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Justice's emmissary


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Hey everyone!

I'll throw this out at the risk of looking like a complete beginner (wouldn't be the first time).

 Lady Js emmissary upgrade says it can't be buried or reactivated t1. I figured this must be to disallow some specific interaction but I cant't figure out what it would be. The Guild doesn't have any non-minion reactivates and neither does Justice to my knowledge. It would reasonably be tied to the ability to bury Justice.

Is it future proofing, something in another faction or am I missing something big here?

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You can still get around this a bit for that turn 1 with justice if you are willing to take Abeula as well.

Yup, as soon as I find a proxy I'm trying that. McCabe is kinda brutal and has the right base size. 

I was also thinking francisco using el mayor on justice and moving up to push the effigy before it boxes her. That gives justice about 16 inches of movement and makes her really hard to target t1 so she can wreck face. 


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Actually Judge can command the emissary to bury models as well.

Furhermore, you almost never want to unbury anything in base contact with the Emissary when you can also unbury them in base contact with a scheme marker...

Good call on the judge, that gives more flexibilty in the lists. 

I think you'll mostly want to unbury near the emmissary t1 since my opponents are super restrictive in placing scheme markers so early. I rarely see markers placed before t4 and the emmissary can get 17" up the board. If you have a way to place a marker of your own further up the board t1 please tell us!

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Actually Judge can command the emissary to bury models as well.

Furhermore, you almost never want to unbury anything in base contact with the Emissary when you can also unbury them in base contact with a scheme marker...

Good call on the judge, that gives more flexibilty in the lists. 

I think you'll mostly want to unbury near the emmissary t1 since my opponents are super restrictive in placing scheme markers so early. I rarely see markers placed before t4 and the emmissary can get 17" up the board. If you have a way to place a marker of your own further up the board t1 please tell us!

Watcher and Austringer can easily get it 14" up and if you add some push to that from Franc or Judge for example, you can easily get even further, and you are only risking your Watcher instead of the Emissary.

A Guild Sergeant or Master Queek can also help you get markers placed far from your deployment.

That's just from the top of my head. There might be all kinds of other possibilities too.

Edited by Myyrä
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Watcher + austringer is a nice trick and the sergeant could push that marker 4 extra inches for 19". I really son't see Queeg helping since his interact aura is small and requires you to have done a (1) action with him so only affects models 11" up the board.

If I could choose between the enemy focusing down  (or paralyzing ) my emmissary or justice I would probably say it's my gain if they pick the emmissary. The watcher doesn't offer any counter threat or survivability to help justice even if it is a really good way to get her up the board. I shall have to keep looking for ways to get markers far up the field.

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It's also quite a lot easier to get a flying model on 30mm base further from your deployment zone than a model with 50mm base and no terrain ignoring abilities.

Those scheme markers can also serve other purposes too. You could use Master Queek to carry Promises and have him start setting up an early ALITS with some Guild Hounds. If you can place multiple useful scheme markers early and maybe out activate your opponent while also threatening to throw Justice at one of the markers if he tries to advance fast, you would be in a very strong position.

I'm not saying that Lady Justice should always be thrown to a scheme marker. I'm just saying that it might often be the stronger threat without having to commit lots of resources. Of course sometimes throwing Justice at your opponent on turn 1 might give you that decisive advantage in turf war, but most of the time it's not something you want to do. However, it's often quite useful to extend her threat range to limit your adversary's options without actually committing her.

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The caterpult method is great but i have been wondering if you can make just as much if not more mischief boxing enemy models then dropping them at a scheme marker next to LJ (which she has dropped thanks to austringers) she can then chop, chop, chop with + flips from the great sword. Even if the victim survives its got the potential to take it way out of the way as long as you can still see the scheme marker with Brutal Em.

Obviously this isnt a turn 1 tactic but i feel there is a lot of room for agressive burying then droping into hazardous terrain / Greeds aura / dampening field on the other side of the board

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The caterpult method is great but i have been wondering if you can make just as much if not more mischief boxing enemy models then dropping them at a scheme marker next to LJ (which she has dropped thanks to austringers) she can then chop, chop, chop with + flips from the great sword. Even if the victim survives its got the potential to take it way out of the way as long as you can still see the scheme marker with Brutal Em.

Obviously this isnt a turn 1 tactic but i feel there is a lot of room for agressive burying then droping into hazardous terrain / Greeds aura / dampening field on the other side of the board

Only problem I can foresee with this tactic is that it's an opposed duel, while when doing it for Lady J and taxi'ing her around is a lot easier since she can relent.  Still very viable though, I'm sure.  Just depends on who you're going after.

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In the beta I had a lot of success running brutal in my normal Lucius crew. He fills in the holes in our faction really nicely.

Mostly I used him to teleport friendly models around the board; Brutal activates, boxes something nasty - ideally a minion, a Hunter maybe - and takes a shot or walks. Lucius activates, walks and commands up a Death Marshall, (0) shoots a scheme maker where I want it, Issues Command to the DM to box Brutal, food's the Hunter on the scheme marker, Lucius orders it to attack. Shenanigans!

A little bit off topic, but since we were talking movement tricks I figured I would share.

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