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Advice for new pickups


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Hello all! I was just wondering what you all think are key Neverborn models to fill out my options. I currently have:

Dreamer Box

Collodi Box

Jakob Lynch Box

Pandora Box

Titania Box

Insidious Madness x3



Waldgeists x3

Beckoners x2

Stitched Together x2

Lelu & Lilliltu

I am really looking to see if there are any key models that people think every Neverborn Player needs in their toolbox, or that are staples for the masters I have. If I get any other masters I will probably be staying in faction. I was leaning towards The generic totem for Neverborn, as I have heard good things about it. Any input would be appreciated!

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Primordial Magic is always good to have available. I'm also seeing an almost complete lack of Nephilim. If anything, Terror Tots are always good for scheme running, and I generally recommend when buying minions that are in a crew box to just go for the crew box, so I'll go ahead and suggest Liliths crew box. Lilith is never a bad master to have available and Barbaros is fantastic with Pandora and Titania.

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Personally find Nekima better than Teddy irrespective of schemes, strategies and crew composition so I'll recommend her. Second Azkral on graves, very useful model. Tots and gupps are usually semi interchangeable with insidious madness but Jacob likes them more. Pukesnake is very useful. 

The most glaring omission to me is no brutal effigy for Collodi. The only model that I think is an auto include for Collodi. 

Best of luck :). 

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Hmmm, OK so it seem like Lilith box, Primordial Magic, and Widow Weaver are good ones to look into. I like that they are suggestions that can be of use with more than one crew. Not that Thana mentioning Brutal Effigy is bad though! Why does Nekima bring it home over Teddy? I have grown rather fond of that scary ole bear. And are there any models like Effigy that are auto-include with anyone I have? I feel that from what I have played Illuminated may be that way cause they are just so damn good. Also heard Iggy was nice with Pandora, just not sure why.

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lilith box for tots and barbaros, beckoners, changelings, mr graves, silurids [or just pick up zoraida box] . All of these will either give you something unique or are the best at what they do.

the tots are awesome with lynch or as filler and barbaros is insane with titania, beckoners are really useful with collodi and really any team that wants to pull in enemy models. Mr graves can act as a troop transport [as can beckoners] and silurids are arguably the best scheme runners in the game. Changelings are able to pull all sorts of crazy shenanigans and are just generally crazy good for only costing 4ss.

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14 hours ago, barrettjdea said:

Why does Nekima bring it home over Teddy? I have grown rather fond of that scary ole bear. And are there any models like Effigy that are auto-include with anyone I have? 

For me, Nekima's higher walk, flight, higher min damage, less feast or famine 0 actions, and melee expert are worth more than the 2 extra stones you pay for her. I still like Teddy, especially his model. If you have the time, what you might try is playing both of them, learning their strengths and weaknesses and going from there. You'll learn a lot more by taking that route and it'll be more fun too :). 

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Mysterious emissary is really, really good. Especially with collodi and Pandora. Putting down hazardous terrain and then using collodi to walk an enemy into it can ruin anybody's day and Conflux of sorrow is just insane.

Also the ability to summon changelings is quite handy and only requires a 7mask. Plus your opponent will be less suspicious of you plunking down scheme markers as Emisarry use them for summoning. 

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