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tinfoil hat (emissary)


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hi guys, i may be paranoid but i am starting to worry about the emissary thye have proven they can evolv and get more powerful, in 1 expac they levelled up impressively what will happen next expac?

my personal thoughts (fears)

disclaimer, this is tinfoil hat, and i am also only half way through the new book and cant remember most of 1st ed

is they will become new hosts for the remaining tyrants, my reasoning:

  • they have already shown they can evolve and improve in power so this may be some were in the middle of there evolution
  • they were empty vessels imbued with magic, its possible stronger magic (tyrants) might posses them
  • the conflux upgrades show there ability to take in magic from powerful entities near them and that they can adapt and use it
  • they want a home and to feel a part of something, a tyrant may be able to give them a sense of belonging
  • i cant remember how many tyrants there are, but with the ones we know about (Sonia, Hamlin ect) and the 7 emissaries were not far of that number

please speculate and feel free to tell me i'm being a fool


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so, its obvious people think I'm wrong and silly,

disclaimer, still havnt finished book 3 I'm half way through the gremlins story

so. There are 12 tyrants, but 1 is a pair

plague - hamlin

December - raspy

obliteration - tara

nytmear - dreamer

cherufe - sonnia

dragon 1 - shenlong

ok so there is 7 left, so working so far

dragon 2 - ten thunder emissary is a dragon

witness - guild is about law and order (sort of)

fortune - gremlin emissary is called lucky

gorgon - in some law (Jason and the Argonauts) a gorgon Is a bull like creature, also possible the resser one

meridian - meridian has all to do with land and crossing points of power so for me its the nb emissary (side note a meridian line I also a perfect circumference, lucky emissary?)

despair - ressers love there horror tests and most stories in malifaux containing despair also contain undead

shezzul - I have nothing to go on othere than the viks upgrade, as they are in outcast and I believe emissary's are vessels that can accept power, I think it will seep into the hodgepodge

there we go, call me crazy, but it works out

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gorgon - in some law (Jason and the Argonauts) a gorgon Is a bull like creature, also possible the resser one


Isn't that a Minotaur? Not sure that Jason ran into Gorgons, Perseus did though, and Theseus dealt with the Minotaur of Crete.

Please correct me if I am mistaken! 

It is. Gorgons are snake haired ladies, Medusa was a specific gorgon.

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yup one depiction of a gorgon is a snake haird lady, but another is a bull on all 4s breathing noxius fumes, and Jason did fight one, right at the end. Google gorgon and you will find pics of a bull, your talking about a minotaur

If I google gorgon I get a million pictures of snake haired ladies, sometimes with the lower body replaced by a snake as well. There a few images of bulls but they are all from Advanced Dungeons & Dragons pages! Looking at wikipedia for Gorgon the Greeks seems to have a couple of other types of monsters also called Gorgon, but none are described as bulls, cows, or cattle. So sorry, but I value mythological sources quite a lot higher than AD&D.

Jason fought some bulls called Khalkotauroi.

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He didn't actually fight them. He needed to use them to plow a field to sow dragon's teeth that would then spring up into armored warriors called spartoi. He was given a magical ointment to protect him from their flames. But unless you are counting getting them into their traces as fighting them there was no battle.

Bengt is correct as to the d&d origins of the Gorgon you describe. The only classical Gorgons were Stheno, Euryale and Medusa, none of which were Bulls with petrifying breath.

Edited by Fetid Strumpet
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so i have read the full book 3 and still maintain that emissary's seem like conduits of energy able (and willing) to take power that is thrust/offerd to them. there remaining numbers match the number of remaining tyrants and there are a number of similarity's, I may and well be and expect to be wrong, but seemed like a nifty idea, it was a tinfoil hat after all

it would also make game sens in a way as it would provide an opatunity for them to incorporate all the tyrants that im sure will apear in later story while making sure each faction gets one

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