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Hayreddin release and synergy?


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What do you mean by synergize? If you are asking for Synergy along the lines of Molly with Horrors or Spirits, or even Madam Sybelle and Belles, the answer is, none. He has no direct keyword synergy, he isn't undead, and nothing in ressers keys off nephilim. The closest would probably be Molly, as he has black blood so he wouldn't really get smashed in a splash fest. But he's a ranged attack model who generally doesn't want to get too close to enemies. He's a quick mobile model who has a very good aura, so in that sense he works ok with everyone. Be careful though as the aura works against your models too. If I was forced to pick a master he's best with, probably Seamus... maybe, as at least in one play style Seamus is generally trying to do the same thing as Hayreddin is, and if you get your positioning right, he can assist in not making Seamus have to focus to get best use from his gun. 

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Oh well november is not that far away. I am situated in europe so getting it over here kills me with the import and taxes :(. Yeah I meant who he likes to play with generally, thanks for the answer :)!

1 hour ago, Bengt said:

he is tagged as November in the webshop.

where can you see the tags in the webshop, I cant seem to find them. Not sure if I am blind or just stupid haha :)

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38 minutes ago, Stur said:

where can you see the tags in the webshop, I cant seem to find them. Not sure if I am blind or just stupid haha :)

It's not very intuitive, you have to select tags from the drop down on the page that shows all products and see what shows. I don't know how accurate those tags are, especially for products that are far out, but the november ones are pretty reasonable as it's the last of the Shifting Loyalties stuff.

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I've had ain success with McM,growing Soulfire (or what the Condition was called) of stuff that take dmg from Poison and ticking it it faster w McMs aura. He was cool because of the gun and I think he was after like Breakthough or something which utilized his speed but have him the chance to stay in cover as he isn't very durable.

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Too expensive to do that intentionally because Anna's dmg track is pretty flat. You still need the suits to get the triggers so not worth it in my opinion to hire with that in mind. Not bad if it just happens, but hiring to purposely take advantage of that combo is inefficient in my opinion.

Heyridden is a good skirmisher. He works like Seamus in that he wants to operate on the fringes, and kill the weak. While he can pick on big units and make them feel the hit he is unlikely to kill them off before they kill him. Better to run schemes with him and kill anything that tries to run schemes near him. He can also pick on models on the outside of the engagement if that is more advantageous.

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On 8/5/2016 at 10:53 PM, Bengt said:

It's not very intuitive, you have to select tags from the drop down on the page that shows all products and see what shows. I don't know how accurate those tags are, especially for products that are far out, but the november ones are pretty reasonable as it's the last of the Shifting Loyalties stuff.

It's also worth noting that the official Wyrd Webshop gets the stuff after the retailers do so he should be available in October from normal shops.

I could see Hayredding as being pretty good with Molly since her Revelations becomes very good with that positive to Damage Flip. And Hayredding has Black Blood so Molly's won't be a problem for him.


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2 hours ago, Math Mathonwy said:

It's also worth noting that the official Wyrd Webshop gets the stuff after the retailers do so he should be available in October from normal shops.

The tags for other months match the ones on the upcoming page (which in turn matches retail release), e.g. Forgotten marshal is in October on upcoming and tagged "October 2016" in the webshop. Besides, upcoming goes to October and Hayreddin isn't on it.

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I've liked the theory of him in a Kirai crew. He can give plus to damage and Datsu Ba (often maligned) will make great use of the plus with her Weigh Sins Attack. It'll mean hitting that max damage 6 more likely. It'll also boost Kirai's shooting meaning more likely to hit the 5 max (with upgrade). 

I've not tried it out yet and likely will make him a target, but the benefit of doing this and the Anna attack as above is that non of your models are close by (as they are all ranged spells) so they aren't getting hit with the +damage from the oppo. 

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Yeah, basically anyone who can fire into a melee and either has a high-end damage track (Hans, Datsue Ba) or bonus effects on moderate/severe (Molly, Anna) or blasts (Carrion Emissary). The same could go for melee, but that means (potentially) coming within Hayreddin's aura yourself, which is dangerous.

He's also just a very good assassin model in his own right. Good mobility with Wk 6 and Flight and a brutal shotgun if he gets an enemy in range of his aura, which makes him great for hunting down opposing scheme hunters (potentially while working on schemes himself.)

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