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Zipp, excited speculation!


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Didn't want to start a new thread for this one.


Had a tournament yesterday and round 2 was a 40 stone game.  Threw Zipp, Earl, 2 Skeeters, the First Mate, and Trixie out.  Everybody performed extremely well, except Trixie who I let go down on turn 2.

Earl never left Zipp's side, and I think that's how I'm going to do it from now on.  He has an AP for an interact action, to counter Zipp's insignificant, and an AP to toss out a mask so that Zipp has them built in for his defensive trigger and his melee attack.  Playing like this, gotta be careful to keep Zipp within range of Earl when he places from his Df trigger, but since his Ml trigger is a walk action, Earl comes with him.

Strategy was Squatter's Rights using the old schemes.  First Mate had squatters in the bag.  He can flip 2 a turn if you're set up properly for it, plus eating scheme markers where appropriate.  Even getting him up to armor +2 for the game was enough to keep him alive.  Plus, in a pinch, he can stone to prevent whatever gets through the armor if you're desperate for him to survive.

Zipp is just disgusting.  Seriously.  Moving enemy models around extremely reliably, especially as a placement instead of a push, means my opponent can't really set up positioning schemes easily.  Or that I can.  Dropped 1 scheme marker and then Zipp got enough opponents in range to score Plant Explosives from 1 marker.  Plus kept his master on his side of the board to block Entourage.  If a game gets flipped that has a good amount of positioning requirements, Zipp is my man.

All in all I think Zipp is a master that benefits from at least 25 stones in his theme.  The other 25 can go to anything you need, really.  That's his entire box minus 1 skeeter (before upgrades), and I honestly think this is a master that benefits more from his totem than he does Old Cranky.

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I've been trying one skeeter and the first few games were pretty rough.. but it's getting better. I'm one of those people that have to try all manner of things and found his crew can kill things pretty easy. Porkchop, Sparks and a Warpig are scary with zipp picking and choosing what models go into the charge lanes.

Haven't really stuck Earl with him yet, will try next game for sure though :D

I want to try him with mctavish and gators too. Same idea, tossing models into charge lanes for gators and mctavish.

Any idea if there's any place other than pull my finger we could set up a general Zipp tactica?

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I'm due to play Zipp for the first time tomorrow against the new resers box. We've agreed that we will both play all the models from our respective crew boxes and can user whatever else we need (in terms of eligible models and upgrades) to play a 50ss game. 

This should leave me with about 15ss to spend. I'm tempted to try sparks (for the first time) and a slop hauler unless the schemes and strategies mean I need to spend the points else where (eg a single bayou gremlin to hide somewhere of head hunter is in the pool or if I need a heavy hitter of some description). I'm also tempted to bring some stuffed pigs to air drop them up the table for some banter.


Being able to drop smoke markers should hopefully allow me to isolate target models until I deal with them and stop reva being able to draw range and Los from some of her friendly models. 


Any thoughts? 

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I've used Zipp's smoke twice, and the Skeeters once or so. Theirs is good in a pinch, but I haven't had reason to block LoS yet. Zipp's is different, blocking actual charge lanes or even straight movement, but I find it situational. 


His gun is great, and his Ml is amazing, especially if you build in your walk trigger. I find his AP is better spent on attacking as opposed to dropping markers, but in a tight spot I can see preferring them, obviously. 


I wouldn't bother with Sammy. I gave her the Diatribe and never used it, even though its a (0) which she doesn't have normally anyways. I'll give her another shot, but I have a bad habit of not using her early, and that action is obviously best used first or second activation. 


I used Trixie, but she didn't end up doing much in the end compared to the rest of the crew. I don't own sparks or the pork chop, so I'd recommend another good beater or pair of them. Zipp can drop enemies into engagement with dangerous models so their AP isn't wasted moving. Or out of cover so shooters can do their thing. Very effective

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I've found treasure map on him to be handy.  My first game I had zipp with the spotlight to support my crew... but his appointment is already locked solid imo. So a passive upgrade on him works really well.

And I'm in the other boat.  I use his smoke nearly every turn. (Make triangle type pattern, with two smoke touching each other and one opposite.) This let's him block Los to where ever. And if anything charges him, he blasts away and they're literally stuck, hopefully out of Los of theiron crew. It's worked for me a few times.


I'd take mctavish*. And francois if points allow. Skeeters aren't killy. But they can do wonders for other models and decent at running schemes themselves.(with Earl it goes to stupid amounts of it)

*I'm really fond of mctavish.like stupidly fond of him.

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I've used Zipp's smoke twice, and the Skeeters once or so. Theirs is good in a pinch, but I haven't had reason to block LoS yet. Zipp's is different, blocking actual charge lanes or even straight movement, but I find it situational. 


His gun is great, and his Ml is amazing, especially if you build in your walk trigger. I find his AP is better spent on attacking as opposed to dropping markers, but in a tight spot I can see preferring them, obviously. 


I wouldn't bother with Sammy. I gave her the Diatribe and never used it, even though its a (0) which she doesn't have normally anyways. I'll give her another shot, but I have a bad habit of not using her early, and that action is obviously best used first or second activation. 


I used Trixie, but she didn't end up doing much in the end compared to the rest of the crew. I don't own sparks or the pork chop, so I'd recommend another good beater or pair of them. Zipp can drop enemies into engagement with dangerous models so their AP isn't wasted moving. Or out of cover so shooters can do their thing. Very effective

I was thinking the same thing, the zipp "core" crew already has a lot of support mixed with decent damages if you take the piano upgrade for example but s couple of serious damage dealers which can free the skeeters from doing it is nice. I was thinking about Francois/Burt/Raphael and pere ravage in a scenario where I know people are gonna be bunched up. On one thing I'm not that sure and it's about having sparks or not in the crew.

He's pretty cool and ostile working environment can really be annoying (Nellie players will hate him so much) but the fast can be given only to constructs, which in the way I used him was applicable only to the skeeters, and his buffing ability (I don't have the card with me) requires a scrap which can be obtained mainly playing against some constructs or by using the mechanized porkchop/having some pieces diying close to sparks. And I'm not that sure I wanna throw him in combat since he's not that durable. How you guys feel about him? Should I buy the mechanized porkchop and use them as a duo?

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I would like to see how zipp, sparks and Whiskey Golem do. 
W.Golem can buff himself to +2 def for 1 ap a turn. He has nimble so he can be fairly fast if needed. Buffing W.Golem any more is just fun. He could be very durable, a large model to hide your models behind... so just throw him at whatever you want tarpitted or dead... I mean his Ml isn't terrible.

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I would like to see how zipp, sparks and Whiskey Golem do. 
W.Golem can buff himself to +2 def for 1 ap a turn. He has nimble so he can be fairly fast if needed. Buffing W.Golem any more is just fun. He could be very durable, a large model to hide your models behind... so just throw him at whatever you want tarpitted or dead... I mean his Ml isn't terrible.

His Ml stat isn't terrible, and he hits like a bastard, but his painful 1" :melee means he isn't much of a tarpit (I would have been MUCH happier if his new upgrade just gave him 2" :melee instead of the built in heal).  Being able to give him extras for free (meaning without Sparks making him a construct first) is icing on top, and I'll be trying him in my Zipp crews in the future.  Gotta take a greenskin break and try out Titania for a bit, but I'm a gremlin at heart.

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So my first game with the Zipp crew went a little like this:

Strategy: guard the stash

Schemes: CL, Leave your mark, exhaust their forces, frame for murder, set up

I took the Zipp box set: Zipp (with no quarter, rambling diatribe and liquid bravery); The first mate (with where the captain can't see and treasure map); 3 skeeters (with spotlight, poorly handled explosives and hovering air ship), Earl Burns, a taxidermist, slop hauler and a bayou gremlin with a cache of 4.


I faced the Reva box set plus a carrion emissary, bête noir, and Yin with a bunch of upgrades.


I took leave your mark (scored 3) and set up (scored 3) with my opponent taking exhaust and frame for murder (on Bete) and lost 10 -9.


Without making too many excuses I had a fairly horrible run of cards which meant that I lost Zipp to a sustained assault in turn 4. I fell into the trap of using Zipp to kill Bete after it unburied next to him on turn one (from a corpse candle that died) and was left with three models at the start of turn five- one died and I couldn't get the other close enough to the second stash marker.

First Impressions:

The use of the smokescreen from Zipp and the skeeters was really helpful at stopping Reva attacking from corpse markers and stopping models moving into melee range near the stash markers. I was also able to guarantee scoring the from the strategy by placing Zipp back to back with one of the markers and dropping smoke all around him. His ability to toe Earl was also really helpful as I was able to drag him half way across the board and, as I started to run out of models, allowed him to run up the board to drop markers for leave your mark.

Rambling diatribe is excellent. I used it on weak wp minions and so I knew my opponent's hand on three of Zipp's four turn. Sadly it was always better than mine but I did cost him 6 cards over the turns and drew that many for my own use. I didn't get it on turn four but forced my opponent to burn a 12 to prevent me succeeding.

Despite my run of cards, Zipp feels squishy. I didn't have a slop hauler nearby (but didn't plan too) and Earl couldn't heal him. Dirty cheater would have been more useful that liquid bravery but I thought I'd use the latter given my opponent).

I think 2 iron skeeters would be plenty but I managed to give the passengers (from hop on) fast consistently with the exception of one attempt were I cheated to fail rather than giving the passenger slow from the auto trigger. This allowed me to drop three markers round the emissary with my last two activations. The upgrades were useful in their own ways but I probably wouldn't use spotlight over the others but got it for free from Zipp's upgrade.

I didn't get much of a chance to really use the first mate as Reva's henchman kept him paralysed for a couple of turns. I wouldn't have taken the upgrades for the particular scheme pool as they both required the enemy to drop scheme markers (and he didn't drop any voluntarily thought I did force him to drop one with a trigger) so can't say much about them. His beat down was a decent attack but I only managed to get his menacing croak off once due to cards (had I been a bit luckier I would have stopped the opponent scoring from the strategy by pushing his models out of range of the marker).


The taxidermist would have been man of the match- he summed three stuffed piglets, scored 3.5 VP's and, in a round about way, killed the Carrion Emissary.  


Hope this is of some interest, at least it is another experience of our new master.


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Ive gotten in ten Zipp games so far. Most were at 35 points and locked list so a lot of my opinion is from that level. Still feels like a good point for an initial opinion.


Zipp: I like a good toolbox and Zipp has a deep one, possibly on wheels with compartments inside other compartments. Defensively hes ok, avoid trigger denial and keep a good mask or soulstone handy and fly away. Both the smoke and just running away after your melee attack (for free with the trigger) are also fine defensive traits. Denial wise hes got a lot going on, both gun triggers are frequently useful, the place on the melee attack is super dependable, the smokes a bit board dependent but always a thing to keep in mind. Finally offense, the guns there for the triggers and maybe the odd focus shoot blast, killing something and giving a condition to the slightly pinged neighbor is neat. The melee though, oh boy, attacking height is diiiiirrrrtttyyy, your generally a solid +1 on the attack and at least at the moment don't care about triggers. Zipps basically just cares about the amount of health, height and hard/impossible to wound, and hard to kill. A lot of models should fear a barrage of Zipp attacks. Upgrade wise I love Rambling Diatribe as a fantastic versatile 0, see your opponents hand, fish for high summoner fuel cards, discard junk from your hand for redraw, with a bonus slow trigger for funsys. The limited upgrades are kinda take a guess at what your opponents running and grab one, I prefer discarding a soulstone to cards for the condition removal.

Zipp quote:" Your superhuman reflexes may have stumped my minions Perdita but the Great Captain Zipp is not impressed and neither are the rocks I'm about to repeatedly slam you into."

Earl: Gonna take a pass on this one, hes been hiding in table corners a lot during my locked at 35 phase and I haven't had much actual do stuff time with him.

First Mate: I like a good toolbox and the First Mate has a solid one, definitely chrome plated (you can tell because he eats  it first when the Captain turns around). Wait two toolboxes in a crew box, its okay I'm sure the skeeters are really focused on doing something. Defensively hes okay, perfect camo and his stats are decent protection and a reliable leap lets him hang around the outskirts a bit till hes needed. Offensively hes potatoes, once in a blue moon you can get the slow to paralyze, swallow you whole shtick off, enjoy it when it happens. Otherwise he can kill the squishier scheme runners and odds and ends decently, terror tots don't like repeated potatoeing. Denial wise he has the fantastic Menacing Croak, a solid push with three great triggers, two of which are built in. Where the Captain Cant See is kinda situational as an upgrade and I could see swapping it for Hide in the Mud to double down on shooting defense. What Ive really liked is combining Where the Captain cant see and Hovering Airship to create a really aggressive anti scheme runner. 20 inch threat of marker removal, 10 double walk, 7 leap, 3 slurp trigger plus 19 inch threat of focused piano dropping goodness with easy access to a ram. Treasure maps also an option if the pool is super schemey, or you smell Titania.

Writings from Pillsworth Insane Asylum: "I was almost a made man. Planted the evidence at the eleventh hour, guild patrol was already on its way, I could smell the fat payday coming. Then a frog in a jacket carrying an anchor fell from the sky and licked up all my hard work then ran away. Now can you let me out of this straightjacket."

Iron Skeeters: I like a good..... okay if you haven't figured it out this crewbox is toolboxes stacked on toolboxes with optional tools on the side. Defense wise there pretty squishy, find a safe spot and make it safer with a smoke cloud, hopefully. There offense is kinda unreliable unless Earl has double auras going. Lowish values, great triggers. The meat and pototes is the zero action and the sky pirate upgrades. Choose a riding buddy, give it fast with the trigger, drop the riding buddy off nine miles down town, watch it murder things. Burt, Pere, Raphael and stiltless Francois are great choices. If the riding buddy survives its alpha, the skeeter can swoop in to reapply fast or do a little healing  along with some amount of moving. A nice trick to free up a valuable model stuck in melee is just to have the skeeter fly in and let that important model slide across the skeeters hood like a weird Dukes of Hazard episode. For the sky pirate upgrades I like hovering airship for a pseudo austringer and Poorly Handled Explosives for a nice mix of schemes ,slow and exploding nuclear Pere. A great edition to the gremlins pool.

"I'm not sure if I should be more scared of the lunatics flying those things or the lunatics being flown around by the lunatics flying those things."

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Pure theory-faux (haven't had a chance to proxy yet, but I will!) that's how I view using the First Mate, denial, and a damn good one. I think the slow/paralyze/devour chain will be nice for times when you get the stars aligned or combo with another model to dole out slow/paralyze, but more of a thing to keep in mind, rather than a strategy in itself. But for scheming/scheme denial/schemer defending, dude looks awesome!

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In terms of denial the First Mate fights against Trixie Bell. The First Mates push is more dependable in push distance, but Trixie has a longer range. Both have a slow trigger. The First Mates defenses are more solid by himself, while Trixie is more defensible with a meat shield. Attack wise there both potato (or maybe tomato) without an upgrade or backup. Trixie has initiative cheating and is cheaper, the First Mates got better stats and stronger scheme denial. List wise there both valuable tools though I think Trixie might edge out the First Mate just do to initialize cheating and the extra ap.

Whats really fun is taking both, push and slow all the things!!

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In terms of denial the First Mate fights against Trixie Bell. The First Mates push is more dependable in push distance, but Trixie has a longer range. Both have a slow trigger. The First Mates defenses are more solid by himself, while Trixie is more defensible with a meat shield. Attack wise there both potato (or maybe tomato) without an upgrade or backup. Trixie has initiative cheating and is cheaper, the First Mates got better stats and stronger scheme denial. List wise there both valuable tools though I think Trixie might edge out the First Mate just do to initialize cheating and the extra ap.

Whats really fun is taking both, push and slow all the things!!

Mate's Push has the gigantic advantage in that it is in any direction while Trix's is only away. (Of course Trix's Lure has the enormous advantage in that it can be used to Lure Gremlins but just noting).

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very true, would have come into play nicely in my game yesterday. Revas henchman was against a wall to stop Trixie pushes, but if my hand hadn't been trash tier the First Mate could have moved him out.


Had Zipp die for the first time. Didn't read Revas card, didn't realize she had that much face punch, especially the zero action. Funny game, could have easily won by just having Zipp drag Earl as far away from things as possible and popping smoke over and over.

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