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How do you Leveticus?

King Mufasa

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I've been playing in second edition for a bit now, some games we have for fun and a few we try to play with a competitive mindset.  I don't know where I'm going wrong but whenever I take Levi and a crew with him, I feel like I spend too many points on the anchors, but I feel like I need them to be sturdy models.  I usually include Alyce and AnD as auto includes and it feels like it just severely limits what else I can take.  I've read the wiki, but I have to ask, how do you Leveticus and how are the quality of the anchors you bring?

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If you bring Alyce and A&D you spend 25SS already (10SS Alyce + 13SS A&D + 2SS Scramble for A&D :D).

Levi really and truly needs only one upgrade: Desolate Soul and rest is optionaI.  Personally I tend to always give him Tally Sheet and sometimes To the Earth Return so Levi costs you from 2SS to 4SS himself. 

Then you have 2 free Waifs.

At the moment we have spent max 29SS on 5 models (2 anchors).

Now I would take: Johan (condition removal, beatstick, anchor), Trapper (shooting support, anchor), Hodgepodge Effigy (soulstone regeneration model which combines greatly with Levi's killing potential and his Tally Sheet plus he can act as scheme runner) and (if you don't mind starting with 3SS pool) Void Wretch (scheme runner to support A&D in this task).

So we end up with 9 models in the crew with 4 anchors.

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Here are some of my regular lists. 

"Vanilla-Leve". Leve, To the Earth, Tally Sheet, Desolate Soul; Rusty, From the Aether, Oathkeeper, Ashes and Dust, Johan, Librarian, Hodgepodge, Waif x2. Cahce 5.

"Vanilla 2". Leve, Desolate Soul; Rusty, From the Aehter; Lazarus, Scout the Field; Ashes and Dust, Librarian, Hodgepodge Effigy; Waif x2. Cache 5. 

Shooty. Leve, Desolate Soul, Tally Sheet; Lazarus, Scout the Field; Rusty, Scout the Field, From the Aether; Trapper x2; Librarian; Waif x2. Cache 6. 

Headhunter. Leve, Pariah of Bone; Rusty; Datsue Ba, Oathkeeper; Librarian; Rotten Belles x4, Waif x2. Cache 5. 

Stake a Claim. Leve, Pariah of Bone, Tally Sheet; Ashes and Dust, Scramble; Necropunk x3; Hodgepodge Effigy; Rusty Alyce, Oathkeeper, Scout the Field; Waif x2. Cache 4. 

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Hijacking this thread: what would be the best 5 choices for Levi if he decides to take either Pariah upgrade?

My initial ideas would be:

- Pariah of Iron: Ryle, Necropunks, Watcher, Soulstone Miner, Hunter/Mechanical Rider

- Pariah of Bone: Crooligans, Rotten Belles, The Hanged, Datsue Ba, Yin Penangalan/Flesh Construct

what are yours

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Hijacking this thread: what would be the best 5 choices for Levi if he decides to take either Pariah upgrade?

My initial ideas would be:

- Pariah of Iron: Ryle, Necropunks, Watcher, Soulstone Miner, Hunter/Mechanical Rider

- Pariah of Bone: Crooligans, Rotten Belles, The Hanged, Datsue Ba, Yin Penangalan/Flesh Construct

what are yours

For either, Iron Zombies are probably worth a look. They're all Anchors, all Constructs for the scrap. Valedictorian seems nice if you don't have access to A&D, though probably too pricey otherwise. Student of Visera should be effective against most factions, Sinew versus Rezzers.

I picked up the box this week and plan to give them a go with Levi. Wanted them as options for Karina summons anyway!

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mix it up and throw in the deso engine! some people take pariah and include the transmortis models, some people I have seen take arcanist constructs, I have seen some peope take different varied undead from ressers. I personally love to run him pure outcast mechromancer. It runs upgrade heavy with 3 anchors and usually the hodgepodge. another great option is to include some necropunks for scheme running. The thing about Levy is you have to experiment and learn through pain. He has so many options that you need to figure out your own playstyle and adapt to the scenario. I know a guy who loves ressers and he plays with a heaver resser pool, just adapting his models to schemes. I change it up and use the deso engine instead of the A&D sometimes just cause I like Deso. 

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My core upgrades for levy in any strat/scheme bar reckoning and collect the bounty is;

Desolate soul, oath keeper and a pariah,

Have swapped in scramble for pariah to shake things up.

I tend to run anchor heavy where possible for maximum flexibility.

Minimum 4.

I find flesh constructs great anchors for 6 stones and can be taken with either pariah.

Mechanical rider is a strong choice for most strats.


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I second the recommendation for bringing the desolation engine. Your opponent is going to be afraid of it, and thus target it, saving all your other non-beater pieces. Also if you end up out activating your opponent and its already wounded, Rusty Alyce's burn out can be quite handy. The desolation engine will heal up its wounds by attacking things, and you get another three AP from Alyce's (1)

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Yet to use the desi engine my self, (summoned him once for lols at a tournie)

Can't see huge mileage out of him, but guess different playstyles.

Right scheme pool, ashes and dust with scramble is pretty tasty.

Johanna and sue are two models I like to take if deployment type is either close or flank.

Taelor is creeping into more of my lists

Soulstone miner as well (again depending on strat and  schemes

Rat catcher and obedient wretch is a new one I have been looking at to create a mini rat summoning list

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Mechanical rider is a good anchor, as are all riders since they are all constructs, so pariah of iron. My problem is that A- costs as much as 2 anchors and B, will be half way accross the board to be able to summon waif into range of him, since Leveticus has a range aura to summon them. I see them much more as dropping schemes/ enemies that anchoring a waif, which would be deep into enemy territory soon and probably be killed outright by a clever opponent.

Edited by Kofibrake
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Just a note, most of the Leveticus Crew (Abominations, Alice, DE, A&D) attack against Df, which means Pariah of Iron with Steam Arachnids can be a viable synergy. Get those Arachnids in base contact with the enemy and the enemy is -1 Df, which makes the attacks with the Desolate Warping trigger much more likely to hit.

In addition, Steam Arachnids can join together for a Steam Arachnid Swarm, which is notably an 8ss model, in case you need a back up Anchor. The Swarms are also very solid at removing scheme or corpse markers.

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