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Rogue Necromancy


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So when playing Marcus what are your experiences with the Rogue Necromancy?

It draws an obvious comparison to the Cerberus so how often do you take one over the other?

The loss of leap and unimpeded to gain a shooting attack, smell fear, and impossible to wound is interesting, thinking about the RN and some Shikome would play well off each other.

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I generally use both Rogue Necromancy and Sabertooth Cerberus when I play Marcus, and get solid results from each of them. Each has its own strengths and objectives in the crew, and taking both generally gives my opponent some unpleasant choices, since neither of them can be safely ignored.

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On August 6, 2016 at 9:51 AM, JoeJones said:

I generally use both Rogue Necromancy and Sabertooth Cerberus when I play Marcus, and get solid results from each of them. Each has its own strengths and objectives in the crew, and taking both generally gives my opponent some unpleasant choices, since neither of them can be safely ignored.

This gets even better now with the new upgrade that lets you swap a beast and a construct. 

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I actually like running a pair of rogue necromancies with marcus crews on occasion when terrain and schemes justifies it. The area control they provide is potent. 


Fog, I think the real tech there is with beast/constructs like the rogue necromancies and scorpius, making it essentially just a swap effect. I saw someone mention poison gamin are both beasts and constructs - is that true?

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On 8/5/2016 at 9:33 AM, decker_cky said:

I really like them. But there's no comparison to the cerberus. Cerberus is a fast missile that deletes what it charges. Necromancy is a sit back and shoot blasts model at its core. 

They merit compression as hard hitting beasts with the Three Headed ability, but from there are quite different.

3 hours ago, Fog said:

This gets even better now with the new upgrade that lets you swap a beast and a construct. 

Sweet, just heard about this upgrade and look forward to using it.

20 minutes ago, BFOmega said:

Yep, poison are beast. And I think the real beast/construct tech is Raptor/Howard. Just make stuff dead.

That is dirty. My Collette crew is doing this now. "For my next trick..."


Thank you all for the input so far. Definitely fielding the RN once I get it painted.

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On 8/8/2016 at 8:45 AM, Fog said:

This gets even better now with the new upgrade that lets you swap a beast and a construct. 

What? Oh god, I'm on vacation now and won't have access to my book 4 until I get back. You have made me actually want to cut my vacation short to see what you're talking about. Not cool, dude. Not cool.

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