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tidoco2222's Pics


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Hi all I hope I'm not being prsumptious by posting pics so soon but I can't resist the temptation. Here are a couple of my latest pieces,


The best sculpt yet of my faveourite all time comic strip hero.


This one was a labour of love and about sent me blind painting all that metal.


And finally for now this was done for a painting article on the One Ring site and hopefully will soon appear on Cmon as well.

I hope you like my latest work, I have a couple of other things in progress and will post them here when done.

Thanks Tim.

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Nice stuff Tim. Are you planning on hitting the GD this year with that one in the middle there?

Like the Thrud a lot, and I'm starting to sound like a broken record in the forums, but the gems are top on that. I'm going to have to find something with a shiat load of gems just to get in some practice!

Bottom one is a nice one as well - nice subdued colors. Can't help think that you could spice up the hem of the cloak a bit with a bit of freehand which I've seen you do in the past (something small).

Great stuff!

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  • 3 weeks later...

The diorama looks great. Maybe I shoudl do a small diorama with my LoTR's figs someday. Top painting there... love the base (and the contrast you get with the white stone vs the figures) And a thing I like a lot too is the Ivy against the wall on the back... Great idea... must steal that someday ;) How did you do it? And how did you get the metal to photograph so well?

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  • 1 month later...

Just to show you all that I have not been totally idle in my absence from Wyrd, I have been painting a fair bit of LOTR stuff which has taken a fair bit of my time up and here they are,




I am also currently working on a new Ilyad Games mini and Klutes sculpt of Kurgan as well. Add to that I'm going to be painting a few minis for a WH40K supp being put together by a band of internet enthusiasts as well.

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Thanks for the feedback guys, I will try not to leave it too long before I post messages in the future, we had alot going on especially me with work painting and personal tragedies it all got a bit too much so I just buried myself in painting and sticking to one website LOTR related but that is enough of that.

On the diorama front the answer is yes, I have the Balin's Tomb display base that came with the BGiME magazines and intend to piant that for the models to stand upon. I have had to repair some of the lettering with greenstuff that got got damaged in the post but thatr is now done and the base is undercoated. As soon as I have finished the projects that I have on the go I will get back to it and finally complete the piece and take a final shot of it all together.

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  • 3 months later...

It has been a long time again :imsorry: but I have a couple of new ones to show you , two Sacred Blade minis, the first is the female cyborg and I knew after seeing Eric's version that I just had to paint it up (though not nearly as good I have to say). The second is a female cyber paladin and again this is another great sculpt and a real joy to paint. So without further ado I give you the two lovely ladies,







thanks for taking a look.

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