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Avatar Ideas


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As there have been some brilliant Ideas in the "Brewmaster Avatar Ideas" topic recently, I'd like to ask wich other Ideas you guys would have for scratchbuilding the avatars for the other masters.

But I don't want to leave the impression that I only want to steal ideas, I am gonna start to leave some here too ^^

Somer:  As everybody now seems to wear a big hat, he got a different idea: to show everyone that he is the biss, he starts to wear more hats than the other folks. So basically, I would put him on a nice base, surrounded by Gremlins, and give him the hatcollection of the copycat killer, and, well, maybe change his pose a little.

Ophelia: I would love to design her to look like eCaine ( Warmachine Cygnar Warcaster, if you don't know what the heck I'm talking about).

I love this model, and I would love this pose even more on Ophelia...walking around, a smoking gun in each hand.. awesome :D

Brewmaster: I also had the Idea of him, commanding a Whiskygolem...that would be tough to do, but would look great.

Though the idea with the drinking contest came up, wich would look awesome too ^^


But I can't seem to figure out Ideas for the other 3...have you guys anything lined up ?

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Wong- I think for an avatar type model it would be a very awesome sculpt to see him with his bag on the ground infront of him, opened and three spirits either circling him or coming out of his shoulders/back like the Illuminated but maybe not feeding on him just embedding him with powers. 

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I actually really like the existing Som'er Avatar model of him riding "Peaches" in style. Umbrella providing shade, bucket of fried chicken in hand, still hanging off the back. That is Gremlin classy rite dar.

I did add a few more bits to mine to really throw him over the top, here is what mine looks like;


Figured along with his umbrella during the day, he'd be wanting a lantern for the dark nights. Also figured Som'er wouldn't want to be with any creature comforts, so I added two large "Saddle" Bags to Peaches flanks, one with a tent the other with his bed roll, some rope (you know cause Charlie Bronson's always got rope...and he always end up needing it) and of course a cast iron frying pan (Reaper Adventuring Accessories pack).

Lastly, A man of Som'er's status would definitely want some sort of standard flying to draw more attention to him. The flag is a bit from Privateer Press.

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I've been thinking about this a lot recently too. I quite like the idea of theming each master to its avatar name, so...

Ulix 'The Swineherd' - surfing a herd of pigs as they scramble over one another to get to the enemy, I imagine it looking like the little plastic nurgling swarm from warhammer with him on top with a whip and bucket of slop

Wong 'The Grand Finale' - fireworks everywhere! Colourful explosions and Wong flying above it all with his "Rocket on my back" (stolen from Merris of course)

Ophelia "The Perforator" - similar to Forgeworld's Angron but with bullets instead of axes. Bodies falling everywhere as she riddles them with bullets. The Wendigo guild guy would be good for this.

Zoraida "The Weaver" - floating above a half sewn giant doll, as autonomous needles circle her completing the work

Those are the ideas I have so far. Others are still 'brewing'... 

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I love your idea for Ophelia. Now to see if I can round up 3 or 4 of them to create the drop in Avatar base. With a little modification to her plastic model (Arms out stretched a la Caine 2 from Warmachine and perhaps the borrowing of Burt's Gun) this should look real good. Wonder how much it would cost to pull this off?

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...I was going to slide in here and repeat the speech about avatars needing to touch upon the darkness inherent in every master, but...uh...youse greenskins got that covered already. Completely. Utterly. Even up to the point of Category IV creepiness (avatar body-horror models). I'm going to leave now. *runs!*

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm working on my Ophelia Avatar right now. I'm using the slugger of off a Hordes Dire Troll Blitzer lashed on to a log carried by two gremlins. Old Ophelia model, arms filed off and greenstuffed to be operating the gun. My Vision is the recoil has lifted the gun skyward, hoisting the two gremlins with it. 

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6 minutes ago, Gremlin66 said:

Being new I gotta ask.  Are there any Avatar models available ?

In Gremlins, only the old metal first edition Som'er Teeth Jones avatar if you can find it. There aren't going to be new ones because of the costs involved in making models that aren't useful for standard games. When they do come out they are just going to be a base insert instead of a new sculpt.

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