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Hi all

Just flitted into this domain and thought it all looked pretty lively so that's one more forum I am registered on :)

My name's Steve Buddle. I suspect most of you know me from my various online travels but, for those who don't, I'm a mini addict of some 19 years and run my own minis company, Spyglass Miniatures (I see Eric J has already introduced you guys to my Munchkin)

I also like to paint GW stuff for Golden Demon once a year and am currently recovering from last weekend which was a nice 40 hours without sleep (the first sixteen mostly spent painting minis).

Anyway, happy to be here. When I'm more awake I will dive in a bit more.

Steve B

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Thanks one and all.

Can't wait to see the Klute-style Munchie :)

Dot will be finished pretty soon. She's on my table right now and I'd be further ahead if I wasn't crashing out with a cold right now. Knuckle down tomorrow I hope...

And this is my Ogre by the way (for the very few who haven't seen it)...


He's on coolminiornot for voting if anyone feels generous here


At least he will be when cmon is back up (under maintainance right at the mo)

Steve B

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Hiya Steve, glad to see you over here, this is a pretty lively place for how relatively new and small the membership is, it's nice! Good set of people too, although they let me in...

Now get better so you can sculpt sculpt sculpt, I have plans for Dot :firedevil

as well as just about everything else for zO

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