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Any reviews of M2E Starter Set?

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Hi, I'm asking for reviews of the starter box set, a kind of introduction to the game as it were, not for me but for my LGS, who would like to know how best to promote the box, to new players - highlighting the different mechanics of the crews, why it's a good building block for later expansions, if indeed it is etc. But also to people who already play the game - why they should get the starter, seeing as they're all mercenaries and which models would benefit which existing crews and so on and so forth.


Any such reviews out yet? The box drops in a week or so if I'm not mistaken, and gencon'ers up to the task?

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Not a review, but here's my opinion of it:  It's totally worth it.


  1. The two decks in the box are even more convenient for new players than the old single color Fate decks.
  2. The quickstart rules in the box are pretty much organized just like you'd want them to be if you were running a game demo: (paraphrasing the topics covered in each encounter)
  • Encounter 1:  Take a swing at the other model
  • Encounter 2:  Basic model activation
  • Encounter 3:  Charges and such
  • Encounter 4:  Tactical actions
  • Encounter 5:  Soulstones, upgrades, and schemes

followed by faction descriptions, and "What to buy next" notes.  Basically, if a store bought the starter box, put the models together, and put the contents in a storage box with handful or two of terrain pieces, you could have someone take the book and give themselves a demo.  And, if they're really interested, that's three or four hours to get a good feel for the mechanics of the game.  Then you'd want to show the person the M2E rulebooks so they can browse the models in each faction, and if they're interested in trying anything else.


So, if nothing else, a store that either sells Malifaux or is interested in selling Malifaux should buy the box.  :)


I don't have any idea about the effectiveness of the models as mercenaries, but they do make the point that you'll be able to use two of the models from the box whatever your chosen faction is.  Of course, there's also the note "[The Torch and Blade Box Set] works particularly well with the Guild models that come in this box set" and "[The Mother of Monsters Box Set] works particularly well with the Neverborn in this box set", and "On average, Guild tends to be good at shooting and Neverborn tend to be good at movement and close combat.  This box set reverses those dynamics to make the models in it more interesting."





It took me about an hour and a half to assemble the models at GenCon.  The models are nice, fairly straight forward, and I think I managed to figure everything out from the pictures.  I think the part that stumped me for a little bit was the nurse's pack (it's split in two for some reason) and where her hand went.


At GenCon, they basically marked out 18" by 18" areas on tables, and then divided up the contents of the PlastCraft Railway Prop Set divided up among two or three tables.  If I was putting a demo box together, I'd want a building or two, and forest or a hill to fill it out.  The PastCraft stuff looks really good, by the way.

Edited by solkan
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Decks look nice, easy to assimilate, excellent for starters and good for anyone.


Scenario book is kind of amusing for experienced players but really useful for new folks, as intended I think.


Tape measures are ho hum, not much to write home about but would work in a pinch, long term durability is doubtful, seem to be filler.


The miniatures are useful to all especially Guild and Neverborn players and they look really good in general although the Enforcer NB is a little bland. I will say this they are really, really simple to assemble, not many pieces, large parts, obvious construction... now this I really thought was evil because new players are then going to encounter Yan Lo's beard, the standing Austringer, TT Archers and numerous other horror assembly experiences. Lure you in with the good stuff then make you cry with the hidden nightmare I think.


Still my overall thought is 8/10 for content and 9/10 for value. The electronic rules manual is also a bonus. Well worth it for Henchmen as an intro, Gulid and NB players for the mini's alone and everyone else should give it a look because the mini's are all Mercs and you'll diversify factions anyway, it is Malicrack.  

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I have ordered the starter set but am i right in thinking i doesn't contain the complete rules in the box only as a digital form?

If that is the case whats the difference between the rules manual and the rule book which i was also looking into getting along with it?

The manual is just the rules(so a lot smaller) while the rule book also contains fluff and stats on all wave 1 models.


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,,,my girlfriend has had very little interest in malifaux,,,she humors me when i talk about it,,,i scored the starter in hopes to run demo's at flgs with it, she picked it up to look over it and thought it sounded pretty neat,,,she opened the box and began to read the quickstart booklet,,,decided it sounded easy enuff even she could learn it,,(she is NOT a gamer,,,lol),,,and so asked if i wanted to play it,,,(um,,duh,, ;),,,walked her thru the first two scenarios last weekend, the second twice even,,and her response,,,,,'ive had enuff for today, but i want to play next weekend so i can use angel eyes',,,,worth $65 right there,,, :D



Edited by Deliamber8
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A friend of mine picked up the starter set and we played through the first 4 scenarios (didn't have time for the fifth).  He hasn't played since 1E and I've been out of the loop since the beginning of 2E.  I found it to be an excellent refresher, though by the end I was itching for a larger game with different models.  For someone completely new to the game, it's probably perfect.


I want to thank Wyrd for making Gencon a major event in terms of releases/pre-releases.  That definitely brought my attention back to the game and made me excited to jump back in.  Good work! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

just to jump in on it.. want to quote on what "peon" said. this starter set was perfect for a newb like me also. I already bought ALL of newborn and once have it painted will buyin to the guild for painting... it is an awesome start though surely got the hunger from playing just the starter.

cheers and well done wyrd!

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How much use will I get out of the starter for Lucius?

Lucius is focused on minions and specifically mimics/guardsman. And yes you could then make use of him in either Guild or Neverborn (what the starter comes with).

However, a lot of the models you want with Lucius are Mimics and Guardsman. I won't go into which faction he fits better in, as that's more a play style thing you have to experience. The biggest thing is that you'd want to make sure you grab a Doppleganger regardless, while not a minion, she is a mimic and can therefore be hired into either faction when playing Lucius. She gives you a lot of capability.

The thing I'll say is that the minions in the starter box are good, and will do well with Lucius, but there are obvious better ones (that cost more ss, i.e. are priced appropriately). For example, Illuminated come to mind (but can only be hired when playing Lucius in NB since not mimics). Bloodwretch's while very good models can't really benefit from their "(1) Rage Builds tactical action" when taking out of activation attacks, something Lucius typically enables. Now with that said, getting free attacks with them would be strong.

So to answer your question, you'll get some use out of Lucius with the starter because you'll get to play him in both factions. It's an interesting and viable way to expand. Just know you will be on the slippery slope of wanting more models with the Mimic and Guardsman characteristic.

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