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Best models for Lady Justice


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Hi all,I’ve buyed a Lady Justice Crew and Painting it ,I’m just thinking to build a good list with her,but I’ve found it hard..

What are best pieces with her?

I think that a melee master like her need 2 companion to fight,and I’ve think to take Francisco and The Judge,then other models need to do scheme...so...

A Guild Marshall,a Watcher,the effigy...then?

If I found an opponent with lot of spirits or armor is obligatory a Thalarian Queller that enchant the Francisco/Judge’s weapons,or not?

Can be good Austringer?I think Yeah beacause they’re minion so can be inspired by Lj...

Anyone play emissary ?With Abuela or with Judge with his upgrade(to bury Justice at first turn)?

With swordfighter is betters Vendetta or Ashwood coffin or the evergreen badge?

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I don't think you need much more scheming than the effigy, a watcher and a death marshal, especially if you have an austringer to make one of them push and interact in a pinch. That being said Phiona with the reporter upgrade can put out a bunch of scheme markers while attacking and if you have her you have Nellie's box so if you feel you need more scheming you can hire reporters. I think you can try without them and see how you do.

Judge or Francisco with debt are min 4 which helps against a lot of tough models. You can stone or cheat an extra ram (or even both) and you're doing 5 or 6 damage which gets through most armoured models and causes pretty decent damage against anything incorporeal since you round up. I would think a death marshal recruiter helps your list a lot since it can save Judge or Justice from death and it's also a pretty handy model to either add some damage or scheme if you really need it. Haven't tried Quellers, the buff might be worth it against certain lists. I would probably ask a friend to play the meanest list they can put together with armour or incorporeal and see if you can handle it or feel like you need the queller.

As for upgrades people seem to rate them very differently according to taste. Vendetta is really nice if your opponent brings models with Hard to kill, some like to use the coffin to bury really bothersome models and the badge is a literal lifesaver against red jokers. If you have the recruiter the badge might not be needed. I think you need to try and see which upgrade works best for you.

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Lady Justice 6ss cache

- swordfighter


- wade in

- a debt to the guild / Hermanos de armas

Burt /the jury 

- a debt to the guild

Scales of justice

Death Marshal Recruiter

- a debt to the guild

Brutal Effigy 

Monster Hunter

Monster Hunter

8 models with access up to 9ss after a debt to the guilds. Pretty strong. Scales lest you discard cards (lady J, monster hunters, death marshal recruiter all have discard abilities) / play aggressively early in the turn. Frank is frank. Burt can be stand alone 3 ap min 3 or the jury can be a nice multiplier for the death marshal recruiter with flexibility from her (0) (both are good options). Brutal effigy is the best effigy and keeps lady J in a good spot. The monster hunters are good flankers and scheme runners ( good wk of 6 + stalk helps them move even better + min 3 and psudo armor vs anything 7ss+).


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