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20SS Hardcore


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Hey all, 

Rumours abound about a hardcore mini tournament at the Outpost in Sheffield. 

I'm thinking of fielding: 

Rusty Alyce
Convict Gunslinger 
Hodgepodge Effigy

1 ss left over for either i pay better or Oathkeeper for the convict...

I also realised I would generally only consider Taelor, Hannah, Alyce or Ama No Zako (at a push) for hardcore.

Any ideas on more streamlined builds or thoughts on the above build?

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I prefer the classic Rusty Alyce (Oathkeeper), Ronin, Johan, Librarian.  It lets Rusty walk and Rapid Fire or Charge on a vital turn, Alyce's bubble and the Ronin cannot be charged, everyone has a Flurry option, condition removal, and healing.  Not to mention the Librarian strips built-in suits on Ca, Ml, and Sh actions within her 4" bubble.  It's remarkably handy against opponents with triggers they expect to have but suddenly don't.

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While I love Hannah, I don't think she's a fantastic model in a small game, since she's got less spell cloning options and her really threatening blasts are usually less impacting.

On your list, there's a lot of basic shooting there, I'd want to diversify a bit so there's less chance that you'll run into a bad matchup, like Kirby's mix.

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9 hours ago, SpiralngCadavr said:

While I love Hannah, I don't think she's a fantastic model in a small game, since she's got less spell cloning options and her really threatening blasts are usually less impacting.

On your list, there's a lot of basic shooting there, I'd want to diversify a bit so there's less chance that you'll run into a bad matchup, like Kirby's mix.

Yeah initially I had the idea of a shooty list that is difficult to close upon due to Alyce's aura for anti-charges and then when melee does unfold, both sue and the convict gun-slinger can shoot at :meleerange. 

Now i'm thinking a similar list to kirby with Taelor leading it so there are multiple hard to kill models and a drop of healing :D plus the 3" :melee is never wasted in close range hardcore games..

Also I agree about Hannah; I was thinking the card draw may be a good bonus but she's just a bit meh all round; its rare that i take her in most lists these days... even Tara's crew builds don't really look to her anymore... 


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When I went to a local Hardcore tournament (with fixed lists) i brought:


Convict Gunslinger


Freikorps Librarian


As you have a higher card/model-ratio in hardcore, you can generally give fast and rapid fire/flurry/furious casting to the most effective model at that time. And all ranged models can also fight in close combat. Dishing out a lot of slow with Aionus was also really useful, since it removes a greater percentage of the opponents total AP. :)

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On 07/04/2016 at 2:31 PM, SlackerLM said:

Would you consider a Trapper? 

I've never played Hardcore Henchman, so I'm curious on larger game "staple" minion.

I could see potential problems in that hardcore games are typically close deployment and melee is pretty much assured. The trapper may get one shot in and then is pretty much out of the game unless he wants to wade in with his combat knife :P

If you fancy playing a game use the following rules (stolen from adepticon 2016 henchmen hardcore):

Number of Rounds: 3

• Round Time Limit: 30 minute time limit.

• Strategy and Scheme Selection (all rounds): o Deployment: Close. o Strategy: Hardcore Turf War. This Strategy uses the Turf War rules (Core Rulebook pg. 66) with the exception that VP may be scored on the first Turn. o Scheme Pool: Assassinate (Core Rulebook pg. 68). This is the only Scheme available and it must always be taken.

• Game Size (all Crews MUST BE led by a Henchman, NOT a Master):
o The game size is 20 Soulstones.
o All Crews must contain exactly 4 models, no more, no less.
o Upgrades may be purchased, as allowed by the standard rules of Malifaux.
o The size of a Crew’s Soulstone Pool is limited by the Cache of the Henchman leading it; any Soulstones above this amount are discarded.
o Any Actions, Abilities, or Triggers which summon models are considered to be “blank” (they may not be used and have no effect on the game, as if they were not printed on the model).
o Only one Scheme will be available.

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Kirby's list is about as solid as it gets for Outcasts (and is my usual Hardcore list). It throws 12 attacks per round with good damage, has healing and condition removal, plus suit stripping...it does get a little boring to play though. 

I was kicking around the idea of:


Hannah + her book

Void Wretch x2

Admittedly this whole thing falls apart if I can't manage to bury anything, but it looks fun to me. 

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Here's what I used at Adepticon to my own personal delight: 

Ama as leader (more SStones that way) + Oathkeeper



Malifaux Child

Oathkeeper gives more attacks = more change to heal, Hannah has heals from Libby, or an extra attack, Child has a heal

The child is there because I need four models, but he doesn't do all that bad if you can get middling rams in your hand

Plus Hannah give you arcane reservoir and a high WP to take on tricky opponents. 

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I've won a convention hh with Hannah w/ancient tomes, nothing beast w/void shield, and two void wretches. Lots of 3" reach, so many ways to bury, six attacks off your two main beaters, and some tricks with your fleas. Lots of fun.

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