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Captain Dashel Campaign List: Working up to Lucius


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Started working on a campaign list for Captain Dashel. The only weird thing is that we are all going to be running this as a Nythera Campaign with the Strongholds. So I will be starting out with an extra Mounted Guard.

List so far:

  • Captain Dashel 9ss
  • Guild Pathfinder 6ss
  • Hans 9ss
  • Mounted Guard 7ss
  • Mounted Guard(Bonus)
  • Watcher 4ss

What do you guys think?

Originally I wanted to take Riflemen, but I couldn't fit them in. Any ideas how I could manage it?

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Well, you could drop Hans for a Riflemen and a second watcher... but honestly it seems weird to have two mounted guard and no heavy hitters for them to drag around.

Starting with the Judge or Grimwell would be solid

I might swap out Hans for Grimwell then. I want to try to make Dashel work so I will probably keep him as my Leader, that way the Mounted Guard can push Grimwell around.

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If you are going for Lucius you would probably get more mileage from a freikorps trapper than Hans. Hunters are also generally awesome although they're not guardsmen for Dashel's buff.

If you want to fit riflemen in I guess you could drop Hans and one mountie for a rifleman, another 5ss minion (probably a witchling) and one of the nice 6ss minions (marshal/austringer/warden).

The trouble with Hans in this list is that he is somewhat disruptive in certain schemes since he is such an obvious target at the highest cost as well as being the only enforcer so he will be targeted for murder protege and have trouble survivong. I think you're not allowed to bodyguard your leader either (correct me if I'm wrong) and Hans has trouble being far enough upfield for that scheme.

The double mounted guardsmen might actually be nice for getting markers in the enemy deployment zone/delivering messages/being bodyguard targets and all sorts of stuff. If you take away Hans so that they are the most expensive models you open them up for some enemy schemes but also make them able to count for some of your own mobility based schemes which could be nice.

Let us know what you went with!

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So what I ended up doing was taking:

  • Captain Dashel 9ss
  • Guild Pathfinder 6ss
  • Doctor Grimwell 9ss
  • Mounted Guard 7ss
  • Mounted Guard(Bonus)
  • Watcher 4ss

The results of my game last night versus Snowstorm:

  • Strategy was Guard the Stash. I took Cursed Object and Protect Territory.
  • Pathfinder's traps managed to cause my opponent to re-position a couple of models. In fact he had to dedicate a lot of fire onto one in the beginning.
  • Doctor Grimwell was really good at giving out the Cursed object. Same as Mounted Guard with his walk 6, also his aura of defensive was awesome for keeping him stuck in.
  • Watcher almost solo got me protect territory, but Blessed and an Oxfordian mage managed to block him.
  • Dashel managed to slow the Blessed one turn and gave out cursed object to her.

Final Score:

  • 6/Dashel, 3 from Guard the Stash, 3 from Cursed object, 0 from Protect Territory.
  • 8/Snowstorm, 2 from Guard the Stash, 3 from Breakthrough, 3 from Power Ritual.


  • We both got 4 Scrip
    • Dashel: 3 from VP, 1 from declaring Myranda his Bounty.
    • Snowstorm: 4 from VP.
  • Barter
    • Nothing. We couldn't afford what we flipped.
  • Injuries
    • Pathfinder gained -1 to Ml actions.


  • I couldn't damage my opponent as well as I wanted. Cursed Object was a good alternative.
  • I could have done more damage if I could attack Wp.
  • Watcher needed more support and I would have won the game.
  • Pathfinder is strong table control. I should look into repositioning traps more and keep an eye out for combos.
  • Mounted Guard with 0 action focus from Dashel was great, but their defenses were down because of it. Very situational.
  • Doctor Grimwell is one of my favorite melee henchmen and his use of stones kept him alive. I will probably need his upgrade that gives him soulstones.

Next hire will be Greed. She is just too good not to take for her attacks against willpower.

Edited by Hagisman
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Seems like you went with a fun and original list. A suggestion would be to get another scheme runner, maybe another watcher since the lone one is going to have a big target painted on it since it is the only obvious scheme runner in your list.

I might run the Watcher and Pathfinder in tandem. With the Pathfinder dropping down traps near the scheme markers the Watcher drops. If I place a Trap on top of a scheme marker my opponent will not have LoS to it.

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Seems like you went with a fun and original list. A suggestion would be to get another scheme runner, maybe another watcher since the lone one is going to have a big target painted on it since it is the only obvious scheme runner in your list.

I might run the Watcher and Pathfinder in tandem. With the Pathfinder dropping down traps near the scheme markers the Watcher drops. If I place a Trap on top of a scheme marker my opponent will not have LoS to it.

Very good way to protect the markers but you always run a risk of the enemy killing your watcher before it actually drops them. An austringer can do it with a single severe if he cheats for crit strike and that leaves you short on schemers.

I guess Grimwell can get markers down as well but i prefer to use cheap models for pure marker schemes. 

With two watchers you can usually get most marker schemes done even if they take out one of them.

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Seems like you went with a fun and original list. A suggestion would be to get another scheme runner, maybe another watcher since the lone one is going to have a big target painted on it since it is the only obvious scheme runner in your list.

I might run the Watcher and Pathfinder in tandem. With the Pathfinder dropping down traps near the scheme markers the Watcher drops. If I place a Trap on top of a scheme marker my opponent will not have LoS to it.

This only works against Ht1 enemies as models ignore any obstacles that have lower Ht than themselves when drawing LoS.

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49) Q: If a model on a 30mm base is positioned perfectly on top of a 30mm Scheme Marker such
that the Marker is completely covered, can other models draw LoS to the Scheme Marker?
A: No. Note that in the case multiple Scheme Markers are stacked on top of each other (with nothing else on top of/
blocking them) models may draw LoS to all Markers in the stack because Scheme Markers are not blocking.


Its not very often that your opponent wants LOS to a scheme marker though. Engagement is normally enough to stop them removing it. 

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49) Q: If a model on a 30mm base is positioned perfectly on top of a 30mm Scheme Marker such
that the Marker is completely covered, can other models draw LoS to the Scheme Marker?
A: No. Note that in the case multiple Scheme Markers are stacked on top of each other (with nothing else on top of/
blocking them) models may draw LoS to all Markers in the stack because Scheme Markers are not blocking.


Its not very often that your opponent wants LOS to a scheme marker though. Engagement is normally enough to stop them removing it. 

Completely irrelevant. The rules clearly state that models and objects with Ht lower than one of the models drawing LoS are ignored.

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49) Q: If a model on a 30mm base is positioned perfectly on top of a 30mm Scheme Marker such
that the Marker is completely covered, can other models draw LoS to the Scheme Marker?
A: No. Note that in the case multiple Scheme Markers are stacked on top of each other (with nothing else on top of/
blocking them) models may draw LoS to all Markers in the stack because Scheme Markers are not blocking.


Its not very often that your opponent wants LOS to a scheme marker though. Engagement is normally enough to stop them removing it. 

Completely irrelevant. The rules clearly state that models and objects with Ht lower than one of the models drawing LoS are ignored.

As the days go by these breaks in the rules become noticeable. In my meta we've realized that technically single pieces of terrain such as a house that you can go into count as being within 1 inch of terrain no matter where you are in the house. Even if you are standing in the middle of an empty room. Because the house is the terrain piece. not the individual walls.

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As the days go by these breaks in the rules become noticeable. In my meta we've realized that technically single pieces of terrain such as a house that you can go into count as being within 1 inch of terrain no matter where you are in the house. Even if you are standing in the middle of an empty room. Because the house is the terrain piece. not the individual walls.

That really depends on what you agree on with your opponent. You could decide that each of the walls is a separate terrain piece.

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