! promise! someday...

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You'll have to see how many joined just for the competition, not that I do more then lurk here.:wave:

I joined just to vote on the contest, now I'm looking around. :) At the least, that makes the contest good advertising, yes?

I will note that when I noticed this thread I went back and glanced over the posted rules.. if you don't want professional painters competing, you should probably add a line to that effect in the rules. I don't paint (not well anyway), but I know a fair number of painters (I'm one of the Competition Administrators for the GenCon painting contest, and I'm married to an excellent painter who I can never get to paint my minis!). If the contest was advertised as being for non-professionals they would respect that, but I didn't get the impression from reading about the contest that such was intended, and it wasn't stated that I noticed.

I have to agree with the previous posters that there are some really great pieces in this contest, and some very creative pieces as well (I love presentation of the mermaid over the ocean piece for instance, it needs some tidying up but it's just a great concept piece).

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Aha, I thought I had you pegged Dragonbane. :D BTW, never did get a response to that e-mail you shot me.

In all seriousness, the contest is for fun and also a form of advertising, both for Wyrd and most obviously for the sponsors themselves, otherwise I don't think you would see much in the way of prizes or growth for the contest.

As it is, I've exceeded my bandwidth of 10 gig with the last contest so I upped it to 12 gigs just to eeak by. This contest I've exceeded it three times already and have gone from 12 gigs to 15 gigs, 15 gigs to 18 gigs and now I've just upped it again from 18 gigs to 25 gigs and we're starting to approach that. It's a bit of cost to me, but that's quite a bit of traffic too, even if a large majority of it is lurkers, which to be honest, is more than welcome.

Now, for entry into the contest, there is nothing stated, and there never will be, that 'pros' cannot enter the contest. I encourage everyone to join, including painters that paint for companies, for a living and anyone in between that does it for a hobby, as without growth or participation, the contest withers and dies.

I've also stated before privately to all the sponsors, and publically to those that have asked, that sponsors and their painters are more than welcome to join in on the fun (and some do), just if they happen to win anything, it won't be prizes that they have sent in support. I think this only fair as a lot of us that manufacture miniatures are also painters (good or bad, but still painters). Besides, the public votes, its not like I say 'okay, you win!'.

Lastly, for those worried about 'pros', yes they may very well swoop in and scoop up some prizes, but at the same time, you might be surprised. There is one 'pro' on here right now that I'm watching with a bit of interest who isn't doing all that great in the polls, though folks obviously are enjoying the miniature, so it comes down to taste. Top that off, we always have, and always will, give out quite a few random prizes to participants, both those that enter the contest as well as those that participate in the voting and commenting process. Nothing like being one of the 'Schmucks' of the contest.


Thanks for participating and debating this. Its my goal to have this continue to grow and as with each contest, we tweak the rules a bit or define things a touch in order to make this the most fun, and efficient that we can manage it.

Feel free to let us know how we're doing, good or bad.

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Aha, I thought I had you pegged Dragonbane. :D BTW, never did get a response to that e-mail you shot me.

Which one? I get so many...

Thanks for participating and debating this. Its my goal to have this continue to grow and as with each contest, we tweak the rules a bit or define things a touch in order to make this the most fun, and efficient that we can manage it.

Hey absolutely! Oh, one minor thing I noticed, it might be nice to visually delimit the rows or the individual minis a bit more, that black-on-grey doesn't really stand out well. I noticed myself occasionally thinking number 7 (below) was number 10 (above), though I got it figured out. :) Alternately, you might must move the entry number to the left of the pic instead of below it? *shrug* I'll leave that for the webguys to figure out, just wanted to mention it.

Feel free to let us know how we're doing, good or bad.

Things seem to be going well as far as I can tell, though I do wonder if a couple pieces may be getting ballot-stuffed (perhaps not intentionally), as they seem to be surging ahead of similar-quality competition which is unusual in a "vote for three" system. Seems like there were more folks voting for only one in a couple categories than in others... but I'm not going to worry about it. I'm in the Chicago area, we're used to such things. ;) Besides, I may just have a different eye for the pieces - I'm VERY picky about NMM for instance. I won't mention the pieces I'm looking at... maybe after the voting closes.

As I said elsewhere, I'd personally prefer to see weighted voting (choose first/second/third, perhaps by radio-buttons instead of check-boxes - which would also eliminate the folks who vote for more than 3 per category - then weight it out) but that's more personal preference. It's also more work that may not end up paying off commensurately with the effort involved.

Besides, no matter how precise you are, online contests of this style are going to end up being popularity contests anyway. Also, you never get as good a feel from a picture as you do from examining a piece in person, so trying too hard to be perfect is just a losing proposition in the long run.

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Lots of great entries in the contest...so many that I don't feel that I'd have time to adequately comment on all of them. So I probably won't even comment on any of them.

I would like to say thanks to all who have commented on all of the entries, and on mine as well. I'm not saying which, though. You'll just have to guess.

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As it is, I've exceeded my bandwidth of 10 gig with the last contest so I upped it to 12 gigs just to eeak by. This contest I've exceeded it three times already and have gone from 12 gigs to 15 gigs, 15 gigs to 18 gigs and now I've just upped it again from 18 gigs to 25 gigs and we're starting to approach that. It's a bit of cost to me, but that's quite a bit of traffic too, even if a large majority of it is lurkers, which to be honest, is more than welcome.

That's quite a lot! Maybe you could use a little ad to regain some funds? I know a little banner would not concern me much....

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As it is, I've exceeded my bandwidth of 10 gig with the last contest so I upped it to 12 gigs just to eeak by. This contest I've exceeded it three times already and have gone from 12 gigs to 15 gigs, 15 gigs to 18 gigs and now I've just upped it again from 18 gigs to 25 gigs and we're starting to approach that. It's a bit of cost to me, but that's quite a bit of traffic too, even if a large majority of it is lurkers, which to be honest, is more than welcome.

Maybe you could start a featured auction thing like CMON's, but better - because I am sick and tired of my auctions mysteriously ending in 1969, or being dropped from the feature list, and everything else. Everytime I feature an auction I feel like I'm throwing more money at a stupid lost cause. We mini painters need another, better, avenue for advertising - and I for one would be willing to pay for it.


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Bah, no ads here on the Wyrd site as generally I dispise them, though in truth, I almost don't even notice them much anymore as I've 'trained' myself just just not see them unless something really eyecatching pops out.

That of course excludes the small banner ads you see rotating on the site of the website here announcing, and advertising the generous sponsors of the contests. That's just polite and well deserved. :D

No worries on paying for anything, I've never asked for any funds and won't as far as I can see. For the most part, the Wyrd website, forums and contests are funded by the Wyrd Miniature line and the site is here to support the line and of course to have fun such as the Wyrd Painting Contests. Essentially miniature purchases through the store makes everything chug along, but believe me, I'm not trying to be crass and say 'buy my stuff', just explaining myself.

Auctions, that's an idea, though honestly not one that I've really given any thought to. Please, if you have something that you would like to advertise, feel free to do so in the trade section.

We're due for a major update to the site, store and some other goodies here in the near future. I'm sure if all of you asked rather sweetly we might be able to convince the Wyrd Web Guru, Lynx, that he really doesn't need to spend time with new fiance and that working for slave wages is really a good thing. It could happen ...


Visually I would like to update the site as well, as some things just don't look as well as I would like them, or run together a bit such as in the galleries as Dragonbane pointed out. Nothing 'major', but a bit of minor revision there would certainly work. We'll have to see.

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I am finished commenting on everything I'm going to comment upon. Found my comments getting shorter and more blunt as I went along... better I stop now before I really pi$$ someone off. Look forward to see who painted what...I think the winners are pretty apparent already....




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Finished posting comments on all entries ..

Tough job ! I even commented on the entries that were removed ( :AR15firin ) and also on those I didn't really like.

I even dared a neutral comment or two on some of my pieces but nothing to give away that I was the painter :umbrella:

At this stage I have no chance whatsoever of winning anything (except maybe the random schmuck ?) but it doesn't matter : it was fun painting all that stuff and I'm glad for some of the advice given to me by more experienced painters.

Somehow, I don't seem to improve on my technique while others are flying by :kabong:

3 more votes and I'm done for this contest !

Thanks again to Nathan, the moderators and of course all the sponsors, my mother who always believed in me, my father who paid for my hobby, my agent for... hey, wait, this was for the oscars :dancing2:

Cheers !

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