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Advice on expanding Seamus' crew


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I have recently got a crew box of Seamus plus one Nurse and a Bête Noire. That is all my resser models, just started playing them now.

I would like to expand my crew for a quite flexible 50 SS crew, so I need some advice what to buy next. After some research I found out I should get the McMourning box, Molly box, Necropunks, Hanged in the future. But what should I buy next if I want to own a nice pool of models to play at  50 SS. 

I want to spend approximately 50 bucks for now on new stuff. Any advice?


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Yin. Definitely Yin. Just read her card.

Maybe Bishop. You might want a flexible beater, and Bishop can punch people and heal Seamus in the process.

As you already have a Nurse, I'd push the McMourning box back and concentrate on getting some Scheme runners. If you want to stay cheap, just get some Canine Remains or Necropunks. If you want to go bigger, get Molly's box.

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I would agree Yin would be a big one on my list.  Second would be the Necropunks.  Personally if I was aiming to spend it all based on the prices around here I would either then get Izamu or Bishop to give you another beater, Izamu being just a little more than Bishop.  Around here that would put it either at 50 bucks or in the 40's.  That gives you Necropunks for Scheme running, Belles for bulk, an extra beater, extra control with Yin and Nurse, and Sybelle as a good henchwoman.

It gives you some flexibility on what you want to focus on going into each game as all the basic elements are covered.

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Yin is good but I'd go a different route. As others have said you'll probably want scheme runners, Necropunks would be my go to choice for them. Then I'd invest in the University of Transmortis box set. The models are really nice and give you some flexibility dependent on what you're facing. Also the Valedictorian is awesome! They'll give you some more melee hitting power which you might be lacking in (Seamus' upgrades dependent of course).

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With Sybelle in a list, Belles can act as Scheme Runners in a pinch, as she gives them additional walk, and she can re-place them with a (0). Yin really makes everything in the list more of a threat, and is solid. I'd agree with Bishop, especially if Sinister Rep Seamus is in the pool.

Nurses are always welcome for their buffs/debuffs. Bishop hitting against a WP lowered by 2 while doing +2 damage to all hits from the nurse buff is nice. Sadly, he can't flurry (tactical action), but with the extra min damage, you won't notice.

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Rule of thumb, I think. Seamus will never summon Hanged, so you would only see one as a hire, which should be done with careful consideration based on match up.

As said Yin. Assuming you pay $10 for her, you've got $40 left. Spend another $6-8 on the wave 1 arsenal deck, which gives you the general upgrades you'll want to keep for the future and use, e.g. Unnerving Aura for Yin. From there pick up the Molly box, and save the change for buying sodas/chips. 

You now have enough models to play 50SS with a variety of models that are desirable to play--2 henchmen, 2 enforcers, and some options with the extra nurse to balance out belles/crooligans. You also can now kind of play Molly, though you can only summon dead hookers and children.

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I tend to run seamus with yin and a hanged. All the wp attacks really work well with his sinister rep and allows you to be a little more careless with Seamus as almost everything you are running (belles etc.) have a wp based attack that will heal him back up. But yes Yin is a very strong first purchase and then a crew box of either molly or mcmourning is a great follow up for what they come with.

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