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Team Frenzy or Team Siren


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I’d think Siren would be brutal for stuff like Scavenge where the enemy forces have to get to an objective to claim it.  Putting Tide Pools in the way and then making them hazardous should be really good, and then you get the bonus of pulling units back out of position.

As scary as those tide pools can be at times, I’d be tempted to keep that “This counts as 15” stratagem handy to veto a siren call.  Making a player spent 4 command tokens and then sit on card as defense isn’t anything to sneeze at.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have played several more 1 commander games with the Frenzy and have to say I will probably rarely if ever take the stormsiren in a one player game. The board control may be nice, but the ripping everything your opponent has to shreds while regenerating your entire army is better.

Frenzy with Shark tooth necklaces and Relic of ancient malifaux is almost too much. It will take 7 damaging hits in one turn to take them out. They generate their own reinforcement tokens through attacking, generate more with the relic, and flip two cards on all actions. They are also a commander you can feed to your own units to get them to glory, reinforce, get the free melee action from "Prove your worth." Not to mention up to 6 melee actions in one activation, that can all potentially generate reinforcement tokens. Even with no upgrades they take 3 damaging hits to drop and can reinforce themselves.

In the last 4 games I have played with them they have eaten an enemy commander every game, devoured titans, consumed whole uninjured units in a single squad activation, and more.

Stormsiren is good, but for sheer butt kicking it's frenzy all the way. With the right items she can take a lot of damage, but at the cost of precious, precious tactics tokens. I do like using her to spread tide pools near objectives, teleport there with tidal scepter, then take the objective. 


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1 hour ago, Thisendup said:

Frenzy with Shark tooth necklaces and Relic of ancient malifaux is almost too much. It will take 7 damaging hits in one turn to take them out. They generate their own reinforcement tokens through attacking, generate more with the relic, and flip two cards on all actions. They are also a commander you can feed to your own units to get them to glory, reinforce, get the free melee action from "Prove your worth." Not to mention up to 6 melee actions in one activation, that can all potentially generate reinforcement tokens. Even with no upgrades they take 3 damaging hits to drop and can reinforce themselves.

This.   Since they're the only squad based commander, they get to combine the extra actions and durability of a squad with the strength and durability of a commander.  They're an AMAZING piece of supporting your army and getting things done.

Stormsiren is great and all, but she just can't keep up with The Frenzy, honestly I don't think anyone can.  Maybe Margaret Belle, but that's only because she's so good at using your own actions against you.

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Appending to @Thisendup's bit about the sheer destructiveness of them:

If you're throwing your commander squad into the front lines in this manner and leveraging their abilities, all the units you're actually paying scrip for can focus on the Operation itself. If the Frenzy comes charging into my main effort/front line, I can't ignore them to run objectives. I have to deal with them. If I focus fire on them and you're using hordes of gribblies to get other work done, those hordes are going to get ignored and you'll get an early edge on position/objectives. I'm spending resources and multiple activations to deal with the Frenzy, and you're just using their abilities during their activation.

It's a form of attrition that complements your other approaches to attrition, both the luring control play that pulls people out of position and the killed units coming back for Tactics Tokens. It's forcing a disproportionate spending of Activations, Tactics Tokens, Stratagems, and Control Hand cards to deal with a single squad.

When I'm playing against the Stormsiren, if I see my opponent caching Tactics Tokens, I'm ignoring her as much as possible and dealing with the units that are out trying to do work. She has some nasty tricks, but she doesn't force a response in the same way. Especially if I can get some LOS-blocking terrain between her and the units I don't want wandering off.

Which means that whether or favor her or them depends on how you want to play the Operation and the terrain available. You might also factor in who you're facing, because different Allegiances pose different problems at the table.

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