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Molly's Black Blood

Lizzy Lovecraft

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So I'm back to Rezers, how I missed the dead girls...

Anyways, I'm planning on focusing all my energy on mastering Molly Squidpiddge, and I think I've been missing a little damage on my opponent. 

If Molly has the Forgotten Life upgrade on, giving all her horror and belle friends within :aura6 Black Blood, and she summons said horror or belle model within :aura6, when it takes the damage from being summoned, does it's black blood kick out a wound of damage to everything within :pulse1, as well as the 1 damage to everything within :pulse3 that fails it's Wp duel?

'Cause causing 2 damage to things while creating a slowed Punk Zombie in their face would be sweet!

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No it doesn't, there is wording specifically to prevent that. The only damaged caused by her summons is if they are in range and fail their WP duel when the model is summoned. Don't forget as well, that the aura Molly gives out is an Aura, and if an enemy can Block LoS to Molly, they can attack Horrors in range to their heart's content without suffering black blood.

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Molly's summoning specifically states "...it suffers damage equal to its Wd which may not be reduced, ignoring Hard to Kill and Black Blood." The prevention of reduction and Hard to Kill means you can't summon something with Armor or HtK away from enemy models and have it survive, and ignoring Black Blood in this instance means that the damage won't trigger Black Blood

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So, after playing Molly's core crew, I did discover that the Crooligan's Blistering Fog will double the damage from not only Black Blood, but also the effect from Molly's summoning.  And the -1 Wp from the Crooly's Creepy makes the summoning damage that much harder to resist. :D A 0 action, only takes a 9 to cast, and has the :crow built in, too!

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The trick to that action is getting it to work. There is a positional element, a card element, and an activation element. I personally don't even bother trying to do it anymore, unless Molly is in serious danger. And I don't do it in order to actually kill anything, I do it so that the Crooligan gets attacked instead of Molly, mainly because the Crooligan's are easier to put in the ground than she is. 

I'm not saying it's not good, or not to try it, just that my opponents never, ever let that trick go off. The instant the Crooligan puts that aura up and runs near Molly, almost universally the next activation I don't have the Crooligan any more.

I assume you know about the Killjoy bomb since you seem to be favoring the Horror build? I personally think the Spirit build is stronger at the moment, but love the theme of Horrors more.

If you favor Horrors you'll need Yin and Madam Sybelle ASAP if you don't already own them.

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I usually run M. Sybelle with Molly 'cause she's a tough as nails model, awesome built in trigger, and for the Molly placement.  Plus I can't seem to get Phillip and the Nanny to work for me, she seems weak, Mortimer's chatty is better IMO.  I only recently learned of the Killjoy bomb when I dipped into Outcasts and can't wait to try it.  I can't believe I didn't think of it with Bete Noir, tho.  Before, I did the corpse counter trick so that Sybelle could summon Guild Autopsies off of them early game with Spare Parts, but that was it, and poor use of AP.

Although I have the cards, I don't have too many actual spirit models, and my game group generally limits proxying.  I am probably going to get the Vengeful Spirits box next, since everything I read says spirit Molly is stronger.  And Yin just looks fun to paint (and hard to pronounce).

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I don't tend to like Bete outside of Tara. Molly generally needs to keep her two lowest cards ready to prevent damage due to her trigger, and some cards for summoning or getting her debut through, and I just can't tolerate playing essentially 1 card down to ensure she comes back, and not just any card, a 10+ that can't be spent on anything else. 

I'm not a huge fan of Philip in general, but he's actually pretty good. One of the UK players figured out a way to turn him and a few other models into an engine. Philip is good at getting you cards, and one thing to consider with him, especially if you bring Yin is to bring a Dead Doxy. The Doxy can do a few things. She can hurry up Yin on the first turn, but she can also work well with Philip. She can Interact to drop a marker, Take the Lead, and then drop another for Philip to Blow up. Additionally If Philip needs to get somewhere, either Bodyguard, or Entourage, or Under Cover Entourage, with her take the Lead and his movement bonus her can be startlingly fast. With her he's also a pretty good Anti-Scheme runner, as he is pretty deadly and defensive against the Typical Runner. His threat range is exceptionally large with the take the lead move and bonus, plus his other abilities. He doesn't come out all the time, but he does have a good place with Molly.

Curious how you were using Sybelle to summon with Spare Parts. Sybil can't carry Spare Parts unless she is the leader, in which case you are running a Sybelle Crew, not a Molly Crew.

Yin would definitely be my first purchase, she's relatively offensive, is a massive pain to remove from the table, and has some great debuffs. Adam from Cheated Fates Radio pointed out the synergy between Sybelle's 0 action and Yin's. Look at them both and run the net effect if you hit a model with Gnawing Fear, Followed up by Attend to Personally, or Molly's Debuff.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After playing two games with Lizzy where she was trying the Killjoy Bomb, I'm thinking that the Bomb requires a lot of really careful timing. For reference, I'm mostly playing Von Schill Outcasts or Mei Feng Arcanists, and each time Lizzy's tried the Bomb she's placed Killjoy right out in the open when my masters have yet to activate. 

Within charge range. Which, I understand with Killjoy's activation thing forcing him to charge anything in reach, but since it comes on the turn right before I activate.. Killjoy's been murdered in a single turn each time, between Mei's stupid damage output or Von Schill just flipping well. 

Anecdotal evidence maybe especially since Lizzy can't flip at all but it didn't work well for her at all. She's gonna keep trying it, I think, to see if it can't be finessed (maybe by pulling one of my high-value models into position before the Bomb, RIP Librarian) but so far it hasn't worked. 

On the other hand, Lizzy's flip luck is such that most things don't work, sooo.

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So I played Molly for the first time since my last response to this post.  We're in week 3 of a campaign, so I haven't gotten much Master time in.  Anyways, my lineup was Molly with Gorgon's Tear and Forgotten Life, Sybelle with Bleeding Tongue and Not Too Banged Up, Killjoy with Take Back The Night (cause I draw sh*t), two Belles, and two Croolies.  The Croolies have been rocking it in the campaign, so I've grown fond of them. 

Anyways, I played two games, one against Mai Fang, and one against Von Schill.  Both times I tried to set up the Killjoy bomb, and both times, I watched 14 stones leave the table first turn.  :<

My opponent, playing both crews, pointed out that I'm throwing him into the enemy faces too early.  I should wait till the heavy hitting opponents activate before I drop a 4 defense model in front of them, even if he does have all those wounds.  Before he can activate, they wipe him out.

This is probably true, but still, a 14 stone model just seems a bit too much for me.  I'm gonna try him a few more times.  Maybe have Molly activate a little later.  But with the crew I took, and wanting Sybelle to accomplice off of Molly to pull her back, the Crooligans are really the only thing I can activate before her early on.  And I hate activating them early on turn one, cause I want them to stay hidden until I know where the opponent's models are going.  I just don't think the Killjoy bomb tactic is for me.

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2 minutes ago, Lizzy Lovecraft said:

It's true... :(

I'm almost 90% certain that our spectator actually is some kind of luck leech because you do SO much better when he's not around, like when you brawled Snowy and Friends to a standstill at the coffeeshop, but man :\

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20 minutes ago, Pyrflamme said:

If you wanted to, you could always summon a model outside of range to leach from enemies, which automatically kills it and allows Killjoy to pop out. Then Molly can Accomplice into Killjoy and he goes right in without an interval in which to be killed.

I've been summoning a necrotic machine, cause he only takes a 6:crow and can be summoned 10 inches away, letting him die from lack of enemies, and bringing in Killjoy.  I thought of accomplice to him, but Killjoy has a bigger charge than the reach of accomplice, effectively making him charge Molly when he activated.  Sure, she could soften the blow from discarding, but what would be the point of that?  I know I can choose who he charges, but...

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4 hours ago, Lizzy Lovecraft said:

I've been summoning a necrotic machine, cause he only takes a 6:crow and can be summoned 10 inches away, letting him die from lack of enemies, and bringing in Killjoy.  I thought of accomplice to him, but Killjoy has a bigger charge than the reach of accomplice, effectively making him charge Molly when he activated.  Sure, she could soften the blow from discarding, but what would be the point of that?  I know I can choose who he charges, but...

Molly can walk walk summon Killjoy in range of the enemy deployment zone, or Sybelle can call her to the same place & she can walk to a safer position after dropping in Killjoy.

FWIW I tried this with Tara & for 14SS it is a bit of a lottery what results you get. With Fast he can kill 2 models or achieve nothing & die either then or at the start of the following turn so I don't like it myself. 

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9 hours ago, Lizzy Lovecraft said:

I've been summoning a necrotic machine, cause he only takes a 6:crow and can be summoned 10 inches away, letting him die from lack of enemies, and bringing in Killjoy.  I thought of accomplice to him, but Killjoy has a bigger charge than the reach of accomplice, effectively making him charge Molly when he activated.  Sure, she could soften the blow from discarding, but what would be the point of that?  I know I can choose who he charges, but...

What Jonathan said, but you don't *have* to unbury him turn 1. Turn 2 is also a decent option to bring more enemies into Killjoy bomb range, especially since the opponent's crew will also be spread out and it's more likely that terrain will impede them from getting to Killjoy immediately, as compared to if you rocket him into the deployment turn 1. You might also see a risk in Killjoy not being able to get to your opponents, but Molly could always use her (0) to get Killjoy to walk into position to charge an enemy, or out of LOS of your crew.

Also, if you wanted him t1 but not bombing into the opponent's deployment, you can always work terrain such that Molly summons something in, it dies, and then Killjoy is placed such that he does not have LOS to Molly.

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You'll get used to it. the trick is knowing what to hit with him. It's similar to playing Seamus. You don't throw him against the most powerful model the enemy has if he can't reliably kill them. You target the most important model you can easily kill, or who absolutely needs to be tied up at all costs from the start of the game. Don't forget Killjoy is a Horror, so Molly can give him an extra action with her 0 action. Also, if you like the tear keep using it, but I'd recommend dropping from your list asap. My Molly builds often don't have her taking much more than her limited and Take back the night. Killjoy likes, generally, one of three upgrades if you are using him in Ressers. Unnerving aura, because if you think he can survive he can pound an enemy, and then when they go they either have to kill killjoy in one go, get away, or take 2 dmg for activating and then ending activation within 3". Necrotic preparation is also good. He has black blood, and if they hit him with a melee attack within 1" they will get splashed by both black blood and bloated stench. And additionally if Killjoy is killing the weak they are going to have a harder time getting away with a positive flip to disengaging. Finally decaying Aura. VERY expensive, but if you are planning on having Killjoy attack SS users its a must if you want them to potentially die before him.

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4 hours ago, Nemi said:

Noooo don't give her actual advice that'll work

Sorry, Nemi, but I was just looking over Yin (currently in the mail), who Fetid recommended in an earlier post, and I hope you look forward to having -1 to your Wp from Gnawing Fear, -1 and a :-fate if I get Whispered Secrets off, and -2 and :-fate if I Creepy Crooligan mug you (Can they do more than schemes?  Look how talented Frostwolf's steam arachnids have become of late!).  I'll make up for my low card flips by making you use your highest ones.. 

Until the Specialist removes conditions, of course. :(


3 hours ago, Fetid Strumpet said:

if you like the tear keep using it, but I'd recommend dropping from your list asap.

That worries me... 

I've always felt Molly was special because of Instinctual, even after learning Von Schill had it, too.  Now that I think about it tho, I most often use the second 0 action for Gorgon's Cry, itself.  Still, making her Terrifying often seems worth it.  In my inexperienced mind this equates to always having to hire Sybelle, losing a 0 action from Molly, and a 0 action from Sybelle for Attend, which is often needed for a belle taxi. 

I'm gonna try a few games without it, tho.  Maybe it's just a crutch.

As far as Killjoy, I think I'm gonna play him like I used to play Bete.  "Doesn't that minion right out in the open, there, just look sooooo kill-able?"  Unless the opportunity is right to K-Bomb.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I've seen a "new" trick involving Chiaki and a Nurse.  Yeah; heal a model to full and paralyze them with the Nurse, then Accomplice to Chiaki and remove the paralysis.  It seems like some kind of engine gimmick, but for a second life on, say, a beat up Punk Zombie, it looks worthwhile for only 2 AP.  I see that Chiaki can do a little healing alone, but with the Nurse involved, wooo.

Now I'm thinking about sneaking her into a Molly crew.  While being able to heal models so they can rip mine enemies to tiny bits, I'm also looking at the Chi thing.  Molly is full of Ca actions.  Since Chiaki can build Chi, then give it away, this would make Molly so much more awful with Whispers and Revelations.  And Chiaki can do the move on Molly's turn with Future Flesh.  Not to mention an easier time summoning the big guns!  And a board full of paralyzed enemies....

This seems a little expensive, costing 6/7 more SS, but I feel 2 cheap Croolies or Necropunks can handle the scheme running, while Molly, Yin, and Sybelle/Nanny do the heavy lifting...

Wada'ya'll think?

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