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How do i deal with those annoying things?


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Hey guys. I posted this in Ten Thunders too because I have multiple factions and the same problem. So I hate to be the guy that complains about models in the game being OP but lately I feel like I have just been a debbie downer every time I see a nurse or belle bomb. I am trying to turn this poor sportsmanship around so I am coming to you guys for help. I don't care what i need to buy to deal with these ridiculous complex i have with these i just need to deal with it. How do we as a faction do condition removal reliably. I just bought high river monks so I think that will help with the nurses but being belle bombed or double belle bombed with Seamus, I feel like I should just walk away and let the person play by themselves since they are going to be moving my models all game anyway. so the long and short of it is help please.

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It depends on what you've got available. Brewmaster is tough to learn, but once you do, your opponents will hate it whenever he's on the table. I have a friend that plays guild that hasn't seen Brew yet. He will be tomorrow. 

If you do go that route, Brewmaster can bring nurses to 1 WP and lock them up for the game. Although with a model like that it might be better off to just kill it. If you have Ophelia's box, Rami would be a great one. When he's focussed, he gets 36" range on his gun. He doesn't have dumb luck built in, but if you but that trigger, the nurse is most likely going down. 

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9 hours ago, Four_N_Six said:

If you do go that route, Brewmaster can bring nurses to 1 WP and lock them up for the game.

Belles can lure them away from the bubble (or lure Brewie, which ever is easier) and then a Nurse can Paralyze Brewie pretty easily.

9 hours ago, Four_N_Six said:

Although with a model like that it might be better off to just kill it. If you have Ophelia's box, Rami would be a great one. When he's focussed, he gets 36" range on his gun. He doesn't have dumb luck built in, but if you but that trigger, the nurse is most likely going down. 

This is my preferred method (killing Nurses, that is). Roosters, Rami (possibly with Lenny nearby) or the Pigapult are all good options with each having a tremendous threat range.

As for the Belles, well, Moon Shinobis aren't bad against them (not sure I'd hire them just as a counter-measure, though) and Wong and Zoraida are next to impossible to Lure so they are pretty good choices.

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You need to ask yourself what is the problem you have with Belles. And what is the problem you have with Nurses. I'm failrry sure that the problems are different. 

As has been said, Nurses are a fairly soft target, and whilst having your model paralysed is annoying, its not them killing it. Most of the time if the nurse can get you, you can probably get the nurse and kill it. 

Johan removes conditions and the Frikorps specialist can remove paralysed. 


Against Belles - I have never really had a problem with belles. Yes, they can be tough to deal with., but so ought my crew be. I'm guessing that this might be a play style thing. I typically have a crew that is filled with solo models, so it doesn't matter if they are pulled out of position. If you are building a crew that relies on careful positioning to maximise auras or do things, then you might find them much more of an annoyance that I ever do. So these answers are my theory  to answer the problems you might have, because I really don't know what the problem actually is. 

If they have several belles together to try and maximise pounce damage, then you will want to have area damage to deal with it. Pigapult is probably a good answer, its got huge wp and is a bad target for the belles anyway. It can also shield some of your models from LOS. (in Thunders the Thunder archers might eb a good choice, especially with the upgrade that lets them take the 2 attack at the end of the turn)

You can have your own movement tricks to try and counter the Lures, or control your activation to not activate the good lure targets too early. 

Zipp is going to be very good at blocking LOS especially if there are decent choke points. 

Table terrain can make a huge difference. Are there plenty of places that have Impassable? thinsg like Buildings, with a model placed 29 mm from the edge makes quite a good road block.  

If they are luring a model in with multiple Belles and then kiling it with a big beater, then use Df stance. They've probably used between 1/3 and 1/2 the crew to achieve that result. Make the most of the rest of your crew to get your VP. 

A rare, but occasionally useful thing to think about is Re-activate. Hog whisper can reactivate a pig and in TT McCabe can re-activate a minion. Sometimes you'll activate a model, it it tjhen becoems the lure target because it won't get to react before they have hopefully killed it. If you can change that about, then you can neuter a lot of the effect of the bomb. 


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To answer your question of who can remove conditions in faction, Mancha Roja & McTavish share the Tossed in the Mud upgrade which gives them an action that allows them to remove conditions.

I believe Ophelia also has one of her upgrades with a (0) that can remove Slow and Paralysed.

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If you have Ophelia's box, Rami would be a great one. When he's focussed, he gets 36" range on his gun. He doesn't have dumb luck built in, but if you but that trigger, the nurse is most likely going down. 

HUGE fan of Rami.  Only played him once, but he's just so Gremlin.  Ran him in a Wong crew with "Ooo Glowy" on him, with Lenny (for Rams and 1 dmg reduction, so Rami doesn't die off one severe shot), a Slop Hauler (duh...) and Old Cranky (+Df and soulstone generation) next to him.  In a 35ss crew.  

Soooo...might've been a bit of a big investment, but on Corner Deployment, Turn 1, Rami went Reckless, double-focused, and 1-shotted a Black Blood Shaman 32" away.  

Hilarious.  Left Rami on 1 Wd afterwards, but hey - that's his deal, I reckon  ;-)  Got a soulstone out of it, he got 1 less activation straight outta the box, but I had a very sore Rami running around, trying to avoid Lilith (which - SPOILER - he didn't...)

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HUGE fan of Rami.  Only played him once, but he's just so Gremlin.  Ran him in a Wong crew with "Ooo Glowy" on him, with Lenny (for Rams and 1 dmg reduction, so Rami doesn't die off one severe shot), a Slop Hauler (duh...) and Old Cranky (+Df and soulstone generation) next to him.  In a 35ss crew.  

Soooo...might've been a bit of a big investment, but on Corner Deployment, Turn 1, Rami went Reckless, double-focused, and 1-shotted a Black Blood Shaman 32" away.  

Hilarious.  Left Rami on 1 Wd afterwards, but hey - that's his deal, I reckon  ;-)  Got a soulstone out of it, he got 1 less activation straight outta the box, but I had a very sore Rami running around, trying to avoid Lilith (which - SPOILER - he didn't...)

Rami has 6Wd and his Dumb Luck severe does four to him while Reckless does one so with Lenny around he should've been on two wounds, right? And then he can heal up three times next turn due to Reckless using his Trusty Flask.

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If he's glowy with the upgrade he does +1 damage, so his severe goes up to 5

Ah yeah, of course, thanks! For some reason I was thinking that since Glowy is applied after Dumb Luck multiplication it wouldn't affect the damage that Rami receives but of course it does. Shouldn't post before coffee.

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