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Uk Nationals 3rd


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Hi guys, this week end was the UK National and a friend ( @le_wahou ) and I were coming from the little and quiet city of Annecy, close to Geneva. Well, the plane arrived and we just went to get the rent car. Driving on the left, under the rain, by night is quite challenging ! And I think it was important to test my nerves one last time :)

I've brought my whole Ten Thunder Faction, in the case there would be something organised if we play different leader every game. But since it was not possible, I've mostly played Misaki, as you will see :). The people here were just awesome, friendly and I had only excellent relation with everyone of my opponents. People that hesitate to come, just don't, just come, it's awesome !

I will post screenshots about my lists, my opponent's lists, the scheme chosen and the score. If you need more information, just ask, I'll be happy to answer :)Screenshot-20191111-184240.jpg







+ 1 Onryo #2 (I think)
+1 Seishin 



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Wow! Fantastic breakdown! So many questions.... But I'm at work so I'll start with an easy ones... 

How does Misaki's crew get explosives done consistently? 


Do you usually bring the swordsman and hire Obsidian Oni with Asami or were they predominantly because you were going into Pandora? Did they perform like you'd hoped?


You seem to hire sun Quiang OOK a bit! What do you find yourself doing with his AP most of the time? Healing? putting the opponent out of position/debuffing? Doleing out focused? Do you get much mileage out of his auras?


Thanks again?

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On 11/12/2019 at 8:19 AM, Jinn said:

How aggressively did you play Misaki? Did you play it safe and unbury late, or did you go in on an isolated model early, or what?

Well, it really depends what was the match up. Quite often, I could almost lock a key model (or kill it), remaining safe with the 2"range and the extended reach ability

Also, when I'm close enough, I use 1 ap to have ototo charge. He got good damages and can be used for denying ap, once he's put at 2".

I try not to activate her to late, unless her lack of Mvt isn't a problem to get into position. 

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