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‘Burning’ Masters


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New Pandora is still a fun disruptive control master. It feels like there's a wider range of models that play well with her now, and I'm trying to reach out to experiment with other condition models. She enables her crew more directly, and her actions are more meaningful (her self loathing attack is outshined by Candy who has better triggers).

I was supposed to play today but my club bailed due to inclement weather. List I was going to test today was Tyrant Torn Pandora, Poltergeist, Candy with Inhuman Reflexes, two Dolls, Swamp Hag Zoraida, Wisp, Adze, 5 stones.

Bringing dolls with her allows you to use Adversary to force your opponent's keyword models onto negatives against her. I think there's some synergy between Zoraida and Candy that's worth playing with given the ability to move her out of activation and give her concealment.

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I've only tried Nekima and Titania so far.

I think Nekima seems solid, but I might have a little trouble adapting my playstyle to her more supportive role. (Guess I just need more games with her) The ability to summon a terror tot (inc. lunchbox) within ~14" for just a 5:ram is incredible for the verastility of the crew. I thought the card cycle form bloody banner would be more relevant, but i only used it in turns 1 and 2 as she had more important stuff to do in later turns.

In my games with Titania I have felt that old Titania would just be a better choice. Yes, she makes Autumn knights extremely tanky and quite scary, but she doesn't really do very much in her own activation. Again, I think I'll need to play her more before jumping to conclusions, but old Titania just brings so much more of a personal threat that I'm finding it hard to find a place for the new title.

I really want to give Dreamer and Pandora a go next. I suspect both need quite a bit of practice to get running smoothly, but looks quite promising on paper.


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New Lucius is awesome. Only played one (Guild) game so far, but his crew has so many tools. Lucius can really wreck with his attack, so find him good for picking off support pieces since he can one-shot most of them.

New Marcus is... Interesting. He just has incredible scheming and disruption power, but everything I'm hearing suggests that Marcus 1 is the one you take for damage.

New Dreamer is super interesting. He seems like a card draw master, but also has some other neat tricks/huge burst damage potential, so that crew is super strong.

New Pandora is incredible with condition lockdown. Played against her once, and sorrows are incredibly annoying when they're expendable.

New Zoraida has such a high skill ceiling I'm not sure anyone has cracked her yet, but there's a lot of potential there.

EDIT: My favourite thing with Zoraida is carrion combo to kill most masters in the game, but not heard of anyone pulling it off yet xD

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1 hour ago, eddy said:

I like new Colette even if she is little bit clunky, and does not bring that much new to the table compared to og

Just started playing my performer crew as well. And hot damn! Compared to playing Neverborn, you just feel you're on easy mode – and I didn't even touch her pre-nerf :D

@Maniacal_cackle I fielded old Lucy in Guild once, and it was a disaster. Whereas running him in Neverborn with double matures has wreaked anyone's face. How did you approach Nucius in guild? And any thoughts on running him in Neverborn? 

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8 hours ago, Regelridderen said:

Just started playing my performer crew as well. And hot damn! Compared to playing Neverborn, you just feel you're on easy mode – and I didn't even touch her pre-nerf :D

@Maniacal_cackle I fielded old Lucy in Guild once, and it was a disaster. Whereas running him in Neverborn with double matures has wreaked anyone's face. How did you approach Nucius in guild? And any thoughts on running him in Neverborn? 

So basically with Guild you've got LLC, Alan Reid, and Guild Mage for Lucius 2 (Lucius 1 I just copy guns and gunline xD)

So you have a much tankier bubble and Lucius2 with LLC and staggered enemies becomes a super effective tarpit.

Neverborn's advantage is Ancient Pact, so I'd be looking to abuse that initiative advantage and do sneaky strikes with Lucius. He is a lot better with focus, so I assume one of the Vasilisa + BBS builds will be effective. Mysterious emissary is probably the tanky tar pit, and of course has amazing attacks.

Another important thing with Lucius is threatening the points. Turf war he can teleport and cap. Leylines he can teleport and shove models off the markers (or just kill them with two hits for 6-7).

Figuring out how to get all your card draw is key since there are a lot of incidental card draw or cycle combos. Other than Alan Reid's aura, the biggest reason to use keyword models is card draw I feel.

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