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Favorite Discovery with the new Forum

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Hey guys, look at the top of the page. Yup, up there near the upper right corner. You see that thing that looks like a paintbrush? Click it and thank me later. Clearly I don't have enough work to do if a change background button on a forum is the most exciting thing in my day so far.

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I would have to say Fire as before this forum I was stuck in my cold,dark,rat filled cave eating raw rat but now I have light,warmth and burnt rat to eat although the shadows on the cave wall are rather disturbing as I have no idea whats making them.......

I'm glad I could help you find peace and enlightenment. 

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Yeah, well something else y'all might not know about. Up there at the top there is a little banner like bit in your black back - if you hover over it it'll say 'bookmark'. If you see a thread or topic you like, you can now bookmark it and under your personal settings go to bookmarks and find that instantly. 

Small steps..


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Well, I just figured out that quoting things is slightly more awkward in that it keeps going even if you change pages. Also, I can't find a button to delete posts anymore. Was going to quote Nathan on the whole bookmarking thing, but I managed to make a little set of russian nesting dolls in the post.

Edited by Guslado
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