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Questions about IN THE GUTTER penny dreadful


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Hey all, My group just ran In the Gutter as an introduction to TtB, and we had some questions. We aren't super familiar with the rules, so we may have just missed something in the books, but we tried looking things up on the fly, and only gave up if it bogged down the play session too much (so we can look it up later.) The one that really stumped us was:

 Fated character Maureen Flynn has an ability called "Banjo Music" it offers an AV, and has a trigger, but there is no target number. How is it supposed to be adjudicated? (I just ruled that her target was 7, the same as if she were casting a Physical Enhancement spell.

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Seems to as long as she flips a 4 of Rams or better she pulls it off. The is no skill or attribute tied to it and The characters still need to discard a card to gain the benefit so it seems reasonable. But hopefully Aaron or Mason will confirm.


This is pretty much it.


Banjo Music is just a trigger attached to her Music skill, so whenever she makes a Music Challenge and succeeds, she can declare the trigger if she has it. Certain situations might require a specific TN to succeed, but that will vary from situation to situation - it might take a higher value to impress some ruthless mercenaries as compared to eager children, for instance. If she's just playing for the sake of playing, however, all she has to do is hit the Ram trigger.


If you want a slightly more mechanical answer, The TN for a Very Easy task is a 3, so she can't actually fail if she's just playing for the sake of playing, even on a flipped Black Joker. The challenge there is just getting the Ram she needs to hit her trigger.

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O.K. cool, thanks for the answer.
While I have your attention, two related questions:

1. Was this concept described in the books somewhere, and we just failed to find it in our mid game rush, or is it something that was made up for the character?


..which feeds into

2. Am I right in thinking that the pregens are not just starter guys made using the system in the book? and if so, how much of a "boost" would you say they have over the average starting character?

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O.K. cool, thanks for the answer.

While I have your attention, two related questions:

1. Was this concept described in the books somewhere, and we just failed to find it in our mid game rush, or is it something that was made up for the character?


..which feeds into

2. Am I right in thinking that the pregens are not just starter guys made using the system in the book? and if so, how much of a "boost" would you say they have over the average starting character?



The characters are all starting characters from the Fated Almanac, they just have Triggers from the optional Skill Triggers section in the Into the Steam book. This means that they have a little bit of a boost from those Triggers, but all in all, they're still well within the power level range of normal starting characters, since none of them are especially optimized.


Triggers and such are described in a bit more detail in the Fated Almanac, and they're usually gained through various Talents. The Into the Steam optional Skill Trigger rules just say that when a character reaches 3 or 5 ranks in a Skill, they have the option of gaining one of the triggers listed in those rules. It's a fun system for players who want to have more triggers in their game, but they won't make the players overpowered if you use them. :)

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AH! And I missed out on the Gencon sale, so I haven't seen Into the Steam yet. This all makes sense then. 

I like the idea of the skill triggers, it seems to give a little flavor and individuality to the characters.

Thanks for clearing things up for us! My group is excited to get together and start our own campaign, as well as take part in the Nythera events!

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