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Hello! [dusts off]

I'd played my last game of Malifaux somewhere at the end of 2011 and actually haven't played anything since (life). Recently I've found a gaming partner interested in the game and I'm thinking about diving headfirst into M2E, but I'm a bit lost. If someone could help me with the following questions, I'd be very grateful.


1. The books. I have the Rulebook for M2E (one of my last gaming purchases, but I'm reading it only now) and I understand there are two M2E expansion books. Can anyone tell me what is in them and do I need them immediately? Also, I seem to remember hearing about e-books, but can't find any in the Webstore. I'd prefer ebooks, especially if they are getting upgraded with all the errata the way some other companies do (are they?). Are there official Wyrd published e-books for M2E?

2. The Arsenal Decks... I have the old school Lilith, Colette and Nikodem crews... very extended. I also have Molly and some Outcast Mercenaries. I've got Wave 1 Arsenal decks for Neverborn, Resurrectionists and Outcasts and just ordered Wave 2 decks for Archaists, Neverborn, Resurrectionists and Outcasts. I understand Colette crew is entirely covered by the wave 2 Arcanists deck, but how about upgrade cards? Do I need Wave 1 box for her upgrades (don't know exactly how to play with those yet). Any other decks I should think about getting?

3. The models - I still have models to paint and lots of stuff I haven't even played with... so the new models have low priority... On the top of that, unpopular as it may be, I definitely prefer the looks of old school Malifaux to the new plastics - it's only a matter of the style, as I'm not a metal fan at all. :D  So I'm going to keep playing with my old models for considerable future... there is just one hole I'd like to fill and that is Barbaros. I'm looking for an alt for him and I'd love it to fit the old Nephilim looks. I'd be grateful for all the suggestions. :)

4. The web based crew-creator I have working link for (Ratty's) haven't been updated for the 2E. Are there any working 2E crew creators?

5. Any other stuff a 1E player should get before returning to the 2E?

Thanks in advance for help!



6. How about avatars? Are they in the Wave 2 or 3? I have the old metal Avatars for all my crews, but I still have to put them together...

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The e-books are at Wargamevault. The chronicles (which have been regularly published bi-monthly for the last year and a half or so) and the rules manual are also there for free.

The second book, Crossroads, contain stories (mostly character stuff, not much progress on the overall arc) and cards for everything in Wave 2, no other rules.

The third book, Shifting Loyalties, more stories (mostly big stuff this time) and cards for new models that wasn't in 1st ed. It also has a campaign system.

Arsenal decks have upgrades that matches the models in the same deck. There are some general upgrades for each faction in each Arsenal so if you want those as actual cards you would have to get either Arcanists W1 or the generalist deck (which has all general upgrades for all factions). But you could just photocopy them from your M2E book (which is ok for official tournaments as well).

M2E crew creator.

Avatars are part of the Shifting Loyalties campaign system, they are not legal in "normal" play (though obviously in a friendly game you and your opponent can do whatever you agree on :P ). The Avatar models are also official proxies for the Emissaries, which storywise are Effigies supercharged with avatar power. The emissaries are also in Shifting Loyalties and they have a bunch of 0 cost upgrades that matches the various masters.

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Thank you very much! I think I have a good starting point then. And a follow-up question:

I've noticed in the ebooks' comments section some people complain they are heavy and slow to open. I have iPad Mini Retina (the second generation I believe) - I wonder if it can handle the books?

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Arsenal decks and upgrade cards - 

With what you have already ordered, and already own, I would suggest buying the Genralist Upgrade deck, as that contains all the general upgrades that you don't get in crew boxes across the 7 factions. It does mean you will duplicate some upgrades that you have in the arsenal decks., but that should be less of a problem. 

If you aren't planning on playing any faction that you don't already own at least 1 arsenal deck for, you might find it  cheaper to just order the wave 1 aracnist arsenal deck, or photocopy/ print for the pdf the cards you want. But its malifaux. You may well end up playing another faction, and want those upgrades as well. 


Welcome back. Having played first edition, you'll find the new edition probably plays a bit more hectic. The action happens from the first turn in most cases, with people needing to be in a position to score points by turn 2 onwards. A lot of the feel of the game is fairly similar, and in most cases the feel of the model is similar across editions, possibly more so now with the changes to soulstones making things like summoning more reliable. (Nicodem doesn't need to build a hand of crows, he can use stones to make up for the lack of crows). 



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On 2016年5月31日 at 5:28 PM, Adran said:

If you aren't planning on playing any faction that you don't already own at least 1 arsenal deck for, you might find it  cheaper to just order the wave 1 aracnist arsenal deck, or photocopy/ print for the pdf the cards you want. But its malifaux. You may well end up playing another faction, and want those upgrades as well. 

It occurred to me just now, as I was about to order one of the e-books... are the Malifaux e-books printable? Can I print out the cards inside to cut them out and laminate? I think I may need just a couple of Arcanist upgrades and perhaps some extra Terror Tots...

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You're welcome


Also, I sleeve all my stat cards (because penny sleeves are cheaper than replacing stained cards) so my alternate card has the same feel as the other cards (though it is printed in black & white). I sleeved the printed cards with cards from an old CCG (7th Sea, to be specific) to keep them properly rigid. 

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I'd used sleeves for Malifaux, but I've bought laminating machine for the cards at some point... With the new cards being plastic and rigid, I wonder if the sleeves wouldn't be more convenient again... (not to mention that laminating and cutting out whole Arsenal decks is not something I look forward to :D)

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On 2016年5月30日 at 3:26 PM, Bengt said:

Avatars are part of the Shifting Loyalties campaign system, they are not legal in "normal" play (though obviously in a friendly game you and your opponent can do whatever you agree on :P ). The Avatar models are also official proxies for the Emissaries, which storywise are Effigies supercharged with avatar power. The emissaries are also in Shifting Loyalties and they have a bunch of 0 cost upgrades that matches the various masters.

I'm digging through the expansion books and I've got to the avatars finally. I have the original metal models for Nicodem, Lilith and Colette avatars and I'd love to use them, but it seems the Avatars are somewhat different now... More like an upgrade to the character than the game-changing thing they used to be. I'm especially confused about Colette, as I don't see any reference to her splitting into three models anymore (I guess I'll have to base all three models on a single 50mm base...). 

Is there any way to get the manifestation cards and perhaps the avatar cards for these old models? They are not in the W2 Arsenal Decks...

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21 minutes ago, Q'iq'el said:

I'm digging through the expansion books and I've got to the avatars finally. I have the original metal models for Nicodem, Lilith and Colette avatars and I'd love to use them, but it seems the Avatars are somewhat different now... More like an upgrade to the character than the game-changing thing they used to be. I'm especially confused about Colette, as I don't see any reference to her splitting into three models anymore (I guess I'll have to base all three models on a single 50mm base...). 

Is there any way to get the manifestation cards and perhaps the avatar cards for these old models? They are not in the W2 Arsenal Decks...

There are 2 ways to use the old avatars. 

They are legal proxies for the Emissary But need to be on a 50mm base. 

They can be used as Avatars if you are playing  a shifting loyalty campaign. 

The shifting loyalty campaign deck contains all the cards you want.


And Avatar Colette is of no use except for you having 4 sculpts of colette.


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