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Transporting Your Malifaux Models

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Hey all, I was wondering how people are transporting your Malifaux around?  Skimming old threads on here it sounds like KR and Battlefoam are pretty popular but the shipping costs those two companies are giving are obscene (even with the July 4th sale for the latter).  Right now they're just piggybacking in my Warmachine battlefoam bag but I'm already running out of spare space to give their way.  Does anyone have any recommendations on foam companies that don't charge about the price of the bag again on shipping to Canada?

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If feasible you can wait til a convention and buy everything you need from the companies in one go. I know this isn't always feasible.

If I could go back in time and start all over I would use those magnetic boxes where your shit doesn't touch anything - best idea ever but I'm commited to foam and don't want to put magnets on the bottom of models ive already completed.

A lot of people argue between hard battlefoam and soft kr - these people are silly. I see no difference between the two as far as storage goes and if anything, removing a model from hard foam makes you more careful minded and you can immediately feel that the mini is catching rather than the "give" that soft foam allows for.

I think this is a mind game. The preference for soft foam is probably only there because its nicer to touch and it "makes sense" that it should be better. No real difference - buy what you like/what's cheaper.

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If I could go back in time and start all over I would use those magnetic boxes where your shit doesn't touch anything - best idea ever but I'm commited to foam and don't want to put magnets on the bottom of models ive already completed.



I made magnetic boxes using plastic containers and cutting up cheap baking trays.  They work just fine, but if I were starting fresh today I would take a serious look at the bake-n-take style baking pans that are metal and come with a lid.  Roughly the same price as my homemade containers with none of the work.  Someone on the Wyrd Place group said they had found one with some sort of a ridge  on the bottom so that they were able to slide their models off rather than having to pull them off.  That's a good idea and may have me buying new storage.

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My LGS orders Battlefoam so that's what I've used for Warmachine but I've heard good things about KR so I decided to look into it.  Turns out the equivalently sized KR and Battlefoam Malifaux bags are almost the same price (about $50) which really surprised me - how is the cardboard box Not cheaper? :/  Magnetic trays sound interesting, but... I travel entirely via buses and the local skytrain so there's a lot of banging around.  I wouldn't trust my models not to go flying every sudden stop on the bus.


Eventually I'll get something for it in foam, I was just shocked that Battlefoam and KR's prices were so close (and both of them were doing $40+ for shipping alone...).  Are there any other comparable brands people would recommend?

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As for models moving, I have two 3x1.5 mm disc neodymium magnets in my 30 mm bases (three 4x2 mm discs in 50 mm) and they are not moving about unless there is considerable forces involved. Those same forces would probably deform a foam bag enough to damage the miniatures inside.

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Metal Toolbox and magnets.  Malifaux models have some funky poses and angles, so trying to get them in foam can be tricky, so i bypassed the system entirely.  I've seen the discussions on the baking trays, and jury rigging things, but a good 3-4 drawer metal toolbox holds plenty of miniatures without issue.

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