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Model Suggestions- Resurrectionists


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Hey folks,


My partner and I will be attending GenCon in a few weeks. We've been away from Malifaux for some time, but have a few crew starters for several factions (we couldn't resist the gorgeous models). We plan to round out the forces at GenCon. We'd love any community feedback about good go-to models for the following crews: 


Shadows of Red Chapel- Seamus Starter

Vengeful Spirits - Kirai Starter (note, we have the metal version of this from last edition)


Are there other models folks would recommend we consider buying given synergy they might have with the above-mentioned crews? Thanks folks! I'll be posting a similar topic in a few other faction threads, so if you're an expert with lots of factions I'd love to see your thoughts in the other threads.



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Kirai will want the Gaki as previously mentioned.

Buy the McMorning box, as the Canine Remains has a good place in some crews. Kirai will want to use the Flesh Construct as a summoning battery, Seamus will want at least 1 nurse in most of his crews, and Sebastian offers good poison Synergy as well as a great anti-shooting ability to help shield a non shooting crew.


Buy a box of Necro Punks and split them, most crews will want access to 1.


Buy Molly's Box if either of you have interest in expanding to her. Philip and the Nanny are a great hand cycler, scheme runner, and is good enough at destroying enemy scheme markers and killing enemy scheme runners of the inexpensive sort. Additionally Crooligans can be staples in the Resser Scheme Running department when PURE scheme running, other Synergies, or cost make the Necropunks less desirable.


For Seamus I would argue after a nurse the most wanted synergistic model you would want is Yin. She is amazing, buy her now.


You could also go for Hanged. They have some synergy with Seamus, though I personally am not a fan, but the Kirai player will definitely want them as models to summon.


You also *might* want to consider another box of Belles. I have 8 or 9, and I don't often use that many, but sometimes get up to that via summoning and depending on list. I know players who 3 is more than enough, so this would be the least useful.


Finally if you still have cash, consider the Crossroads 7 box. I'm not a fan of the theme, but as far as Seamus is concerned most of the band have a once per turn WP duel that is pretty good and will synergize well with him, especially Lust, Sloth, and Avarice.

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I'm not sure if you already have them, but since you have a metal Kirai starter crew, you should consider getting the wave 2 resser arsenal deck. The wave 2 deck comes with Kirai's starter crew stuff and extras.


I thought you guys were looking to play at Gen Con, and re-reading the post it looks like you want to get models.


I suggest buying the exclusive stuff that will come out there first, if you guys care for it, as you can always pick up the other stuff that's being mentioned here at your convenience.


From my understanding, the Gencon exclusive items are Dark Carnival and Miss AnnThrope. Dark Carnival is a limited edition, gender swap version of Collette. This is the resser thread you guys have posted, so it's not super relevant here, but since  you're planning on buying it based on your topic in the Arcanist forum, I say buy that as your first thing, because it'll cost a pretty penny and is a Gencon exclusive item.


Once you buy that, consideri looking at the resser stuff that will release down the road that you want--for art or for gaming. Dead Rider looks pretty cool, but I think is an unlikely good game pick for you guys. The model also releases down the road, so if you get it at Gencon you'll have it earlier. Most of the stuff recommended here is already released, so you can pick them up at your leisure.


This is something I consider important because you're posting in multiple forums for suggestions, and people are making suggestions that will influence spending decisions, which can get expensive if you spend only $10 per each faction outside of the Collette starter. 


Since you'll get the Collette nightmare starter, just spend $10 more and you get a Miss Ann Thrope, the other Gencon exclusive, which counts as a wastrel, a Guild/Ten Thunders minion. I think if each of you spends $100 separately, you'll both get one so you'll have two female wastrels. If you hit it, nice, if not, you'll probably still get one because the Collette starter is like $90.


If Gaki are available at Gencon, you should get those because they're not out yet otherwise, similar to Dead Rider and Carrion Effigy.


After that, for ressers I suggest picking up the individual model recommendations mentioned, because they can be more difficult to get in the wild than the starter crews. Plus, they often cost less, and saving a few bucks here and there on several buying decisions helps you buy another model set as well. 

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Unless they've changed their policy the dark carnival will most likely be available at the Black Friday and Easter sales for some time forward. Tara nightmare is still available and she was released at the first M2E gen con in 2013. So unless you have to have it now You can most likely wait on the carnival.


I change my suggestion: buy all the not yet released models recommended that you like and then get the small model packs if they're not part of starters. Then look at crew boxes. It may not give you nurses or crooligans, for example, but you can pick those up pretty easy at most stores. I've found local stores don't stock many individual models because they're fairly niche, but they'll carry crew boxes fairly often.

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This is a personal opinion, and you should definitely make up your own mind. That said, if you are looking at it from a gaming perspective, and more specifically from a competitive angle, the Carrion Effigy is not worth it,..with one or two caveats.

1st the model is pretty decent, and as far a model to paint and collect it's worth your money, though for me, and not a knock at wyrd's prices, $11+ is a little steep for me. In that respect definitely pick him up as he could definitely be of use in other systems, and would look very well on a display shelf, as I feel design and sculpt wise he is one of the best effigy.

2nd: he might have some play with Molly. The first ability and sort of the carrion effigy's signature is that he removes immunities in an aura. In my opinion this is the trap ability. It's really not good, at the moment at least, because it takes so much set up to get the ability to work, and if you are counting on his ability to make what you are doing more effective he won't last long and you can't build any redundancy for it into your crew. And even if you get it working it can be trivially ignored by just blocking LoS.

The second ability is where he could be good. Be within 8 of your master, and you can make them harder to kill at the cost of a card or a corpse. Most of the other resser masters don't really need that ability as they have pretty robust mechanisms to stay alive already, coupled with the fact that you need to burn a corpse or card to make the heal work, in Molly's case she has the least wounds, the most card intensive defense, and the most resource intense heal of the masters who possess a self heal. There are also a lot of corpses that tend to get generated around her that she doesn't need, so he could be good, and I'm experimenting a bit with him at the moment.

The problem is that while he isn't badly costed for what he does, I mean he is very resilient and decently speedy for a 4 ss model, he just doesn't bring anything that is needed by a crew that another similar costed model can't do better. I mean I've never played a game where I have ever thought, you know what I really needed in this game was the carrion effigy, he would have made the difference.

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I mean I've never played a game where I have ever thought, you know what I really needed in this game was the carrion effigy, he would have made the difference.

That's kinda true of most 4SS non-Scheme running models in the game. I mean, they usually don't make the difference, that's why they are so cheap. "I really wish I had had a Fire Gamin" isn't something that anyone is likely to utter all that often.

That is not to say that I necessarily disagree with you. Carrion Effigy is sorta lackluster. Molly and McMourning can make use of it but it isn't vital to either one and you won't miss it. If you do take it, you can probably put it to use and not feel like you wasted those 4SS - it isn't going to lose you games or anything. At 3SS it would be quite the steal for M&M (heck, at 3 all the other Resser Master would start to take notice) so "being not worth it" is very slight in this case.

I do agree that the price is quite steep, though.

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