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Everything posted by STO

  1. Yeap, all your hints help a lot actually, we have a small Malifaux community over here - 3 active players so far, and I haven't attend any tournaments yet to get more experience, so I have really stuck in a way playing against skilled NB player. I'll try to make a short batrep with pictures on our next game. Maybe my biggest mistake in last game that I was keeping my models far away from his crew for the 2-3 turns, without any pressure on Dreamer, just allowing him spend resources on summon. I was afraid of 18'' Lure ability from Lelu + Lilitu and than killing by Teddy, Nekima or Rider, while I'd not be able to countercharge in response (loosing Public Execution every turn).
  2. @Ludvig Thanks a lot for such detailed explanation! That really helps to understand more how my crew intends to work.
  3. Hi, thank you all for advices. At the moment I have Sonnia,Dita, LJ, Nellie crews, but in fact I played with Dita and LJ only, since they are more strightforward, from my point of view. Almost in all my games I tend to take elite crew, sometimes picking-up reporters or Dmarshals. I have to agree concerning Hopkins, it is difficult to set him up for the shooting. Well, Santiago with Hair trigger made a game a couple of times. I have found the Brutal Emissary is okay for Perdita Obey things, shooting into the combat plus a taxi ability.
  4. I had a 50SS game yesterday vs Neverborns (Dreamer - summoner, Rider, Teddy, Nekima plus smth small). The pool was Public Execution, Elim the LDR, Set Up, Hold upTF, Inescapable trap, Search the Ruins. My list was the following: Perdita (Trick shooting, Fastest draw), Franc(Wade In), Phiona, Hopkins(DtG), Brutal Emissary(Confl), Santiago(Hair Trigger),Nephilim. I went with Hold Up TF and Search the Ruins. After 2 turns my opponent placed 3 markers (he had same schemes), I put 2, he summoned already 3 small creatures(nightmares?) and Lellu plus Lilitu. Turn 3 he delivered Nekima by Rider-taxi to the area where were Emissary and Santiago.Then Nekima charged Santiago, killing him. Turn 4 Perdita used 3AP for shooting Nekima - certainly my fault, cuz Nekima had an upgrade for Negative flip vs Sh,MI (camouflage?) if it wasn't activated, therefore 0 wounds dealt and the worst possible Dita activation, here we go. In response Nekima start to hit Emissary, my second fault - I've burried her by Brutal instead of just hiting, then Rider killed Emissary. The score was 0 - 3 already, so I gave up. The thing is I have played with my Guild vs his Neverborns last 4 or 5 games by giving up on T1(oh, yeah 1!, before i didn't know it is even possible in Malifaux) or T2 where he completely overplayed me with deployment, killing my key models, summoning more and more and luring then. I've even asked him do not use the Zoraida (doll trick)....(yeah, real desperation, if you ask this kind of thing). He tells me and I read some forums, that "Neverborns is pretty weak faction compare with the overpowered Guild high stats and perfect synergies everywhere" - and despite all of that I almost never in our games been able to kill a single Neverborn model, last 2 or 3 games only a few wound inflicted in total. I have to admit that my opponent is very skilled wargamer, even he has less Malifaux games. But c'mooon....a few wounds per game for the opposing crew )) Please give me hints, how do you usually play vs Neverborns Dreamer summoner or Zoraida doll tactic things ?
  5. What do you think about Emissary (with the new upgrade) in Nellie lists ? Or you would prefer another models over him anyway ?
  6. Declared Faction: Guild Leader: Lady Justice - Cache:(4) Swordfighter 1ss Badge of office 2ss Francisco Ortega 8ss Wade In 1ss Hermanos de Armas 1ss Brutal Emissary 10ss Conflux of Judgement Death Marshal Recruiter 7ss Death Marshal 6ss Death Marshal 6ss Field Reporter 4ss Brutal Effigy 4ss Scheme pool: Claim Jump, Accusation, Leave Your Mark, Recover Evidence, Tail'em. Strategy: Collect the Bounty. Selected ones: CJ, LYM - same as oppenent. Played vs Arcanists: Mei Feng, Joss (Fast upgrade), Wind Gamin, Gunsmith, Miner, Effigy, 2x Rail Workers). Turn 3 LJ has killed Gunsmith (here have to use Badge to protect against GSm shooting) , Mei was trying to kill Emissary, but I've got very lucky - he died due to the Burning. At Turn 7 (I havemaster & marshal left only) LJ killed Joss, bringing 9:8 victory. And have to admit, Arcanints were quite unlucky with BJ flips at a few important moment.
  7. I'd also take Badge of Office for LJ
  8. Please, help to clarify, when using Sonnia and Malifaux child, "Just like you" -action Ca value equals 4 (7-3) or 6 (9-3 Confiscated lore) ?
  9. Great point re Phiona - Abuela tacticks, thx! I have noticed that McTavish and Burt can be found in Guild list recently, what do you find them better than our Guild models ?
  10. btw, could you please specify how do you usually use "interact actions as 0 actions" ? what models most benefit from that ?
  11. Peacekeeper/Emissary or even Phiona might be the answer
  12. @4thstringer based on your tournament experience with LJ, do you think it is kinda must right now to get DMR in the list as well ?
  13. STO

    Starter models

    Do you mean 14 damage from Dr. Grimwell lobotomy attack ?
  14. STO

    Starter models

    When I got Nellie's crew, I think the only scheme runners I'm using - reporters, maybe one wstalker, talking about Orderly. Hmm, Dr.Grimwell ... maybe for Frame For Murder only.
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