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Outcasts vs Summoners


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10 hours ago, Fireuser said:

I don't have my cards/book with me, but if that is the case, it seems like a pretty big design inconsistency. 

I'm afraid that's one of my pet hates also. Not only is the condition template ridiculously wordy, not being applied consistently means it actually creates a mechanical distinction between all the mechanically identical effects from v1.5 it was supposed to unify. :rolleyes:

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Used specialist and Sue yesterday versus Nicodem. They are good to counter corpse markers. But both were bit slow. Sue is always good choice against Ressers (:-fate to CA, so no easy lures from Belle).
Specialist was too easy to kill, DF 4 is pain :( But my oponnent face when I removed his corpse markers, awww shame on me, I should take photo ;)

But from other news, I will start "Bone" path Levi. Metal Sybelle, and plastic Belles are on way, thinking about Doxy in long term :) any other things to buy?

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25 minutes ago, Jafar said:

But from other news, I will start "Bone" path Levi. Metal Sybelle, and plastic Belles are on way, thinking about Doxy in long term :) any other things to buy?

Tricky question, you know? ;)

I have:

- Valedictorian - mobile beat-stick who can shut down defensive triggers on the target

- Dead Rider - as above minus trigger stuff

- Sybelle + Bells - lure and slow 

- Dead Doxies - movement shenanigans

- Crooligans and Necropunks - scheme runners

- Flesh Construct - solid anchor

Soon I'll add Yin for de-buffing enemy models on Ca and Wp duels (which should help Levi a lot).

I also consider Datsue Ba - she might summon Gaki when she kills something.

There is still a number of models I wouldn't mind to grab and use but I have to restrain myslef a bit (at this stage) :)

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17 minutes ago, daniello_s said:

Tricky question, you know? ;)

Yes I know, also got many stupid/great ideas.

One of them: take Bone Levi, Two belles, Bete Noire, Trapper and rest crew for schemes.

Trapper is aiming to kill something in enemy deployment zone. Unbury Bete and make chaos. Belle lures meantime models that should be killed by Levi ;)Enemy will have so much things to deal with at the same time, so should not finish  schemes :P 

* only in Theory, so may be awful in real game :)

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My usual go to for anti-summoner ops is summoning Abominations in close to the summoner. Abominations are easy to summon, and can use your opponents summoned models against them since most of them enter play wounded and relatively close to the summoner. Since Abominations strip suits from cast actions, and practically all summons require a suit, you can effectively neuter a summoner simply by moving an abomination within 2" of it. You won't necessarily prevent all summoning this way, but you will make it expensive in terms of stones and cards which will slow it down. 

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I'm a pretty big fan of taking the Viks against summoners, especially in Interference.  Most summoners rely on you playing their game, standing off and letting them spend their resources as they wish.  They also tend to summon in clumps, making them susceptible to Whirlwind.  The Viks are fast enough and giving Blood the Mark of Shez'uul upgrade lets her ignore all common defensive traits that summons often have.

The trick is to know when to commit.  Doing a Vik missile too early can leave Blood out to dry and the summoner can simply replace their killed forces.  Just be careful of Hanged and layered Terrifying checks.  They can really ruin her day.

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