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Help! Hungering Darkness and "Heed My Voice"



Im sure this has been answered but the few Forum answers i found for the hungering darkness attack were confusing to me. I'm new and just starting in Malifaux and have the Jakob lynch box and need layman explanation's. The  few questions I have are about hungering darkness and his "Heed My Voice" attack.

1. Can I use "Heed My Voice" to use an enemy models (1) ap attack to attack his OWN crew and teammates? (I.E. I cast "Heed My Voice" on a enemy GREMLIN minion and use his attack to turn around and shoot his own crews GREMLIN master.)

2. After using "Heed My Voice" on an enemy model that HAS NOT yet activated that turn, will the enemy model lose 1ap when it activates because I forced him to waste it?

3. If I lure an enemy living model BEFORE it activates using "Heed My Voice" into a "Terrifying" aura from my Illuminated or my Hungering Darkness then will that model have to take that Horror Duel? AND if so and fails causing Paralysis will that model be paralyzed and not get its activation for that turn?

           Sorry if these dumb questions but I am new and still trying to learn. think that's all I got. Please try and explain in simple terms if possible. Thank you for the help!!

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4 answers to this question

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1 yes you can control the action completely, so target who you like. 

2 no you have not affected the number of ap the model generates at all. 

3 yes if you cause them to take a horror duel and they fail ( because you cheated down for example) then they are paralyzed and when they next activate will do nothing. Note that you can't use the hungering darkness terrifying for this because for the action the model counts hungering darkness as friendly. 

Also note paralyzed lasts until the model activates so if you paralyzed a model on turn 1 after it had acted, it would still be paralyzed in turn 2

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Note that hungering darkness treats the model as friendly during the action so it doesn't cause a terror duel to attack hungering darkness itself but you could make the opponent attackanother terrifying model in your crew and cheat down the horror duel to paralyse it very easily.

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50 minutes ago, Fixxer707 said:

3. If I lure an enemy living model BEFORE it activates using "Heed My Voice" into a "Terrifying" aura...

The language here totally tripped me up.  Adran has it right, but I wanted to clarify because this might come up in your near future.

Terrifying goes off when you end a walk action in the models engagement range.  So using Hungering Darkness's Heed my Voice and just walking the enemy model into your engagement range absolutely causes a terror check.

Having a Beckoner use her Lure ability will instead "Move target model it's Wk".  That is not a walk action, so there's be no terrifying check.

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Thank You all for your quick responses! This totally helps me out! Also thank you for clarifying on the Beckoners as well. I was looking into getting some for my crew so that's good to know! 😃 PS sorry if the wording came out as jumbled and messy. Was having a hard time wording it myself lol

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