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Help with Somer


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Hello everyone :)

I've being playing malifaux for almost 6 months, sticking exclusively to the gremlin faction, and the master I found myself more comfortable using is Somer teeth jones! 

The general idea of crew that I run for somer is with 3 bayou,a slop hauler ( I wanted to test a lighting bug too but haven't done it yet, also cause I don t really know if it would be better than the slop), 2 skeeters (I love them so much, they never let me down), 1 or two "support" (generally trixie or sammy and Lenny if I'm going for a gunline oriented set-up), and a couple of mean pieces, like Francois, Burt or Mancha (even tho i tend to struggle when I use him since he burn so much resources) to keep everyone safe and be sure that the enemy can't simply dive my group with no backfire (there are 4 lady justice players at the shop I usually play >_< ).

I'm usually fine with this general idea on almost every scenery, transitioning from the gunline, to a "suicide bomber squad" with show off, to simply rushing a lot of bayou and spreading them around for schemes , with skeeters farting on every bad guy that deserves it, but I wanted to hear some ideas and general feedback if someone finds him self better doing stuff differently since I think that the way I play it s pretty "traditional" and, maybe, I m missing some awesome tricks I could be doing :huh:

Also how about Tavish in a somer crew? And what are your thoughts on lighting bugs with somer?

And last but not least, I'd love to hear how you play "elite" style somer, since I never played him like that, and possibly share some general tactics,  ideas, pieces you usually use etc :D

Sorry for the long post and thanks to all that  reply! :lol:

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The only thing I make sure to do with Som'er is bring Sammy LaCroix. She's able to equip a master's upgrade, so she Simmons for me. It's 1 less bayou gremlin a turn, but the slop hauler can only heal 4 of them anyways. That frees Som'er up to do something better than summoning. 

I'm planning on trying an iron skeeter as well, to make the summoned bayou gremlins explosive, but I'm not sure how it'll work out. Potentially 4 damage a turn on 2" radius, but I have a sneaking suspicion it's one of those things that sounds great on paper but just doesn't work out in practice 

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I was thinking about using Sammy like that and I'll try it for sure! Just to know, by doing this do you usually bring 3 or 2 bayou? And that trick with the iron skeeter is sure tasty

also considering the possible fast+drunk and reckless gets pretty scary if I'm not missing something, tho I think might be tricky in some situations, and also not that effective if someone expect it.


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I dont know if I would consider your list as a traditional Som'er list, it is really more like a hybrid of the summon factory and an Elite Som'er build (favoring the latter).

One of the biggest things you are missing out on is the potential movement Pig Ladders provide via the Truffle Shuffle.

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Well for a summoning core you run fairly similar to what I do. Mine is 3 bayou gremlins, at least one skeeter and a Lightning Bug. Stone for cards so that you have at least two 8+ cards and one mask of any value, plus an extra 6+ for Do It Like Dis. If your Black Joker hasn't shown up yet, always have a Skeeter activate first to try Do It Like Dis because I guarantee Som'er will flip the BJ and fail (and since it's a (0) for him, you have no chance to try again). Som'er summons 3 new Bayou Gremlins, and a Lightning Bug hits a large target while in range of the Mask aura for a 2 wound heal on all of them. The reason I prefer a Lightning Bug here is that you can heal all 6 summons for 1AP at the cost of no extra resources, and they're guaranteed a full heal instead of potentially only flipping weak on their healing flip. Good targets for the attack are Lenny, or Som'er himself as both are Ht2 (so bayou gremlins will have LoS much more easily than to a Ht1 target), Lenny has a self-heal, and if you're feeling particularly safe, you can actually have the gremlins move up a bit and then have Som'er push up with them due to his Loudest Squeel (and the healing pulse will be drawn from his new location since both triggers have the same timing and therefore Defender happens first). You can add a Slop Hauler to this core for a bit more reliable healing for later, but you don't have to, generally I have the Bug go off and do its own thing after turn 2 or so and healing isn't normally too much of a problem.

Summoning with Sammy can be good, but you gotta make sure you weigh up the costs. Som'er is a great and very versatile model, so freeing him up to go killing stuff can be pretty good but you're not just paying the 7 stones for Sammy, you're also paying 1 Bayou Gremlin a turn. Can you do more with 7 stones and an extra summon per turn? Potentially. Burt or Francois could totally replace Sammy for 7 stones and do killing/versatility like Som'er, but it's just up to you to decide. You're also giving up the opportunity to use Sammy as a control model, which she is really good at - those conditions and an automatic 2 damage vs Wp are really useful.


For an Elite Som'er Crew, at least the way I run it, generally it's less based on specific synergies and more just on "take a bunch of stuff that's good". You pretty much just pick which two schemes you're doing and then take whichever models are best at those schemes (Merris for marker based stuff, Francois & Burt for killy stuff) Basically I just play Som'er as I would a somewhat selfish model, he shoots stuff, he knifes stuff, he runs schemes if need be. It's hard to describe how to actually put one of these crews together because they're normally my "nothing else came to mind" crew where normally I build to the schemes and go "eh I don't really need anything specific from another master, guess it's Som'er"


McTavish in a Som'er crew? Love it. McTavish in any crew? Love it. He doesn't really rely on any synergies in faction because most of 'em are unavailable. Sure he likes to be Magical from Wong, but that's about it. He works nicely anywhere. Lightning Bugs? LOVE THEM. They're so goooooood. They're great with Som'er, they're great with anyone. They're like mini-Som'ers in that they can also do anything. So good. Love them.

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2 hours ago, Omenbringer said:

I dont know if I would consider your list as a traditional Som'er list, it is really more like a hybrid of the summon factory and an Elite Som'er build (favoring the latter).

One of the biggest things you are missing out on is the potential movement Pig Ladders provide via the Truffle Shuffle.

The thing is that in the earlie games I had with somer I played a heavy summoning crew (using the pigapult too) and found myself often in bad situations when people just dived me and ruined my plans (tho I must say, those were my very earlie games so I wasn't that good at controlling the board and predicting my enemy actions) and I really felt the need for somer to be more active (I generally summon on 1 turn, 2 if the game is really passive and my enemy isn t doing much, and than I free the boss for some bayou style actions) and some beat stick to be a threat to those heavy engage crew, or at least to slow them down.

Also yeah I looked after that kind of strategy involving the truffle shuffle with the piglets but I generally have trixie with me that kinda do the same if not better since the long range charge of both somer and the slop (which are generally my target in the 1/2 turn) and can also be a huge pain in the ass if you hit the slow on the lure vs an important enemy piece, without forgetting how good she is with schemes.

Tho since it's something I still have to try and seem a good idea,also because already 2 piglets are 1 piece extra for activation advantage, how do you generally go for the pig ladder? And how many pigs you bring in for that?

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57 minutes ago, Dogmantra said:

Well for a summoning core you run fairly similar to what I do. Mine is 3 bayou gremlins, at least one skeeter and a Lightning Bug. Stone for cards so that you have at least two 8+ cards and one mask of any value, plus an extra 6+ for Do It Like Dis. If your Black Joker hasn't shown up yet, always have a Skeeter activate first to try Do It Like Dis because I guarantee Som'er will flip the BJ and fail (and since it's a (0) for him, you have no chance to try again). Som'er summons 3 new Bayou Gremlins, and a Lightning Bug hits a large target while in range of the Mask aura for a 2 wound heal on all of them. The reason I prefer a Lightning Bug here is that you can heal all 6 summons for 1AP at the cost of no extra resources, and they're guaranteed a full heal instead of potentially only flipping weak on their healing flip. Good targets for the attack are Lenny, or Som'er himself as both are Ht2 (so bayou gremlins will have LoS much more easily than to a Ht1 target), Lenny has a self-heal, and if you're feeling particularly safe, you can actually have the gremlins move up a bit and then have Som'er push up with them due to his Loudest Squeel (and the healing pulse will be drawn from his new location since both triggers have the same timing and therefore Defender happens first). You can add a Slop Hauler to this core for a bit more reliable healing for later, but you don't have to, generally I have the Bug go off and do its own thing after turn 2 or so and healing isn't normally too much of a problem.

Summoning with Sammy can be good, but you gotta make sure you weigh up the costs. Som'er is a great and very versatile model, so freeing him up to go killing stuff can be pretty good but you're not just paying the 7 stones for Sammy, you're also paying 1 Bayou Gremlin a turn. Can you do more with 7 stones and an extra summon per turn? Potentially. Burt or Francois could totally replace Sammy for 7 stones and do killing/versatility like Som'er, but it's just up to you to decide. You're also giving up the opportunity to use Sammy as a control model, which she is really good at - those conditions and an automatic 2 damage vs Wp are really useful.


For an Elite Som'er Crew, at least the way I run it, generally it's less based on specific synergies and more just on "take a bunch of stuff that's good". You pretty much just pick which two schemes you're doing and then take whichever models are best at those schemes (Merris for marker based stuff, Francois & Burt for killy stuff) Basically I just play Som'er as I would a somewhat selfish model, he shoots stuff, he knifes stuff, he runs schemes if need be. It's hard to describe how to actually put one of these crews together because they're normally my "nothing else came to mind" crew where normally I build to the schemes and go "eh I don't really need anything specific from another master, guess it's Som'er"


McTavish in a Som'er crew? Love it. McTavish in any crew? Love it. He doesn't really rely on any synergies in faction because most of 'em are unavailable. Sure he likes to be Magical from Wong, but that's about it. He works nicely anywhere. Lightning Bugs? LOVE THEM. They're so goooooood. They're great with Som'er, they're great with anyone. They're like mini-Som'ers in that they can also do anything. So good. Love them.

Wow thanks for answering all of my points! :D

Actually I was already doing the skeeter thing since I read it in one of your older post xD was one of that thing that was so obvious that I never thought about it, but it saved my ass already a couple of  times so thanks ;D

Regarding the lighting bug, that's a really cool way to heal off! And pretty reliable too, since if you black joker it, you always have another shot (or 2). Don't  get me wrong, I love the haulers, and I think that a lot of people underestimate their offensive power and just think of them as healers! One friend of mine suddenly found his lady justice at 4 Df, engaged by a reckless Burt, a somer who gave ram to everyone and a really mean looking Gracie. It was Moore violent than a Tarantino movie xD But what I'm noticing is that everyine thay see the slop already know what I m gonna do and how; it can turns out well for me since I can trick them to focus the slop while my plans are other, but in some scenarios, I'd like better to have a versatile piece which doesn't t have a huge "Ehi focus shot me guys!" mark on his head, and can kinda go unnoticed for a couple of turns, so thanks for sharing the strategy :D

And I'm glad to hear that Mac tavish is a good deal, cause I couldn't really find any downside to his kit xD And I'm planning to use Wong as back up to somer so I get a good element for both.

Regarding the Sammy summoning thing, I tested it and it might be a nice idea in some scenarios but I don't know if I'm gonna run it very often. The thing is that unless my enemy over extend a couple of cheap models, all close, all with low stats, I generally don t rush somer to attack something so it might still summon and than get trasported by some pig/trixie, waiting maybe for things to develop better.

Also thanks for the delucidation on elite somer! It's that I found my self so many times saying "if only I had somer here" that I might wanna bring him even in a more killy encounter with some mean and though gremlins backing him up.

Another thing I really want to try soon are the iron skeeters! And I'm starting to take in consideration to take fingers if I have a lot of schemes that will get the enemy to put a lot of markers down, tho he is really expansive :|

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8 minutes ago, EpicWaffle said:

And I'm glad to hear that Mac tavish is a good deal, cause I couldn't really find any downside to his kit xD And I'm planning to use Wong as back up to somer so I get a good element for both.

Well, he doesn't really have downsides on his card, his main downsides are that he's not another expensive model in faction. Like, he's not a Gremlin or Pig so can't benefit from any auras or most healing, and he's not Reckless so he only gets 2AP a turn. That said you can mitigate that by giving him Dirty Cheater (or Glowy in a Wong crew) and having someone like Old Cranky or a Lightning Bug* drop scheme markers in a bit of a trail so that McTavish doesn't have to spend so many APs walking, and can hopefully get a few :ram flips for Gator Snack and get a third shot off.


*the bug likes to drop scheme markers with their (0) action and a tome if possible, then you're not really using any AP, even off a cheap model

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Or just a bayou, or the bug after the healing turn, I think there is plenty of way in a somer list  to have some markers down if he needs it. Also for I what I could theorize, it seems like it's a pice that really like to be activated later on in the turn, and having the number advantage you usually have with somer seemed to me like a good thing for him.

A good equip in him is also on yer tip toes imo, I really like that upgrade on models which like their shots to hit the target, tho might complicate some stuffs if you have like saddle on someone or using the pigapult.

Also if you use dirty cheater on him, might be nice to bring encouragement on somer for some scary shots.

And come on, it's a redneck on a crocodile; what else do we need to use him? XD

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The thing I am kinda sad about tho it it's that going with gremlins you don't really have a lot of good swampifiend models to use unless you're playing zoraida. I'm really not a fan of gators unless in some particular cases, and I never find a reason to be worth taking a wild boar.

Not that that makes tavish loose value, but some of his triggers/abilities at kinda nice :( 

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18 hours ago, EpicWaffle said:

Tho since it's something I still have to try and seem a good idea,also because already 2 piglets are 1 piece extra for activation advantage, how do you generally go for the pig ladder? And how many pigs you bring in for that?

I usually hire 2 Piglets and then have Lenny summon the rest, especially if I have the Pigapult in play. A good Pig Ladder will need at least two piglets, more than that can be done however you need to really think about your activations to keep them controlled. A Hog Whisperer can make it work better as well. This set up (Hog Whisperer and 2 Piglets) is what I generally use as my flank runner and harasser while the Summon Factory spools up.

Activation advantage is a huge part of the Gremlin faction, particularly if not going the super elite route. I tend to utilize out activation and "Punches in Bunches" more than many of the other regular Gremlin posters.

17 hours ago, EpicWaffle said:

The thing I am kinda sad about tho it it's that going with gremlins you don't really have a lot of good swampifiend models to use unless you're playing zoraida. I'm really not a fan of gators unless in some particular cases, and I never find a reason to be worth taking a wild boar.

Not that that makes tavish loose value, but some of his triggers/abilities at kinda nice :( 

Wild Boars with Ulix is really starting to grow on me. If deployed well they can really apply pressure early.

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1 minute ago, Omenbringer said:

Wild Boars with Ulix is really starting to grow on me. If deployed well they can really apply pressure early.

I have tried wild boars with Ulix recently and I prefer them in killy strats and schemes. If things like reckoning or hunting part are in play I find playing summoning Ulix can give the enemy too many easy targets to score points. Taking wild boars and using them as missiles by shooting them in the rear can really cause the enemy to panic. McTavish also works in this type of crew as he doesn't randomize into combat so it the boar hits something it didn't manage to kill McTavish can finish it off.

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1 hour ago, Omenbringer said:

I usually hire 2 Piglets and then have Lenny summon the rest, especially if I have the Pigapult in play. A good Pig Ladder will need at least two piglets, more than that can be done however you need to really think about your activations to keep them controlled. A Hog Whisperer can make it work better as well. This set up (Hog Whisperer and 2 Piglets) is what I generally use as my flank runner and harasser while the Summon Factory spools up.


Activation advantage is a huge part of the Gremlin faction, particularly if not going the super elite route. I tend to utilize out activation and "Punches in Bunches" more than many of the other regular Gremlin posters.

Mmh, i like this idea but you're investing 8 soulstones for the piglets, 5 on the whisperer, at least 3 on somer and 10 in lenny and I guess 9 on bayou gremlins. Let's add from 2 to 4 for the totems, you're at 37/39 ss unless you have the pigapult too which let you at 45/47 ss used, which I think is a great set up and you have so much activation but my question is, how do you deal with elite crews? I used to run a similar set up but found my self really having hard times vs beat me up crews since they simply ignored everything and just aimed for the pult/summoning machine (tho , as I said before, used to be a while a go so I should try it again). Do you rely on pigs and mosquitos for tar pitting while the rest does the job? or do you use maybe the pig ladder to let somer/Lenny do the damages and the pult as a general threat ? And how do you use the whisperer? You do the sort of "ping slingshot" that you can do with ulix?

Sorry for the load of questions but you really got me curious :D

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1 hour ago, PositronMike said:

I have tried wild boars with Ulix recently and I prefer them in killy strats and schemes. If things like reckoning or hunting part are in play I find playing summoning Ulix can give the enemy too many easy targets to score points. Taking wild boars and using them as missiles by shooting them in the rear can really cause the enemy to panic. McTavish also works in this type of crew as he doesn't randomize into combat so it the boar hits something it didn't manage to kill McTavish can finish it off.

Yeah with ulix it might get some better results, and also the hogwhisperer upgrade might give a hand too in all this! The thing tho is that i don't really find my self comfortable with ulix (I should give it more time to learn it for sure, since getting use to all his tricks require some times and practice) so I didn't even took him in consideration :huh: Also because atm I'm trying to focus on Ophelia, Wong and especially Somer, while waiting for zipps to arrive :D 

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2 hours ago, Omenbringer said:

Wild Boars with Ulix is really starting to grow on me. If deployed well they can really apply pressure early.

That's for sure, but I have hard times using them properly in other crews with less pig manipulations shenanigans and they sure cost a lot! That might be me tho, I still think of myself as a newbie :D

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2 hours ago, EpicWaffle said:

Mmh, i like this idea but you're investing 8 soulstones for the piglets, 5 on the whisperer, at least 3 on somer and 10 in lenny and I guess 9 on bayou gremlins. Let's add from 2 to 4 for the totems, you're at 37/39 ss unless you have the pigapult too which let you at 45/47 ss used, which I think is a great set up and you have so much activation but my question is, how do you deal with elite crews? I used to run a similar set up but found my self really having hard times vs beat me up crews since they simply ignored everything and just aimed for the pult/summoning machine (tho , as I said before, used to be a while a go so I should try it again). Do you rely on pigs and mosquitos for tar pitting while the rest does the job? or do you use maybe the pig ladder to let somer/Lenny do the damages and the pult as a general threat ? And how do you use the whisperer? You do the sort of "ping slingshot" that you can do with ulix?

Sorry for the load of questions but you really got me curious :D

Against Elite Crews I sit far back deep in the deployment zone and let them come to me. The Pigapult can usually weed at least a model or two before they hit my lines, by that time the Hog Whisperer Piglet Trio is far up field. Additionally, the Pigpult is a difficult target to pin down if it has a Piglet tender nearby, it is a Gremlin and can be Truffle Shuffled. I also generally transition the Pigapult from Damage dealing to Bayou Gremlin Launching usually turn three. Punting three Bayou Gremlins a turn up field can present a lot of VP threats. You can also do this with a Hog Whisperer and Piglet, just be sure to give that Piglet Reactivate so it can score some VP on that turn.

2 hours ago, EpicWaffle said:

That's for sure, but I have hard times using them properly in other crews with less pig manipulations shenanigans and they sure cost a lot! That might be me tho, I still think of myself as a newbie :D

Wild Boars are definitely difficult to control outside of Ulix's crew but that has more to do with positioning them to far away from Controllers than anything else (which is why they are better with Ulix who has Penelope). The new Pork Whisper'n upgrade is going to assist with this, unfortunately we don't have a lot of from the Shadows deployment options. Zoraida with McTavish could be a viable option.

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33 minutes ago, Omenbringer said:

 Additionally, the Pigpult is a difficult target to pin down if it has a Piglet tender nearby, it is a Gremlin and can be Truffle Shuffled.

Truffles is only push their Wk, and it needs a 6+ to get off, is it really that useful for the pult instead of just sending that Piglet up to tie up enemy models?

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While you can definitely use the Piglet to tie up opponents models, don't underestimate that potency of a free Walk of 2. Unless the model is in absolute Base to Base contact (base blocking is an option to limit this), Truffles can move the Pigapult out of the melee range of most models in the game. The 6+ flip is really not an issue; it has a 61% chance of going off on the initial flip. As always it is a weapon in the arsenal, sometimes engaging with the Piglet is preferable other times Truffling it away is a better option.

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1 hour ago, Omenbringer said:

Against Elite Crews I sit far back deep in the deployment zone and let them come to me. The Pigapult can usually weed at least a model or two before they hit my lines, by that time the Hog Whisperer Piglet Trio is far up field. Additionally, the Pigpult is a difficult target to pin down if it has a Piglet tender nearby, it is a Gremlin and can be Truffle Shuffled. I also generally transition the Pigapult from Damage dealing to Bayou Gremlin Launching usually turn three. Punting three Bayou Gremlins a turn up field can present a lot of VP threats. You can also do this with a Hog Whisperer and Piglet, just be sure to give that Piglet Reactivate so it can score some VP on that turn.


Thanks for the delucidation! I'll be sure to try this out

i'm just not sure on one thing, cause if I did the math right you usually bring one skeeter and I guess one slop for the healing right? so would  be a good idea to keep the skeeter back to guarantee the tomes right? Meanwhile you rely on somer for the mask, otherwise gets hard to keep the piglets from  ill love it and I'll pet it

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Well, I don't know how much this helps, but it's a fun anecdote of something I've wanted to try for a little while. At a tournament yesterday I tried "Leveticus Som'er". A core of Som'er with Dirty Cheater, Sammy with Encouragement, the Emissary with Som'er's conflux and the effigy. General strat is sit Som'er within :aura8 of Sammy and :aura4 of the Emissary to get both bonuses. Use the Effigy to give Luck o' the Draw to Som'er, and accomplice into him. Do It Like Dis for the Ram if shooting. Then just go wild - Encouragement for a :+fate on the initial flip, (either of them being a ram healing that straight back up) if you don't hit and you don't have a high card to cheat in, just Bayou Two card for another two cards to pick from (and 1 healing off Dirty Cheater). Hopefully you hit and that's 4 min damage, and at least one of those cards is probably a Mask so you can push the Emissary. Same idea if you want to charge, but you can take a wound for Encouragement when you do the initial charge and then do it again for each individual attack for :+fate:+fate on your attack flips.

It's quite an expensive combo, but I had a lot of fun playing it and it seemed pretty effective, especially with the possibility of pushing the Emissary along with you if you get a mask in the process of all those card flips. If I was against a master with lower Wp, I would have tried to pair it with Bigger Hat Than You, but I ended up against Perdita who has absurdly good Wp.

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On 8/19/2016 at 7:26 AM, Dogmantra said:

Lightning Bugs? LOVE THEM. They're so goooooood. They're great with Som'er, they're great with anyone. They're like mini-Som'ers in that they can also do anything. So good. Love them.

You and your Bug-love, @Dogmantra...  you're seriously making me think I might buy Wong's boxed set after all, rather than just trying to hunt down Wong by himself  ;)

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On 21 agosto 2016 at 6:30 AM, Dogmantra said:

Well, I don't know how much this helps, but it's a fun anecdote of something I've wanted to try for a little while. At a tournament yesterday I tried "Leveticus Som'er". A core of Som'er with Dirty Cheater, Sammy with Encouragement, the Emissary with Som'er's conflux and the effigy. General strat is sit Som'er within :aura8 of Sammy and :aura4 of the Emissary to get both bonuses. Use the Effigy to give Luck o' the Draw to Som'er, and accomplice into him. Do It Like Dis for the Ram if shooting. Then just go wild - Encouragement for a :+fate on the initial flip, (either of them being a ram healing that straight back up) if you don't hit and you don't have a high card to cheat in, just Bayou Two card for another two cards to pick from (and 1 healing off Dirty Cheater). Hopefully you hit and that's 4 min damage, and at least one of those cards is probably a Mask so you can push the Emissary. Same idea if you want to charge, but you can take a wound for Encouragement when you do the initial charge and then do it again for each individual attack for :+fate:+fate on your attack flips.

It's quite an expensive combo, but I had a lot of fun playing it and it seemed pretty effective, especially with the possibility of pushing the Emissary along with you if you get a mask in the process of all those card flips. If I was against a master with lower Wp, I would have tried to pair it with Bigger Hat Than You, but I ended up against Perdita who has absurdly good Wp.

This looks like a fun idea to try out! But I've a question as always xD

Its mainly because I couldn't fine some stuff certain regarding Encouragment so here are my doubts:

When you declare a charge using Encouragment, do you get the :+fate to all of your attacks generating from the action? Cause reading it on the card seems like so and might get into the category of "actions generating other actions" so that would be correct, tho I'm not sure about it.

Also this ide might be nice going for elite somer "core" since you buff him out like crazy (which I think was how you went for the game)

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36 minutes ago, EpicWaffle said:


When you declare a charge using Encouragment, do you get the :+fate to all of your attacks generating from the action? Cause reading it on the card seems like so and might get into the category of "actions generating other actions" so that would be correct, tho I'm not sure about it.

Yep, you get the :+fate to both attacks because those are duels resulting from the action. You'd also get a positive to horror duels or manipulative too. It's pretty good.

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