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NEWS: Ilyad Asmodee releases ..

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New release from Ilyad. This one made me go 'oh' the second I saw it. Really like it, love the concept and damnit, I want one. One of you French fella's want to send her to me when she comes out - you know I'm good for it!





This guy I'm not so hot on, but just because there is so much out there. Still, very nice all the same, just not for me.



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the first one is pretty good, my only problem with it is that the armor covering one breast reminds me of the dynamic of a pirate with an eyepatch, except for the breasts. Did one breast stop working and she needs a breastpatch now? While the other is still good for display? I'm confused :)

The 2nd one looks like something you may get from Reaper, about 3-4 years ago...

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Did one breast stop working and she needs a breastpatch now? While the other is still good for display? I'm confused

I can understand it if she was carrying a bow and arrows, those snap-backs from bowstrings can hurt! In that case I could see having one armored boobie.

The 2nd one looks like something you may get from Reaper, about 3-4 years ago...

Only if Reaper also had the same insane detailing as well, like on this fig's gloves, chestplate, and knees. Not to mention the expressive face. I just don't like the metal-looking cloak that blows in the wind.

All in all, I'd give both of these :thumb:

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Did one breast stop working and she needs a breastpatch now? While the other is still good for display? I'm confused :)

The armor she is wearing is called a plastron and it only covers the right side of the chest (note the scales hanging below) because when you duel you stand with your weapon side towards your opponent and the other side can't get hit.

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Greenstuff - just a guess, though there are sources on gladiator combat that are superbly researched - but in epee fencing where the whole body is valid target, you lean forward a bit and your gut is highly unlikely to get hit. In other words, you hit what is closest to you, which is the arm to shoulder area. If you hit the arm there's also the chance of the tip gliding up the length of the arm and hitting the body.

This also explains why said figures often have only one thigh covered in a metal plate. If you knock your opponent's sword down, in the same motion you can hit him on the forward leg.

On a personal note, I actually had someone's sword go up my sleeve once.

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