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Pets and Painting


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Anyone else have pets that have adverse affects on their painting?

As some know I have this evil little kitty:


Well anyway, last night I'm painting away on my banner elfy and she wakes up from her 20 or so hour nap for the day and wanders over to see what I'm doing. First she starts scratching the back of my chair, which of course shakes me while I'm trying to do fiddly freehand on the stupid elf. Then gets her claw stuck and meows like crazy until I help her get unstuck...not so bad, a few mistakes to correct and a little delay in painting.

THEN she decides it'd be brilliant to jump up onto my desk right in front of me for attention...well she lands in the paint water, spilling it all over my Laptop, then jumps back, off the desk, just barely catching herself with one set of claws into my arm...and now she's stuck hanging off my arm :(

So I'm not sure if I should clean the water off the laptop or clean the blood off my arm which is already run down to my hand.

Needless to say, painting didn't go real well yesterday. :(

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Anyone else have pets that have adverse affects on their painting?

As some know I have this evil little kitty:


Well anyway, last night I'm painting away on my banner elfy and she wakes up from her 20 or so hour nap for the day and wanders over to see what I'm doing. First she starts scratching the back of my chair, which of course shakes me while I'm trying to do fiddly freehand on the stupid elf. Then gets her claw stuck and meows like crazy until I help her get unstuck...not so bad, a few mistakes to correct and a little delay in painting.

THEN she decides it'd be brilliant to jump up onto my desk right in front of me for attention...well she lands in the paint water, spilling it all over my Laptop, then jumps back, off the desk, just barely catching herself with one set of claws into my arm...and now she's stuck hanging off my arm :(

So I'm not sure if I should clean the water off the laptop or clean the blood off my arm which is already run down to my hand.

Needless to say, painting didn't go real well yesterday. :(

I feel your pain. Stuff like that (which seems to be universal to cats) is why I put all my painting stuff in my office and have banned pets unless they are sick and need constant watching or are in my lap at the computer when I am *not* painting. All other times my office is a cat free zone. I got tired of several of them being jealous of the miniatures (or anything that was keeping my hands from petting them) and one of them is utterly obsessed with collecting every metal figure in sight and likes to steal, then stash them where I can't find them. If that happens alot you might want to find alittle nook you can seal off from the evils of catness.

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That's funny, but sad Eric. :D

We have a dog that likes attention but she's pretty good about leaving me alone while painting. I have been wanting a cat for some time, but that hasn't really happened until the wife came home yesterday with a sob story over one of her co-workers and their pets and wants to bring home a female cat about a year old.

Not sure if I will or not. Likely cause havoc with the dog.

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That's funny, but sad Eric. :D

We have a dog that likes attention but she's pretty good about leaving me alone while painting. I have been wanting a cat for some time, but that hasn't really happened until the wife came home yesterday with a sob story over one of her co-workers and their pets and wants to bring home a female cat about a year old.

Not sure if I will or not. Likely cause havoc with the dog.

Nathan, take the cat. It will fit right in. Our dogs are afraid of our battlecats. Each time we brought one home from the shelter or found one on our doorstep, they asserted their personalities and put the dogs in their places. Now the shy doggies and the hyperactive one give way to the cats when they want to eat dog food first, or sleep in the dog's bed. Now kids are another thing. An older cat is more settled and will quickly find the one person in the household they will bond with the most. I guess that will mean another cat in your future to keep the other kiddies happy. :)

Eric, I don't have a problem with cats in the paint (although my husband does), but I do have tiny indentations in certain minis after priming which I tracked to a certain tuxedo cat. (Bad Artemis!). My problem with cats comes when I am on the computer. I must have cussed Nathan out a dozen times (or it looked that way) as cats run across the keyboard or lie down on it to keep me company. My lump of a Tabby is snoring away as I speak with one foot on the F5 key. (Wonder what that does?) You gotta love them :flypig:

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As some know I have this evil little kitty:

THEN she decides it'd be brilliant to jump up onto my desk right in front of me for attention...well she lands in the paint water, spilling it all over my Laptop, then jumps back, off the desk, just barely catching herself with one set of claws into my arm...and now she's stuck hanging off my arm :(

So I'm not sure if I should clean the water off the laptop or clean the blood off my arm which is already run down to my hand.

It's the dichromatic eyes, it shows she's possessed!:firedevil

I lucked out in my choice of kitty-cat. He only gets up on my table at night to drink my paintwater (I guess it tastes better than his regular water) and knock over a few paint bottles and minis. And since my computer is on a completely seperate table than my painting area, no worries over spilled water.

Maybe you should rename her Alexi.... they both seem to have similiar attitudes over stopping your painting and drawing blood. :damnit:

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I feel your pain. Stuff like that (which seems to be universal to cats) is why I put all my painting stuff in my office and have banned pets unless they are sick and need constant watching or are in my lap at the computer when I am *not* painting. All other times my office is a cat free zone. I got tired of several of them being jealous of the miniatures (or anything that was keeping my hands from petting them) and one of them is utterly obsessed with collecting every metal figure in sight and likes to steal, then stash them where I can't find them. If that happens alot you might want to find alittle nook you can seal off from the evils of catness.

My wife and I are both artists. We've done exactly this with our "studio" (a converted bedroom). It's off limits to the cat. She knows she's not supposed to be in there, but just in case I've put one of those ultrasonic "cat scrams" in the hallway by the door. That way I can leave the door open in the summer (when it gets hot and stuffy) without worrying about feline intrusions if I go take a break.

I learned this after one of my first painting contests, when my dragon took 1st but was real close with the 2nd place dragon. That one had little bits of paint missing on the wings. I heard the judge talking with the painter afterwards, saying it may have been first except for those. "Oh," she said "yeah, the cat got to it last night and I didn't have time to fix it..." I secured the room the next day. :twitch:

Take care,


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What do those cat scrams do? Emit a high frequency noise or what?

Yeah it's ultrasonic. Human can't hear it, unless you put your ear right up to it - then you can barely hear a tinny high-pitched squeal. It has a motion sensor that sets off the sound when anything passes in front of it. Works great with my cat. She won't go near it, even when the battery's dead. Pavlovian training at it's finest!

The only downside is swapping our batteries every few months, though you can plug in a 9V converter instead.


Note, I haven't ordered from this place, so YMMV, but I saw a lot of places selling it online. Forgot where I got ours as it's been like 10 years...

Take care,


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Oke ok... maybe she can be a little monster afterall at times Eric. Sure seemed to be kitty from hell now. Still I think she's cute to... well she was awfully cute to me.

Cleo (my guiniapig) is much less hazardous.. she only covers my paint and all in my room in woodchipdust (which I found out didn't exactly help with painting smoothly) and hairs are everywhere. But I have a hard time seeing her cause the amount of mayhem Gato did for you. Guiniapigs are notoriously lazy... Cleo being the prime example.

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I think I really lucked out in that not only does my cat leave my table alone, but so does the other little creature in my house that could cause a lot of damage to my minis- my 3-year-old daughter. I made it clear to her early on that she's not to touch anything on my hobby table, and she doesn't!

Anybody else with rugrats at home?


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Anybody else with rugrats at home?



She's 6 now, but always been good about it too. Apart from playing with my table vise (she likes to turn the handle until it comes apart), she's been really good. My wife can even leave her at my worktable with some toys and work behind her at the drafting table, knowing Kira won't touch my minis.

She did like that Space Marine though... I found him again recently when we cleared out our living room.

Take care,


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Despite the laziness, Guinea Pigs rock (and are my totem animal).

I'd keep one myself if I wasn't annoyingly allergic...

Steve B

(allergic to practically everything pet-based)

Oke ok... maybe she can be a little monster afterall at times Eric. Sure seemed to be kitty from hell now. Still I think she's cute to... well she was awfully cute to me.

Cleo (my guiniapig) is much less hazardous.. she only covers my paint and all in my room in woodchipdust (which I found out didn't exactly help with painting smoothly) and hairs are everywhere. But I have a hard time seeing her cause the amount of mayhem Gato did for you. Guiniapigs are notoriously lazy... Cleo being the prime example.

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