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Ressur Noob

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As the subject line suggests im a noob to malifaux and ressurs, but not wargaming. I already have my master picked out Molly, i love the black blood mechanic. are there any models that are just plain crap? I dont wanna spend money on models i wont use. I have a hard-on for Dead Rider and Heyreddin, worth it?. Apart from Phillip is there any recommended henchman, im looking a Anna lovelace is she worth it?

Soory for all the question, but im all in for malifaux at the moment

cheers dudes and dudettes

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The Seamus Box contains Rotten Belles, which are quite nice for Molly as she can summon them. It also contains Rotten Sybelle, who buffs the movement of other Belles nearby, including Molly!

Horror Molly might like the University of Transmortis box set, Rogue Necromancy and maybe Yin The Pennangalen.

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Some models are specialist, and only used occasionally, but none are never played (at least in my opinion)

Molly has 2 distinct styles to  her, based on which of her limited upgrades you take. One of them allows you to summon spirits and gives spirits black blood, the other allows you to summon horrors and gives horrors black blood. Because of this, you will find that you often build the list containing more of that type of model. 

Heyredden and Anna Lovelace haven't yet been released in plastic, so not very many people have played with them much. Dead Rider is a strong beat stick for the faction, but no obvious Molly synergy. Thats not a bad thing, it works about the same regardless of what you do with the rest of your crew.  If you are playign with Spirits, then Datsuba is a possibel otehr henchmen but not essential. 

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First off, Welcome to Malifaux. I hope you enjoy the game. :)

My go to models for Molly (Horror Summoning Molly):

Seamus Box set (for Rotten Belles and Madame Sybelle). This is the biggest bang for buck to go with Molly. Molly is a Belle and can summon them always. This box gives you three Belles and Sybelle who can reposition Belles (such as Molly making her more mobile). This also gives you a very good, mobile and high direct damage dealing Master to play with.

Punk Zombies (better to me to buy Nicodem's box set as you'll also get Mortimer who's a wonderful support Henchman) - Molly's #1 aggressive summon when going Horror summoning Molly

After that it's really up to you and your preferences. I like Dead Doxies (More movement tricks who are also Belles, Molly can always summon them, Seamus can summon them as well), Drowned (Models that drop Scheme markers when they die and are resilient in combat...if Molly summons them away from enemies they instantly die dropping Scheme markers, so you can pull some tricks with that). 

As for Anna & Heyreddin I have been using them both pretty much non-stop. Heyreddin for the past couple months and Anna since last year (on Vassal and proxying locally). Anna is a very good Henchman who provides non-randomizing ranged attacks which work great with Molly who summons her minions into combat and can trigger a horror test or a summons. She gives Rush of Magic, and her anti-movement aura has irritated my opponents to no end. She also comes with a decent melee that can target either df or wp, can heal her or potentially bury a target. I've hired her in about 10 different crews across 3 different factions now pretty regularly for the past year. She's becoming a crutch for me. :D

Heyreddin is another good model. He can hit hard, gives out :+fateFlips to Damage to those taking hits near him (all models though, not just enemy so watch your positioning). He has a Push trigger to move friendlies away (basically out of his aura so they don't suffer from it), can ignore defenses and get place effects via his Vitalize condition, and has a slug shooting shotgun that, although short range, can really put a dent in someone, especially on the Slug trigger. His biggest weakness is his few wounds, but his Df7 helps mitigate quite a bit of that for more non-master/henchman models. He's very fun to use in conjunction with Anna as he can get in someone's face, knock the mess out of them and she can turn around and fire into the enemy on +Flips for damage which help her get her summons easier (and do more damage more often). I really like combo'ing the two of them.
Mind you all suggestions given are just that. Go with what you like. Hopefully others will chime in about their experiences and advise. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is super useful advice for me!

I had been trying Molly with Crooligans, Necropunks and Punk Zombies, but I have been losing pretty badly.

I'm going to give Drowned, Rotten Belles and Dead Doxies a go, as well as try and pull off summoning more!

Forgotten Marshall, anyone tried him with Molly or other slow Resser crews?

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I have not tried him at all, but Crooligans, Necropunks, Gaki, Student of Viscera and Guild Autopsy are all models you will one day get, so you will probably end up with the things he summons when he dies!

He certainly looks very good to me, with his ability to bury and travel to friends or to help allies charge. I think for the most part his teleporting around and shooting will be his main benefits though, not the CG bonus. For that you should look at getting the Carrion Emissary.

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Forgotten Marshal with Bag Seamus has some potential. He has a few issues. He's slow unless he's using A step into Oblivion. And his melee attack is subject to activation order requirements to get the best use out of it. The ability to just become a new model when he dies is great, but the issue with it is you have no agency over what he becomes, and the fact that 2 of them are Scheme runners who can't interact the turn they pop up is wonky. He's not bad though if you need a model that can help support high mobility models. So Teleporting Seamus, is a good option, especially if you brought the bag and won't be stymied with another model tying models up in melee.

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